Before Departure

Our train was set to depart by eleven-thirty in the morning, but by eleven-ten, there was still no sign of them anywhere amidst the ebb and flow of the station platform. Irene bringing Harry. Amanda bringing Sammy. The digital clock on the large neon panels kept flashing, eleven-fifteen now… who'll be in first place?

As for me, I found a bench overlooking the tracks. I got quite fond of it, decided to stay, and apparently, Adalia thought the same too, curling up beside me, using her frilly, lacy dress as both blanket, pillow, and mattress, and setting up camp until someone decides to prod her awake, I guess. 

I turned my head the other way, searching through the busy, noisy view of coming and going passengers for my other traveling companion who, after filtering out the more rounded-ear folks from my sights, wasn't too hard to find.

Just look for the wriggles. That's how you do it. Works half the time, every time, yeah.