Starved For Time

A perfect autumn's day breeze, a clear ocean of blue hanging from above, rarely could you find a more perfect day to laze beneath the cool shade of a tree. Everywhere I look, everywhere I'd listen, it was just peace and serenity all around. The birds in flight, the soft chimes of the wind rustling in the leaves… and Ash taking a nap on my lap. 

So yeah, in a way, Ash's wish for a relaxing respite sorta came true, after all… for her, anyway. 

As I continued my struggle against the barrier, in stark contrast, she was in total tranquility just inches right below me. I didn't even realize she was even there until I suddenly noticed it was getting easier to maintain my focus. Before that, we were just talking - it was just her, mostly, also just nonsensical murmurs, mostly - with me jutting in a word or two every once in a while, then eventually, those murmurs turned into soft snores, and now here we were.