Unorthodox Solution, Part 2

It seemed that things were finally going under way. These past moments of downtime of threats, questions, and answers, were quickly being uprooted and replaced by the silence of action and progression.

Jay, Grieven… knew it too, felt it too, right down to his bones. A definitive, decisive end to these long arduous few days just around the corner now. He had the look of someone with all forms of control completely stripped from him.

Which was just… poetic irony, really. 

The stray bit of parchment in Mom's grasp remained a fluttering, wrinkled curiosity affixed in my sights. Her explanation left much to be desired, and from what I can gather, the only use it seems to have for now was for taunting - as she continued to whirl it around before Griven's wide, trembling eyes.