Hoping, Part 1

It turns out Harry was quite the conversationalist when he's not too busy waging an intense tug of war with his very soul.

He had a very gentle manner of speech and the perfect weathered look to his gaze that made him seem and sound wiser beyond his years, even when he wasn't particularly saying anything wise at all.

"So, an exorcism, huh?" He squinted at me, a little baffled, a little doubtful. "Demon possessions… I didn't think I'd get the chance to experience one outside of cheap horror movies."

Clearly, he expected me to say something, but all the while, I was more busy trying to hide the cluelessness in my eyes.

Possession, demon possession, really of all the…

"Honestly, I'm still holding some reserves over all the whole thing," Harry continued on. "But with all that's happen, it does seem like the only viable explanation for it all. So, for now, I guess I'll take what I can get."