Undecided Surprises

Irene rose from her seat the moment she was done with her paperwork, muttering something about having somewhere to be, slipping in a modest tip along with her bill. 

"You working tomorrow?" She asked, shuffling her papers about in one sleek straight pile.

"Good question," I said. "Any reason you're asking?" 

"Because I can't stand the thought of a day without your smiles," She said, straight-faced. "Just answer the question, would you?"

"No, I should be at rehearsals, I think?" 

"When are rehearsals?" 

Then with a stroke of perfect timing, Amanda popped in with a text both with a venue and time - along with a message, "Don't be late! <3" 

I pocketed my phone before Nick could see. 

"Around two in the afternoon, apparently my debut scene is at a bar for some reason..." 

"With a permit, I hope?" Irene said. 

I just shrugged. "I hope."