Acting Chops

It took a couple of runabouts around the block before eyes could finally whittle down the endless rows of bricks and concrete to find the one unassuming building I needed out of dozens. 

A dingy little vintage tavern I had to clamber all the way up to the third floor for because much like me 24/7, the lift wasn't functioning properly. I managed to find a parking space to stash my ride, and while doing that, I also spotted Amanda's car right across me - and just adjacent to hers, some long-ass stretchy limousine took like three spots for itself.

I assumed that was Leon's there.

Filming equipment poked out of every window of his limo, as well corner edges of costumes sticking out of the trunk, which leads me to assume that he was playing cabby for a bunch of other cast members too. 

How nice of him.