An Elf's Tale, Part 8

It wasn't long before the seventh day had finally come and gone - yet alas, in spite of no good reasons for being so - here, the human yet remained.

For once, Eshwlyn found herself the last to awaken the very next morning, rousing bemusingly to the sounds of jovial laughter, as well as a strong savory fragrance that had her stomach roaring with yearning. 

Lenora, once again, partaking in one of her recently preferred pastimes, could be heard almost deafeningly over a simmer and a boil - and right beside her, almost just as boisterous, Terra could be seen trying yet ultimately failing to embolden the crackling flames, producing only meager sparks with a flick of her wrist. 

Following the loud commotion and the tantalizing swirl of 'cooking, Eshwlyn clambered out of the burrow and greeted the pair outside with bleary, restless eyes.