Tyler's Woes

Tyler had to sit me down for this one, our asses down and blocking the first few steps of the stairway, and there, he began to open up to me over a cold one despite the fact I don't drink, a detail he couldn't seem to fathom, shoving a beer in my hand regardless.

While everyone else was having fun talking, bonding, and just generally being jolly, and the person who I unequivocally thought would be the absolute frantic beating heart of a party turned out to be the only sole person here that was feeling dour. 

As the host, I pretty much had the moral obligation to ensure everyone has a good time. By force too, if I had to… so for a good while there, I did good playing the part of a cup holder while he chugged away his sorrows until he reached the bottom of a can and then some. 

To summarize a long story short, Tyler couldn't get a hold of Amelia anymore.