A Troubling Truth

Going out with multiple girls. At first glance, it might just be the dream life that many wished for but can never attain. And it's only due to quite the bizarre series of circumstances and development that I appear to have inadvertently placed myself at the highest pedestal that heaven on earth has to offer. 

So… good life? A hundred percent I'd be lynched and strung up a tree if I even dare say a word otherwise. But, see, no matter how good something may appear, there will always be caveats to deal with—the fine print you have to squint to even realize is there. No yin without the yang and all that wisdom-y metaphors. 

And living the good life like this means I'd have to up against the biggest caveat of them all: Society. 

More specifically though, Mr. Collins. Though blissfully in ignorance for the time being, you gotta seriously wonder just how exactly he'd react knowing that his dearly beloved daughter wasn't the sole apple of my eye?