[Bonus chapter] The Drunker Talk

With the gradual fade of Amanda's footsteps, I once again was left on my own to fend for myself against the bullets and bombs of extreme paternal love. Even while completely intoxicated, and barely being able to hold his own head upright, Mr. Collins refused to allow any of that to hamper his investigation of me.

On the other hand though, Amanda seemed to be on the solid belief that I'll have nothing to worry about here going forth. No unanswerable questions, no pressing ultimatums… if she really thinks drunk is better than sober… welp, not like I got any choice but to put my faith in her now.

Slowly and respectfully, I took my seat back right across from him, his glazed eyes closely trailing my every move and openly disapproving every second of it. 

"So," I spoke first. "Where were we again?"

"You had sex yet, young man?" 

Wine. Not even once.