Love The Sinner

"Fourteen minutes and forty-six seconds! That's barely under halftime, wow! And here I was thinking twenty minutes was the best anyone could get."

Yeah, definitely, after fourteen minutes stuck in the company of Ms. Sunshine over here, it sure was nice to have someone different that didn't see me as the dirt beneath their boots or any other equally degrading metaphors.

Elf-lady smiled her largest yet, the strap of a stopwatch dangling loosely around her wrist, glinting brightly with the record of our personal best.

"All five," I proclaimed, piling all the fragments onto the table, before promptly rearranging them to fit like pieces to a puzzle. One part goes here, another part goes there, and before long - voila, a heart, a love, had blossomed, forged solely by our efforts and unwavering bond. "I like the symbolism you got going here. Cute."