The Lovely Winners

And here we were again… back at square one, question one.

See, what I wanted from her was obvious, as simple and easy as words from her lips. 

The only caveat holding me back from making it as simple and easy—telling her what it is exactly I wished for was, well… did I seriously want it enough to put down and overshadow everything we have done together today?

All that time spent for the sake of fun, intimacy, all the strain she put herself through just to have the opportunity… was it really worth tossing all that aside all to just dredge up some old bitter memories that she herself had already long moved past from? 

Time and time again all throughout the day I've been constantly pestered by this question, this quandary… and before I thought the answer was to just simply let it go.

But recently I've been having doubts about that too. It's like some mysterious force in the universe kept hounding me to reconsider.