
Like an owl in the dead of night, this Adalia, with that unblinking wide-eyed stare that seemed to encapsulate the whole wide world and then some.

But no, she just saw, only me, the very moment I came into view, it was like she instantly thawed out from an entire millennium of just sitting frozen at the bus stop.

"Why… did he… call you…? What did he… want…?" 

As straight and blunt as a solid full-knuckle punch with the pressing questions. Seriously, not even a 'welcome back' first?

"Nothing much," I said all the while feeling the lie bulging and poking at my waist jangling around in my coat pocket.

Alas, my attempt at sincerity left much to be desired. I was already a bad enough liar even without the smile painted on my lips. 

She noticed, of course. Both the bulge and my smile. Got those all-seeing eyes, after all.

"What did he… give you…?" She asked.

All-seeing, indeed.