More Than Words

I think I might have just broken her.

No fizzling sparks, no system errors flashing red and impending across her eyes, there was just only this silence… only this stare… that somehow looked and felt even emptier than empty… and I knew exactly what she was going through. 

All the times she had me speechless, stunned, stumped, because of something she did, something she said - right then, she was definitely feeling everything I would feel tenfold, or maybe more, I wouldn't know… 

I don't think I had ever reacted the way she did now for anything, honestly… and all I did was pull out a slip of paper too. 

She really was the extremely sentimental sort, it seems. 


"A letter, huh?" Amanda roused back to life with a quiet mutter, wearing a subdued smile that seemed unsure of her own delight. "Since when did you even have time to…?"