The Birthday Star, Part 1

Just when I thought things couldn't be any more of a downer, the twist and turns of the night just had to go and up the ante, and surprise, surprise - love's the ultimate gamble. 

A surrogate daughter secretly yearning for the care and presence of her pseudo-mother… as if there was any better way to close the year out on. Then again, was there really actually any other way that this was all gonna end?

When it finally comes time to say goodbye… there was absolutely no way things would wind up as easy and simple as it sounds. 

Something, inevitably, was going to give - preferably in the form of someone silky, sullen, and already halfway through her fourth refill of water.

Irene remained stuck withdrawn in a contemplative silence. I didn't really know what much else there was for me to say still, so I just inadvertently wound up reinforcing that reclusive behavior of hers.