[Bonus chapter]Unjust Deservings

A harrowing scream momentarily eclipsed every other sound blaring through the night, and as the music, the traffic, and a gust of cold wind billowed back in, whimpers followed… the haphazard trudge of many feet… as George and his group stalked off into the darkness, leaving only the barrenness of the wall in their place, the broken knife still buried deep in its ruptured surface. 

Then, after a long while of muted ambiance, Dave spoke up, his voice nasally and slurred, a far disparity from its usual overwhelming appeal.

"I won't even pretend to understand what exactly I just witnessed. Everything that happened was just… and you threw that knife as if… and… oh God, he stabbed you… are you…?" 

"I'm fine, and I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't question it anymore." 

Dave went quiet, both in compliance and utter confusion. Instead, he just looked toward Michael, all his thoughts and questions funneled into one unblinking stare.