The Deepest Sleep

I was awake. 

Blinking, breathing. Pretty much like what any other living, waking being does on the daily. 

Except none of this felt like that. I don't even know what this was. All I knew was that I was awake. 

Was I awake? 

Sleeping - I remembered sleeping. I remembered clambering up the usual steps to my bedroom. I remembered dinner, remembered Adalia requesting something sweet for breakfast tomorrow, I remembered also noting to refill our dwindling cereal stock in the pantry. 

Tomorrow… tomorrow was Saturday, I think? A day off from work, the fourth day of the new year, if my thinking was right - I really don't know. For some reason, nothing here felt or even looked right. 

Like the bed I was lying on, the ceiling my eyes were glued to… if reality could be believed, then none of them were mine. 

Or at the very least, they weren't anymore.