A Time Of Wants, Part 4

A surprise, indeed. 

Death isn't something one typically has to keep in mind on one's birthday. Unless you're old, or terminal maybe… fortunately I'm decades and decades away from facing my pending mortality, and I like to think I keep myself as healthy as can be. So, that being said, what exactly were we doing here? 

Wedged in the middle of a bustling festival dedicated to commemorating Death itself. 

I mean, I wouldn't mind it so much if not for the fact that Death and I haven't been seeing eye-to-eye with each other as of late. The memory's still fresh in my head, meeting her, being chided by her, the way she looked, sounded… it's fresh enough that it was still rattling to think about. 

And I'm sure Ruria knows that too, which makes it all the more mystifying why she'd choose an event like this to bring me to.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Ruria noted, seeing the look on my face.