Opening Ceremony

Before starting the ceremony we were given a tour of the rooms and left our luggage and other things there, I myself did not have much, a bag with clothes and a box of potions with sachets of ingredients. After that we were taken to the reception where there was a variety of food, at that lunch I met several people a girl named Jade, a boy named Sebastian and a girl named Pearl, we told our journey and what impressed us most, our skills and more.

As there was almost no drink I decided to go get a pitcher for all of us and serve us calmly, when I was looking at the candy I ran into a girl named Carolina who greeted me in a polite manner but then she started talking about her family of pure blood of very qualified witches, it is true that some things made me curious but that way of emphasizing her last name Waiters was a little uncomfortable for me, I have never really paid attention to that of pure or impure blood magician was the same for me, you are you and that's it.

As I was taking a long time because of Carolina, Perla went to look for me and clearly this seemed to Carolina a lack of respect, only seeing her face told me what I did not want to know, while I looked at her from up to down she said

Carolina: ewg, the atmosphere begins to smell like regurgitated toad. -looking ugly-

Pearl: I don't smell anything, are you sure about that? -he looks at me in a curious way and then at Carolina-

Carolina: logical, because it's your smell. -she laughs with other girls-

Me: How can you say that, you are disrespectful and immoral, apologize to her. -uncomfortable-

Carolina: oh! The rumor is true, you have a cold look when you get angry, exciting but I will never apologize to a hybrid; besides, they shouldn't even have accepted it. -he looks at me maliciously-

The other girls, because of my anger, just stayed quiet and left without seeing my face, I knew that my eyes changed color according to my anger, but at that moment I was not interested in knowing the color, Perla just stayed quiet and insisted me to leave it like that and that I was used to it. Saying only that made me more angry and I decided to take all the candy and bring it to the table, now whoever wanted candy had to ask me for it.

Even though I wanted to use my magic and turn her into a bellyful toad I had to put up with it since it was forbidden to cast spells or give potions to our companions, logically Jade when she saw my face she just asked "What happened?", but when she heard my answer of "Don't ask" it was a whole and nothing in turn, she took her favorite candy and Sebastian's and I tried to finish my lunch in peace.

After our big lunch I decided to ask for permission and take some candy with me, while he was warning there would be no problem, so I made a slight spell to create a servant who would take him to my room, while they guided us to a big crystal ball giving us a little reading of which quality we should reinforce more; at the sides of the ball there were 2 teachers from whom we would be separated when we put on our witch hat, the hat was black but it changed the color of the ribbon one of a dark lilac color and another one of a blood red color.

Then they would put another ribbon on the tip but it was because of the geographical distribution of the non-magicians, before me there was Perla and before her there was Jade and next to her Sebastian, they separated us again and that in part already tired me out, but while I waited a boy named Nestor talked, his way of expressing himself gave me to understand that he was all English, he was very polite and kind to talk and that pleased me.

I noticed that it was Jade's turn and of course Néstor, upon noticing that, decided to hope that she would listen to what they were saying to her, her strong point was the incantations and her weak point was a mixture of potions, the ribbon of her hat was lilac and her other ribbon was white which indicated South America, I apologized to Néstor and he very kindly said

Néstor: My lady, you don't have to worry about it, I liked our talk. -Take my hand gently and kiss it-

I: -I blush a little- it is very kind Sir. Néstor, I hope I can talk to you again.

He smiles happily and when I noticed that Perla was nervous I encouraged her and approached her to the crystal ball, then I moved away so as not to interfere with the prediction, her strong point was healing and training of pets and her weak point was distrust of incantations, when I touched her hat I saw that her ribbon was red and Carolina did not take long with a loud voice to say

Carolina: fence if you touch him in another class would be a great abra cadabra. -she laughs loudly-

I: -uncomfortable- that's enough, let's not touch that point again.

Carolina: you look spicy, you get angry easily. -laughs from her friends-

Me: don't tempt me.

A strong voice came out of the crystal ball and says: beware of obstacles because they will be your ruin, but you have a gift that can overcome even the strongest.

Carolina, encouraged because she thought it was with her, said that she never had any obstacles and that she would always be the best, with Nestor's help I calmed down and he gave me to understand that he didn't care about cigars or not, knowing that I was happy and I thanked him; when it was my turn because Nestor gave me way, the crystal ball didn't say anything for a while, I couldn't deny that I was feeling anxious, so they gave me my hat and asked me to stand behind one of the teachers and wait.

When it was Nestor's turn, he told the first one that he was a great magician and that he would not hesitate to reinforce incantations, lilac and navy blue ribbon that indicated the area of Europe, I noticed how he asked me to be calm, that maybe my prediction was very important that only I would listen to it. After passing all of them took me with them to the great hall of sorcerers and explained what had happened.

The crystal ball still didn't want to talk to me, so they decided to call the great elder pythoness to see what she thought about it, after listening carefully to everything that happened, I support the same opinion as I do, we shouldn't discriminate against anyone no matter if they are magicians or not. After looking for some things and preparing a table and then she asked me to take off my hat and forget about everything, I had to have a blank mind and then sit down; After doing that she shuffled the cards while saying

Major Pythoness: she gave you a prediction along with some advice, what I'm going to do is help you understand more of what she said -she stops the cards in two-

Then I put them back together and from there I widened them to choose 5 cards that she would accommodate to each cardinal and elemental point, after a while she turned the one in the middle that represented my "I" then she showed them as a compass of North, South, East and West and from there the rest. Then he looked at them attentively and said

Pythoness major: the crystal ball was right - look at them calmly- you have a very strong magic that you know how to control, even though sometimes you distrust yourself you have friends and family that encourage you and that is your source and power so to speak -pause- but I see that there is a black cloud coming towards you, please be careful, even though there is a letter of hope... The lovers.

I was curious about this letter since I was not in love and to have a romance I would have to know a guy well and for now that was impossible, although there was the tower that also gave me hope to become more solid, the star and the moon said and affirmed that my family was my pillar and my source of power was the moon. Likewise it gave me hope and that it will guide me through it.