Don’t be hasty!

"Alex wait just think about this for a second!"Lia yelled out grabbing onto their arm.

"Oh come on Lia you said it yourself , we are going to that house!" Alex said pulling their arm away from Lias grip.

"Hey, hey guys let's just sit down and discuss this ok? Alex trust me we will figure something out so please sit and let's talk." Xavier said in a calm but demanding tone.

"Ok fine" Alex said with a huff.

"Ok so what do you guys think we should do?" Lia said starting their informal meeting.

"I think we should go!" Alex said.

"They do have a point" Xavier said, "we could just take a look around and see if we see anything."

"Yeah well you are just saying that because of your crush on Alex." Venus said with a smirk.

"N-no o-of course not." Xavier said turning a deep shade of red.

"But I don't think it would hurt, but we would have to leave if anything bad happens, that's my only requirement." Venus said matter of factly.

"Ok well then I guess it's unanimous, but when should we go?" Lia questioned.

"How about this weekend if everyone is free then?" Xavier said excitedly.

"I'm down for it." Alex said happily.

"Ok then this weekend it is!" Lia stated smiling.

The week continued on and on until it was Saturday morning. They decided to meet up at Lias house as usual.

And so begins the actual story for they were about to set off on their journey to the haunted house. Let's hope it goes well...