Into the abyss- or should I say house

As the group walked in the house they were stunned by how large and intact it was. They had see the video, but in person it was so much more shocking and awe inducing.

The room they were standing in was a large room with tables on both sides of the walls. In front of them were two staircases (going to the same place) and a little door between them which they remembered as the basement door.

"Where should we start?" Asked Xavier taking in the beauty of this old house.

"How about we go in a similar way to how Horror did it? Alex replied.

"Sure but we should split into groups for safety." Venus interjected.

"Yeah I'm not gonna end up like one of those horror movie idiots." Lia said giggling.

"So me and Venus will go together and you two love birds can be together." Lia said with a evil glimmer in her eye.

"Whatever, so me and Xavier will take the basement and you two can check all the rooms on this floor, we'll meet back her in 30 minutes. Does that sound good?" Alex said annoyed at Lias tease.

"Whatever floats your boat!" Lia said smiling.

"Shut up with your corny sayings, it's annoying. Alex said rolling their eyes at Lia.

"Ok see you in 30!" Venus replied with a smile. "Be safe guys ok?"

"Ok!" Xavier and Alex replied at the same time.

They all searched and couldn't find Horror, but did find some weird things. Before they knew it, it was time to meet back up.

They all walked over to each other.

"Did you find anything?" Alex asked.

"No nothing like at all." Venus said.

" are you guys ready to go upstairs, and to the attic? Alex said.

"Yep let's hurry and explore the top floor so we can get to the attic!" Lia said giddy.

"Well then let's go!" Alex said.

They the walked up to the top floor and looked around, and nothing like at all. It was almost creepy how clean- well for an old house- this place was. They finally finished and decided to head up to the attic.

They grabbed the doorknob and started to turn it.

"Ready?" Alex said.

"Ready!" They all stated.

"Let's go in there and find Horror!" Xavier said.

Alex started to carefully open the door with a creak....