A romantic date

-Come on kid, don't be shy, look at this, a beautiful Walther PPK, a semi-automatic short gun that is the same one James Bond used in almost all his movies... They even say it's the same kind of gun that Hitler killed himself with.

—N... No thanks, I was just watching...

-Ohh come on, nobody just walks into a gun store just to see... Let's see, maybe you're not a gun fan, how about a shotgun, I have in my hands a very special gun, a Saiga-12, a very popular Russian automatic shotgun lately, with a drum with the capacity of 600 shots, this beauty is the AK-47 of shotguns -The man seemed too desperate and I don't blame him, having a gun store in a back alley to a main shopping street, it must be really hard to get something sold.

-I really have no interest in anything, I was just passing through. -If they asked me why I specifically went into that store, well, I couldn't answer, it was almost unconscious, as if something deep inside me was telling me that I should go into that store, a somewhat strange feeling.

-Come on, there must be something that interests you... Besides, here between us, I don't really care if you are underage, I don't even ask for identification -The man was really desperate...

For a moment that offer tempted me, those weapons were calling me in an almost hypnotic way, it seemed as if they were telling me to buy them... They were telling me to use them, to spill blood with them, to feast on death and destroy everyone I met, to make a beautiful work of art out of that girl's organs so...


No... I must not, although all my being wants it, to have a weapon would be too obvious, the last thing that I want is that some policeman checks my bag and finds a minor with a firearm ... But it was so intoxicating to have a gun in my hands, the possibilities...

-Is that also for sale? -I asked the seller pointing to a beautiful dark gray knife that was in a glass case behind the seller.

-What...? Ohh, this is a pretty special knife, a Cold Steel, a weapon mostly for military use, but also used for fishing or hunting. At 120 grams and with a nine centimeter long blade, it's the best you can get - probably everything in that store had to be "special"... But that knife, the shape, the image that was reflected in my eyes... I could see my hand holding that knife, my bloody hand... A strange feeling of hope came over me when I saw that knife. With it I could do what had to be done, complete the mission for which I was born... I could end it all... Besides, it looked so sublime.

-I want it -I said without even asking the price.

I left immediately after the store, the knife cost me 100 dollars, much more than it probably would have cost me in another store, but that knife was special. I went straight to the commercial street, I didn't want anyone to see me leaving the store, so I waited until there were few people. I put the knife inside the red bag I had on my back, the man had offered me a bag, but obviously I turned it down.

-So here you are, I've been looking for you for quite a while," said Lisa who surprised me as she came out of the alley.

That day we both had a date, Lisa had been very excited that we would finally be able to go out together because after Lisa had talked to her friends about our relationship, the two incredibly annoying girls decided that they would be with them every time they went out, like two parasites.

Lisa had planned this date in secret from her friends and you could tell by their enthusiasm. That day she looked more beautiful than ever, with straight black hair in a ponytail with a red bow that gave her a more feminine and childlike touch. She wore a purple full-body dress that reached her knees with black high-heeled boots, which made her look like a fashionable model. That day she was better dressed than ever, with just a little makeup on her face that gave her a more natural beauty touch. Lisa was truly the jackpot.

-I'm sorry, I just wanted to see a store that I'd been wanting to visit for a while -That was obviously a lie... Or so I think.

-So... Did you get anything you liked? -said Lisa with a smile and an intrigued face, you could tell she was desperate to ask what kind of store it was, but she didn't, that girl was so good that she would never get into other people's business.

-Yes... You could say that... -I had to keep the knife a secret, I couldn't let anyone know about it...

-That makes me happy... So what do you want to do now, we've checked out almost every store on the street, we've had a very delicious Italian pasta lunch by the way, but I can't think of what else to do - even though Lisa was supposed to plan everything, she really didn't have much time to do it, with all her debate club and volleyball activities, her week had been pretty busy. That day they had mostly improvised everything, the first thing they did was to go around all the women's clothing stores, a task that was quite boring and annoying and even more so when I had to pretend to care what I chose and had to give my opinion of each outfit. Then we had gone to eat at an Italian restaurant whose name I don't remember was supposed to be quite popular those days. If there was one thing Lisa liked, it was pasta bolognese in all its forms. There must not have been a girl who could eat so many kilos of pasta without getting fat... The only problem was my incredible dislike for Italian food, something I obviously didn't mention for Lisa's sake.

In spite of everything, it was really nice to see Lisa having fun and enjoying herself. She looked so much more radiant when she put on that dimpled smile on her left cheek that marked the mole under her eye so much more. Like every time she wanted me to give her opinion about her look, she would play with her ponytail bow. He would look at it out of the corner of his eye so that I could see if I was having fun without him noticing that he was watching me. Like every time she wanted me to hold her hand, she would shyly touch her hand to mine, as if she had touched it by accident. The way she blushes every time she wants me to give her a compliment and tries to ignore me, the happy face she makes when I give her a compliment. That girl was so amazing that it was hard for me to describe how much I love her...

And all I would like to do is rip her throat out with my new knife and...

"Easy there, breathe, don't get carried away, don't let your impulses get the worst of you"

—¿Y... If we watch a movie? -That would be a good way to keep quiet, pretend that everything was fun was pretty tired and maybe you could get some rest.

-Ohhh, wonderful idea! -Lisa was pretty easy to convince, anything seemed good as long as they did it together.

In the end they ended up going to the nearest cinema and chose the first movie they saw. They bought some popcorn and one of those bottomless glasses where you could reload as many times as you wanted. They sat on the far side of the screen and watched the whole movie in silence, they were the only ones in the room, apparently the movie was not very popular. Lisa rested her head on my shoulder and her hand on mine, sometimes she could be shy and other times quite direct. The girl would raise her head from time to time probably to check that I wasn't falling asleep... Although it was she who fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

In that moment so calm, serene and quiet, with the two of them together with no one else in the whole room, with Lisa so helpless... An almost uncontrollable desire began to grow in me, a desire that for some reason became stronger in that place and moment. How easy it would be to take out the knife and cut her throat right there... How easy it would be to put the scarf he had in his bag and carry it to a far away place while pretending to take his girlfriend home... How easy it would be to dump the body in a place where no one could see it... How easy it would be to disappear after having committed such a horrible act...

There I was, with my head spinning and my thoughts fragmented, with one hand being held by Lisa and the other in the bag holding my new knife... The desire to do what I wanted and had to do was too strong... I could do it and no one would notice...

"But how beautiful she looks when she sleeps"

My whole being wanted to kill her at that very moment and at the same time I wanted to keep her on my shoulder for all eternity... My thoughts were divided, fighting to see who would gain power over my body. And the bad thoughts were gaining ground...

Next time it would be better to choose a movie whose title is not "Inside the Psychopath's Mind"... That had not been my best choice...