Author's Notes (Part 1, Section 2)

12/06/2020 ~ Queeneth & Sire's love story

You might think that she is a bit naive

When she says that someday, she'll be your queen

~ Dreamer Girl by Asa.

"So what do you have in mind?" I asked Sire eagerly.

"Can you come to the front seat of the car? I have something to show you." He asked. I removed his laptop from my lap and placed it gently by the side.  I opened the door to my side and went out of it, shutting it firmly behind me. Then I walked to the side of the front seat's door, opened it and hopped onto it's seat, shutting the door. I was seated next to Sire now.

I know I could have simply just slide over to the front seat without having to do all of that but it was awkward having my butt in someone's face. Besides, I had tried it once when I was sixteen and I farted in the process. Worse off, I farted on my dad's face and it stunk badly. It was embarrassing.

Sire said nothing though. He just let me do what I wanted to do or rather still, he was uninterested since what he had to tell me was more important. Then he brought out his iPad and swiped through some pictures in his gallery till he got to a particular picture and then stopped. Then he showed it to me.

I stretched a little further so I could be closer to him and to enhance my ability to see the picture. It was a picture consisting of a sheet of paper and a quill and a few scribblings on the paper. Then there was a bold writing by the side, which read;

Writing contest for High school Students. Winner of the contest gets a free trip to France. You must be between the age sixteen and nineteen to be able to participate in this contest.

Deadline: 26th of July, 2020

Visit: to register for the contest and to enquire for more information.

"How am I even supposed to participate in a writing contest when I can't even update my story during the week? Besides do you think  parents would even let me go to France by myself?"

"Worry about France later and start thinking of what you can possibly write that would help you win the contest. How you are going to participate in the contest should not even be your problem right now because I would help you with that. You have me. Don't forget that. You just think of a short story you can write that would help you win the contest." He assured.

But he had no idea, how long it always took me to come with something to even write. That would involve a lot of thinking.

"So what would happen to the current story I am updating?"

"You can make the story a meta fiction. You can write about your life story and about your characters at the same time. You can easily make it a two in one story."

"Easily? So what do you want me to write about myself? My life isn't even all that interesting. Shall I just formulate some sappy romance story for myself involving some hot jerk of a guy? Look, this does not even look too possible." I huffed, uneasy and uncertain about everything.

It looked difficult.

"Calm down Queeneth." He tolled his eyes because It was clear that he could not help it. We were both frustrated. You just can not start concluding that it would not work when you have not even started."

I took a deep breath and heaved a sigh. He was looking at me with some kind of resolution in his eyes; like he was hell bent on convincing me yet pissed off at the same time that I was not buying it. He clenched and unclenched his jaws and did the same for this fists to as he groped the steering wheel in one hand.

"You don't have to give your self that kind of stupid storyline. You can simply write your autobiography. How about your legs? Huh? Write about them. Can't you? I've known you for a while now and I know you are not shy or insecure about sharing your story because you have bene doing just that on your Instagram posts for a while. You can simply just write about your legs and inspire people who have bodily defects of any kind. You have been inspiring people in your own way for so long and you have dealt with your situation in the best way.

You can write about how your peculiarity has helped you attain even more confidence rather diminishing it and besides many people do not even know what Blount's Disease is neither do they know what it feels like to be in that situation or how to deal with it. You writing about it in your story would be you creating awareness in all of it's spheres. Imagine teaching the whole world what only you or a few people know about? I know it's easy for them to google what Blount's disease is but at the end of the day, they would never know much about it until someone who has been through it, narrates to the world what it is like. You can peacefully create the perfect picture and take your readers on a dive into your world and tell it in your own authentic way. No one else would be able to tell your story like you can tell it. This would not only make you win the contest, it would gain worldly recognition. Pick your pen and educate the world in your own way babe."

"Hmm." I let out a breathe I did not know I had been stifling. "This is a lot and this would take a lot of time and speed would be needed no matter what?" I concluded.

"Do not worry babe. We have about a month left to the deadline. You just do the writing. If you are still worried about the current story you're updating, we can do it together. You can write your story outline on a notepad and how you want it to be written on Wattpad when it's being posted and I would do the typing for you. Bring the notepad along with you when we meet next Saturday and write a part of your story too so you can update it on my laptop for Saturday. I would do the posting of your story on Sunday. You just give me the notepad and I would type it exactly as you've drafted it. Then I would give you your notepad the following week and we can continue the routine. I would handle your story while you handle your autobiography. We can do this babe."

"Why do you want me to chip in my autobiography into my story though? I mean, I just wanna know."

"You know, this is more than just posting your story on a website for judgement so you can win a contest. That is temporary. I want it to be permanent. It is your story babe and the world has to know about it. I want it to be published. The whole world might not get to read the work of whoever won a popular contest or even if they do, it might just end up as a news that would trend for some time and then it dies down but the whole world can have an access to a book forever and if it's in a book, it stays forever and ever. Besides I know for sure that your daddy would be proud of you. You might not like him now because he's not letting you do what you want and he thinks you would have to succumb to his wishes at the end of the day but you can fight babe and you can fight in your own way. There's no way he would not be proud of you and eventually let you go for what you want."

"You know we meet every fortnight. How would I possibly come to see you next week?" I asked and then I got the answer in my head as soon as I had asked. I snapped my fingers in the air ecstatically. "I can just lie to my parents about my legs. I haven't had leg pains in a while so if I wince now and tell them I was going through a crisis, they would believe me and would want me to come and visit your dad every week. I mean it's pretty easy to tell my mum, "mummy I can't sweep today because my leg is hurting me. It's seriously paining me." "

We progressed into a session of hearty, long laughter, hitting each other's chests euphorically which made me wonder why we were laughing so much but it did feel warm to laugh so much, speaking of the part tension that was existent between us a few moments ago.

"It must be a real pleasure. Hmm. That sounds like a plan that would work really well!" Sire added after the long session of laughter.

"Thank you, Sire. For all that you do for me. I mean, I did not even think of this. Just thought I could change the lives of people around me and do my thing in my own small way but I guess it's time to pick up my pen, huh?"

"All you just need is to stop doubting babe and do your thing because I'm here for you and I ain't complaining."

He reached out for my hands and he took mine in his, squeezing it affectionately. It surprisingly made zaps of electricity course through my entire body which I had never felt before.

He held my hand reassuringly and smiled at me, the ray of hope in his eyes was contagious, like a flame on a candle; it lit up my dead wax and gave me a course to believe that now was all I had and all I had to do was think of just one single reason why it was possible for me to participate in the writing contest amidst ninety reasons why it was not possible.

And that one reason was him. He was all I had and All I could ever need.

As the sun was setting on the edge of river in a seeming, fleeting iridescence of pinkish, red and orange colors, the natural hue bliss shone on Sire's face, his brown eyes glistening so beautifully as he stared at me, I could feel my soul beam. I bit my lip slightly from the tingling excitement I had been feeling.

I made a decision to record every single moment, everything about Sire and how much of an amazing person he was, this moment where we had made a crucial decision of our lives. I was going to write about all of it in it's authentic occurrence as a part of my novel and as a marking of the beginning of my autobiography.

That was the least I could do, for a person who clearly loved me ethereally enough to make me risk so much and was willing to risk a lot for me as well. His love took me out of my comfort zone just so I could be the best version of myself.

He came closer to me now and placed a soft kiss on my plump lips. The sunset created a sinewy shadow on his face as he stared at me, still smiling radiantly. It was golden. It made me melt. He pulled back, still holding my hand in his. It was the first time I had ever been kissed by any one yet it was not as stupid or as embarrassing as I always imagined it to be. It was blissful; it was like the sealing of a covenant; a sign to mark the beginning of a radical change; the alpha of our stories.

I promise to write and make the best out of my story, even if it was for this cause alone.