Chapter 18: Tempting Gatherings


Zoe sashayed into her office, seating her lips like she'd been doing so for years and had mastered the art of seduction but I can't even focus on that right now, since all I am concerned about is my wife's safety and that's the reason why I'm here to see her.

I would be lying if I say that I am not aware of the fact that, Zoe has always had a huge crush on me. I know she does and sometimes, the way she shows it makes it a Herculean's task for me to resist her because come on, seeing how her nipples always shoot out, distinctively highlighting the perkiness of her boobs in her outfits, really does make small zaps of electricity flash all over my face.

It makes my ear erect, and above all, all of the blood in my body flows straight down to my crotch.

Yes, she is a tad bit too attractive and I would be lying if I said I have not been tempted on few occasions and dating as far back as our days at secondary school, there were times when I would wish I could just have the time of my life with her so she would leave me alone because, heck, She tempted me that much!

Now, it's even harder to resist her when I'm in a restricted place like this, with just the two of us in her office. It's harder now because I'm beginning to give my entire marriage with Cassandra a second thought.

I mean, I know that whatever lustful desires I feel towards Zoe are all just vain and would dissipate after a very short while hence why I never gave in to her amorous gestures because I love Cassandra too much to risk five minutes of pleasure.

Besides, I'm not the type of man who has sex with multiple women and dumps them immediately afterward. That's the attribute of a chauvinistic asshole who suffers from some pathetic trauma due to past experiences and can not help but exert his lunacy on naive girls.

I certainly am not that person.

I am a committed person and I love very passionately hence why I chose Sandra regardless because she has always been the woman of my dreams. I mean, I can understand if Sandra some times acts like she does not love me but I know she does and I know we have spent so much time together, getting to know each other and becoming so vulnerable before each other during our days as high school students for me to just think that she does not love me.

I understand how Sandra can be most of the time though; she can be cold, unapproachable, and sometimes scary even but, that part that convinced me that she loves me too constantly outweighs the parts that make me feel like she does not. I trust her so much and she means so much to me, she has been there for me and has stood up for me on the days when I needed her the most hence why I would never cheat on her no matter the stunts Zoe pills and no matter how distant my wife might seem from me at the moment.

Also, I know Zoe isn't exactly a good person. Ever since that day that word got out about Cassandra's ex cheating on her, I wondered why Zoe told me first and had forcefully made me divulge the information to Cassandra when I didn't want to. I did not give that suspicious act much thought back then, till I later discovered that Zoe had a crush on me, then it came to a better understanding.

I can't trust her because she seems to be a top-notch gossip and a talebearer, hence why I would never satisfy those desires that she desperately wants me to fulfill. I can't destroy the relationship I have with someone I value just to have sex with some I don't even know.

Sex means a lot to me, hence why I can't waste my sperm on just any woman. Every release has to be worth it.

But now that I need to protect my wife and secure her life dearly, what other choice do I have but to approach the temptress herself? My sister-in-law who is a lawyer is clearly out of the picture because that would insinuate stepping on the cobra's tail.

There is no way I would approach her without mentioning my mother-in-law as a prime suspect. So, Zoe is the only one we have now.

"So...the last time we spoke over the phone, you were talking about your driver's corpse. So now, can you give me updates on that? And the kind of gun he used, according to your wife's description?" She said the word, "wife" with emphasis, making the disdain in her emotions, pathetically evident with a mixture of desire that unfortunately would never be fulfilled, the desire to become my wife.

She has no idea how dead-brained she is.

But I click my teeth, promising myself to remain focused, keeping the conversation, strictly professional.

"Well, our driver's corpse is currently at the forensics department and we are waiting for the autopsy results to prove what is already known, which is the fact that the anonymous captor had shot him with a gun. And about the gun, my wife told me that the gun had this cross sign with the inscription, "hades" on it. It was a pistol that was used by the way but that was all she said, " I answered, choosing to hide all of the extra information as to how my wife once used to be a slave.

Zoe does not deserve all of that information. She would just have to chew on the information I choose to divulge to her.

"And of course, like I already told you, I came just in time to see the abductor trying to strangle my wife, and then we got into a fight. I had no idea who the person is. Initially, I imagined being Dan maybe because I was insecure for a second but I was proven wrong in all ramifications. Even after I recalled the body physique I saw that day, I knew it was far different from Dan. Also, I thought it was the—" immediately I realized that I was just about to accidentally mention the loan shark's name which would spike an unquenchable curiosity in Zoe, making her wonder who that is, I halt, forcing my mouth to be sealed.

Before she can gear me to go on with my explanations, my phone beeps just in time as the vibration of a new notification resound through the pocket of my jeans and I bring my phone to check the notification, the light from the screen springing up as I click on the email notification.

But my bubbles are supersonically swift to burst as I see that the notification, is again from the same, anonymous number. It feels like a cold, calloused hand reaching into my chest, gripping my heart and squeezing the blood out of it. I do not need to read the content in the message because I know it screams nothing but catastrophic doom.

I know my wife must have gotten the same mail as well and the fact that she is staring at home at this moment, suddenly begins to scare the shit out of me and I know I need to go home now to check on her.

Also, I know I can just show the email to Zoe now so we can try to trace the number, and just as I deliberate on it, I decide to do that but I can not believe what my gaze lands upon next after the email notification on my phone.

Zoe has just flung the keys to the door on her office desk, after ensuring of course, that her door is locked and then she sashays, swaying her now naked, robust hips, cat-walking in all of her naked glory towards me.

How has she just managed to take off all her entire clothes during that brief moment of checking the notification on my phone? I swallow hard, praying desperately to Allah to rescue me out of this intense temptation. This is a moment of life and death.

I have to choose between burying my cock ecstatically inside this meaty embodiment of curvaceousness or finding my way out of here by all means to save the woman who meant more to me than temporary euphoria.

Ya Allah...please save me...


Eight months later


One thing I know that makes me happy is official business establishments, particularly, events that mark off and signify the start of something transactional. It's amazing to celebrate something that would fetch you more money and I have always looked forward to the day when I would host my event to celebrate the opening of a new business of mine.

And now, the time has finally come even though it took eight whole months of delay due to the chaotic course of events that have taken place during those times. I didn't believe that I could survive the massive danger that was just a snare away from wiping me off completely. Those days of fear had come to a cessation now as Mustafa and I had miraculously stopped receiving those emails and anonymous text messages.

Of course, for a while, I wondered why those letters and text messages had abruptly stopped coming in after how much they had greatly threatened the life of Mustafa and I but after five months had passed with all of the signs of captivity faded away, I knew without a doubt that God had most definitely decided to come to our rescue after seeing the depths and heights of danger we were swirling in.

And now, I can finally launch the business my brother and I have worked so hard in partnership to bring to existence; Cassie and Xander - The brand name for our bags and shoe business which simply originated from our names since we both own the business.

Also, it's my baby shower today. I have been carrying my third child in my womb for the past eight months as we had decided to celebrate the soonest arrival of my unborn child and the establishment of my business together on the same day.

I have been feeling pretty much fulfilled and happy for a while now and I feel so settled. For some reason, I feel like there is more to look forward to in life regardless of everything. Now, I'm looking forward to the safe birth of my baby and the success of my new business and it makes me happy.

The micro events center which was rented for today's event is decorated in cream and brown colors, macro-sized teddy bears and several balloons tied together to fit into every single angle of the hall, the view, aesthetically pleasing.

The ceilings were shielded in buttercup flowers, the highlight of the entire hall decor. Chocolates were at every table set in the hall, streaks of iridescently flashing lights adorned the outlook of the flowers and balloons, making it look like something out of a steamy dinner party and a wedding at the same time.

The photograph booth decor was just perfect, seeing the guests walk into marvel at the beauty of the place made my heart leap for gratitude to the events planner, my dearest elder sister, Demi.

Of course, only very few guests were invited; my family, a few business colleagues, Mustafa's family, and unfortunately my mother as well. I mean, there is no way that my sibling would come over without my mother coming along too. If she does not, then my siblings would question me and blame me for her absence. Also, since it's Alexander and me who are celebrating the business establishment together as siblings, there is no way he wouldn't bring mother along.

It's pretty irksome because avoiding her was virtually impossible.

We have had to take so many photos together, budding each other and trying to put up an act in front of everyone so they would think we are close. Alexander wasn't even making things any better, he kept on insisting on wanting to take more photos with me and mother since she is the one who gave birth to two innovative minds. Ugh.

Immediately the photograph sessions were over, I wiggled my way out of my mother's sight till I joined the table were my in-laws sat. Mustafa on seeing me stopped talking to his mother and came to stand next to me instead, he wraps his arm around my waist, rubbing his hand on my protruding stomach that is being shielded in my green, sheer sparkling lace dress.

I am wearing a good amount of makeup on my face with my hair packed in a high ponytail. I purposely wore a crimson shade of lipstick, because it does a very great job to highlight a perfect set of dentition. Even if your dentition is not too great, it still gives that facade. So, flashing smiles at everyone with an amazing outlook would be perfect.

"Thank you so much for coming. Please say a word of prayer for my wife to deliver our baby safely, " Mustafa said, trying to overpower the reigning cacophony of sounds with his vocals.

All I did was smile at all of the people who sat on the table as Mustafa went on and on, saying sweet words. This is all I ever do whenever I'm with Mustafa's family because, I how greater intentions to inherit their wealth and build a large empire of my own, so the least I can do is to make an everlasting, good impression of myself to them even though they can be unbearable individuals sometimes, especially Mustafa's mother.

When did it become this noisy all of a sudden? Minutes ago, all that could be heard was the soft subtle eroding of classical music all over the place; Erik Satie's Je te veux to be precise, and then a few chattering and murmuring here and there originating from the mouths of the guests who were present, but now, I had just heard the shattering of glass and loud arguments which was coming from the chefs and for some reason, the noise didn't seem to subside or decrease any time soon.

Mustafa sending the uprising pandemonium quickly removes his hand from my waist and now holds me firmly by the shoulder.

"Wait here, I would be back, okay?" He says to me, pleadingly and desperate for me to obey.

"No. I know how to handle the kitchen staff better. Let me go there and check what is going on. I'd wait here, " I said, changing my mind.

Mustafa shoots me a brief look of surprise as to how I had given in just like that because we both know how stubborn I can be when it comes to things like this, particularly responsibilities but he gives an appreciating nod and runs off far both to where the chefs are.

Honestly, I don't know why I changed my mind so quickly either but now, all I know is that I have to leave this place right away, but of course, this irksome Arabian woman whom I have as a mother-in-law is quick to hold me by the wrists just when I attempt to leave the table.

"Your husband just told you to wait for him so where are you going?" She said with that snarky smile on her face.

"Umm...err...I have to look after my twin children. They are staying with my brother right now, but you know, we are the reasons for today's celebration which means he would be busy as well, and won't have the time to look after my kids so I just want to check on them briefly."

Of course, that worked. She lets go of my hand and I walk as fast as I can since my protruding stomach won't let me run. I begin to follow the paths that would lead to the source of where the smell I can strongly perceive is coming from.

There goes that intoxicating cologne. As the smell wafts through my nostrils, I lose every brain cell that is responsible for reasoning, and whether it is a hallucination or not, I know I just make an effort to find the bearer of this pleasant, musky and breathtaking scent.

That same scent that I could bask in for eternity, that scent would wash over me when our bodies joined together, moving rhythmically like a symphony, speaking the message of love that only the two of us could comprehend.

That scent...oh my...I know the only person on this earth who can ever smell like that and I must find him and run into his arms...

It messes with my sense of reasoning every single time and it makes me forget the toxicity in our relationship, making me bask and reminisce in the blissful ones instead.

He's here...he came to this party to see me...I know he's close by...and I just find him... even though we are not meant to be together, I just can't help but feel complete whenever he is around...I must find my man,...the one true love of my life...

Thankfully, the path I'm running on isn't crowded with people, so I don't have to wriggle my way through. It's like the universe wants me to find him real quick and I would.

Just hang in there, my sweet, sweet, Dan...


Psalms 55:12-14 - "For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; then I could bear it. Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; Then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked to the house of God in the throng."