‘Third Week’

(The layout of the week has been changed)

Day 1

Levi led the cleaning charge today. He everyone to a different role in the house. He noticed a few of the house guest were missing but shrugged it off.


Levi was about to lose his mind. That was the fourth thing that Hinata had broke by himself. "Sorry Levi-Senpai." This kid was more of a clutz than Eren which seemed impossible to Levi.

After Levi had turned his back on Bokuto and Kuroo they took off finding something else to do. They had found a lounging room that had beanbags. They had laid in that room all day not wanting to move a muscle. Hinata joined them after he broke something else and Levi kicked him out. Kenma and Suga followed. They just laid in the room.

Tanjiro didn't know why he was cleaning so he just followed and Nezuko just watched, between Inosuke and Zenitsu's complaints they had got kicked out of the room as well. They had found a different lounge room which had a forest themed wallpaper. They carefully sat on the beanbags not knowing what they were. They struck conversations here and there about the new people before most of them fell asleep.

Teruhashi helped clean the house as best she could, but the same couldn't go for others from her group. Nendo helped but was constantly asking questions. Aren kinda helped but he said his best expertise is in aftermath clean ups and even though he was good at it always had someone else do it. Toritsuka complained about cleaning before he got kicked out.

The Ouran group didn't even bother to help. Haruhi helped here and there but had to keep Kaoru out of trouble. Ritsu has agreed with Aren and left. While Kyoya refused to mingle with the commoners and Renge narrated the entire thing.

The Yuri on Ice group helped for the most part but quit some where in between Yurio picking a fight with Levi and Chris trying to get a date.

Day 3

Levi somehow ended up in Kyoya's room. Kyoya couldn't find anything on this particular group of people. So he had just assumed they were foreigners. Meanwhile, Armin has made friends with Hinata. Who Eren didn't quite get along with but he managed. Mikasa had made friends with Kenma. Suga had a hard time keeping Bokuto and Kuroo under raps today because they didn't like how clean the house was today because they were all locked in their rooms the day before and thought it would be a good idea to egg Levi's room.

Kaoru had some how caught onto their plan and Haruhi stopped him. Nendo and Toritsuka has made ramen for everybody which everyone gratefully took, the Attack on Titan group was slow to eat but enjoyed the dish. Victor had complained about no Katsudon but Yuuri had told him he would make it the next day.

When everybody went outside to stargaze (which had become a recent ritual), Eren was surprised to see the sky like this he was also surprised that they laid without worry in the world, for the most part. The demon slayer group seemed on edge. Soon everybody went to their assigned beds.

Day 5

The groups got an announcement early in the day that it was going to be a rainy day so of course Kenma whipped out the board games he brought with him. Somehow the games lasted all day between the meaningless bickering between some of the parties. They first played monopoly but there wasn't enough pieces. Then some how they got convinced to play strip poker, curtesy of Chris, but most of the group left after it got mentioned, they changed it to regular poker. They bet cookies.

Day 7

Bokuto had returned to emo mode that day and Kuroo kept trying to cheer him up. Suga knew this was going to be a long year. Hinata got him out of it by having Bokuto teach him some special moves for when on the court. Kenma had stayed in the room all day.

Saiki had returned the previous night from a small vacation and was chilling in his room which now had Yurio in it. He was upset of the other person in the room but ignored it. Teruhashi was trying to get Mikasa to join the totally not forced girl group but failed after she left. Toritsuka hung out with Nendo and Aren all day.

Kyoya has finally come out of his den and Haruhi tried to make him attempt to make a friend and ended up talking to a tired Levi. Ritsu was trying to hit on Haruhi with Kaoru's advice which Haruhi caught onto pretty quickly. Renge somehow got ahold of a lift and was watching the drama unfold from the top of it.

Zenitsu, Giyu, Tenjiro and Nezuko hung out in the lounging room all day, relaxing. They struck small conversations but that was all they just wanted to enjoy the silence.

Mikasa and Eren followed Armin around the house as he scanned through the book selves. He was amazed by all the books in the house. Levi eventually joined them and picked up a book to read before sitting down in the room.

Victor had begged Yuuri to make katsudon for him that day as he forgot to do it earlier in the week. Phichit watched them as Victor watched Yuuri make the food muttering something along the lines as 'What a lovely couple,' and leaving to explore the rest of the house. Chris spent all day sun bathing to no ones surprise and Yurio laid in bed all day wishing for an ice rink.