Error Detected

"Sir, we are getting unprecedented glitches from the area around Andromeda. Shall we stop our expedition here". Chief Makaizul, who was the most trusted comrade of the Captain, asked him. The language used by him was of course Zimerian.

Captain Kazaliur who was staring at the Map with hazy coordinates in the periphery of their focus answered. "We must carry on" That simple sentence was loaded with so much authority that they had no choice but to agree to him. His crewmates were as much afraid of him as much they respected him.

They calibrated the settings of Syverzius and set a course for the solar system of the star Andromeda. At all cost they were determined to avoid the star that was popularly known as "The Sun". 

When they reached the vicinity of the Star system,  their ship began to shake violently and the whole ship went into red alert mode. 

The passengers/ Crewmates held onto the closest thing that they could find.

"What is happening "? Chief Makaizul asked the tech team for a better understanding of the situation. 

"Sir, the star systems that are present in this Galaxy are closer to each other than we have ever encountered. Our ship being this huge is encountering the gravitational pull from more that one systems". He spoke in much distress in voice. 

"What are the consequences of continuing our course"? This time it was Captain Kazaliur who asked the team.

"We might be sucked into any of the particular systems and collide with any of the Planets, or…" He trailed off , contemplating how to choose the next words.

"...or"? Captain asked him.

"Or this ship might be shredded to millions of pieces due to multiple pulls". He informed the Captain with a disheartened voice. 

After a moment of careful thinking Captain Kazaliur spoke up "Let's go back". He ordered the team.

"But, sir-" Someone spoke up but was cut off by the Captain, "We must return".

They set the coordinates back for venturing outside the galaxy and went back to where they came from. It took some time, but their Syverzius finally managed to get out of its red alert mode.

"How many S-capsules do we have on board"? Captain asked the Chief personally this time.

"Same as the amount of crew members, Five hundred S-capsules". He replied. 

"Gather everyone at the Main Chamber". Captain ordered after taking a deep breath. 

Once everyone had arrived Captain Kazaliur began his speech. "Everyone, to make this mission a success I have decided to explore the Milky Way by myself. I'll take one S-capsule but will stay in constant communication with the team here on the mothership". 

The place filled with slight murmurs and chatter all around the place when Captain announced his solo venture.

"Sir, do you really have to go". Chief asked him with concern in his voice. 

He nodded before he turned back to the audience for further announcements "Captain Makaizul will take charge of things while I am away. If I fail to return after having lost communication for more  than 72 hours, assume I am dead and return back to ZMR-47. Am I clear"? Captain Kazaliur raised his voice. 

"Yes Sir"! The crewmates replied with a great zeal in their voice.

Captain Kazaliur dressed himself up as to be more suitable for his venture and was headed to the dockyard. He swiped his card on the S-capsule for his entry and positioned it into the setter for further access. For them their card acted like both an identification and a key.

"Welcome to the S-Capsule 220. I will be your ship guide ZIA. Feel free to ask me any queries". The AI who had a slight feminine voice spoke. 

"Thank You ZIA" he adjusted the seat and everything before he spoke. "ZIA, set a course for Andromeda". While he was perfectly trained in the handling of capsules, they were designed in such a way and equipped with a personal AI so that even a layman can operate. It has only one capacity, so no matter whoever boarded the ship, they can reach their destination regardless. After all the capsules were built for emergency purposes. 

He left the mother ship on his venture to the galaxy on his own. He had instructed ZIA to record everything that is captured on the camera as well as everything that is spoken by him.

After a long time they had reached what appeared to be a solar system. According to ZIA they were at their destination. Captain Kazaliur took charge of the Capsule instead of the Autopilot to navigate freely on the system. He started from the planet closest to farthest from the star. The one that was closest had such a high temperature that was enough to melt even the capsule. When he reached its vicinity ZIA warned him about the consequences of going further,  and thus Captain turned back his ship declaring the Planet inhabitable in his audio journal.

Most of his journal was filled with all the planets that were supposedly inhabitable. There were hardly any where he found any life forms, but those rare ones were indeed the best of best.

For this reason he decided to try the second planet. It was surprisingly even hotter than the last planet given its distance from the Star. However from a distance he did notice a peculiar thing about the planet. It spins in a different direction than the previous one. From the Star system he was from, there were a total of six planets altogether. However every planet had the same direction of rotation.

The third planet had a beautiful blue appearance. It kind of reminded him of MZ-14 that he once read about as a little child.

The more he approached it's atmosphere, the more he could feel that this place radiated energy that might just make it another planet with life forms. The third one was indeed a charm. Most of the time it was either the third, or the fourth one of the systems that consisted of having a suitable environment.

He could see some objects that resembled the machines from their Space Center just outside the planet's atmosphere. Some of them were embedded a little deep inside the atmosphere. 

He entered the atmosphere, but soon enough the system of the S-capsule started to show a glitch and thus no matter how much he tried he could not control it. On the glass of the S-Capsule which also functioned as a screen showed "ERROR DETECTED" in big red letters which was accompanied by a buzzes of warning.

This planet had a strong enough gravitational force that sucked the dysfunctional Capsule deep inside it's atmosphere. After a long struggle of trying to gain back control on the S-Capsule, the spaceship collided with something solid, and that was when everything went black for him.

What woke him up from his slumber was another red alert that displayed "ARMS DETECTED" followed by "CAPSULE IN DANGER"

They were displayed alternatively on the screen and below there was a potential scan of the surroundings which showed that hundreds of lifeforms were approaching the capsule at an alarming rate. He did not have much time left before he had to make a decision that could either save him, or potentially risk his life further.