He felt a hand on his shoulder and that was the moment he reflexively moved his face at him. The person stared at him in shock before he flinched back with equal amounts of horror and excitement.
The Captain noticed the differences between the person and himself. For example the person had a pale color and a shade much lighter than the orange. The person Also had tiny apertures on his face which seemed to be the organ of perception for light rather than the giant yellow plates that helped him observe things. The person also has a smooth appearance in contrast to a few rows of scales the Captain had in his body.
Both of them were shocked and mesmerized by each other's appearance as neither of them have ever seen a life form like the other.
"#######" The pale colored person spoke something. The Captain maintained an alert stance while he wondered about the intentions this man harbored.
"What was that"? He whispered.
"He asked you 'why are you here'?" ZIA spoke out loud from his watch. Both the creatures were startled by her sudden interjection. It seemed that ZIA had somehow figured out the translation between the two languages. He decided to use it for his own advantage.
"What are you"? He asked him back. ZIA translated it for him. He looked a bit taken aback and offended.
"###" The man replied something to him which ZIA translated, "I am human. What are you"?
Human? Weren't they the creatures of earth? How come they are here? So...was he really on earth and he survived beyond 24 hours? He stood there for a while as he pondered what he should do next. In his peripheral vision he saw the human approach him and as a reflex to protect himself, he used his telekinetic abilities to throw the man on the giant weird machine.
Even if the human meant no harm, he was still potentially a threat to his survival. The man lost his consciousness due to the force of impact with the machine. The back of his head was attached to the giant wheel but he could see a red fluid dropping from behind his ear.
"ZIA, what is happening "? He asked his AI hoping for a definitive answer.
It scanned him before it spoke "The person is losing blood at an alarming rate. Estimated time of death, two hours". Death? He threw the man with a very less force, and yet he was dying? How fragile are humans? He wondered.
There was nothing he could do. Neither was he aware of his physiology to help him nor was he emotionally connected to the person that would make him willing to save the other person. All Captain Kazaliur knew that any was a potential threat, and if he were to interact with them he would need utmost precautions and deceptions to survive.
"ZIA, how can you decipher their language"? He decided to figure out the mystery.
"This place has a specific network that gives me access to multiple information about this planet". She paused. "The language spoken by him was English, one of the most commonly spoken languages on this planet".
"One of the most commonly spoken languages? There is more than one language"? He asked ZIA with amusement.
"According to the internet, which is a very popular interconnecting network in this planet, there are total of 6000 languages".
"6000"? He was surprised beyond expectations. They only had one language that granted them communication facilities all over their planet. "This planet is insane". He whispered.
"Do you want me to add the comment to your exploration journal". ZIA asked him.
"No, leave it out. My journal must be as less biased as it can get". He commanded her.
"What else can the internet tell you? Can it tell you which planet we are on"? He asked her.
"Let me check" ZIA took a moment before she reported "This planet is known as earth by it's natives. The same name that exists besides MZ-14 in our records. I suggest you leave immediately, you won't survive past 24hours".
"ZIA, It's already above twenty four hours". He told her so that she could record it in the journal, but he was speaking more or less to himself than ZIA. How come he was still alive? Did over time Zimerians evolve into something that can withstand high concentrations of oxygen? He pondered.
He needed to know whether or not anyone was expected to be here around him, "ZIA, run a scan for any kind of lifeforms". He ordered.
"Okay Captain''. ZIA took a few seconds to scan all the surroundings. With ZIA in the transponder, the range of the scan was remarkably increased. "There are no signs of any human life in the vicinity, however I did find another four legged creature that is known to live peacefully with the humans. The creature is called a dog in the colloquial language, but it's scientifically called Canis familiaris".
"Alright, how much of a threat does it possess"? He asked ZIA.
"According to my search roughly around thirty percent. If it can be petted it will decrease further".
"How far is it"? He asked.
"More than a GIT ( roughly 2 kilometers).
"Good" He looked around and saw that the human was almost passed out. According to ZIA at this point even though he was barely alive, he was beyond the point of resuscitation. He will have to find a way to make sure that this dead human does not grab any attention to him, while at the same time he figures out how to blend in while he continues his research.
"Do you have any idea who the people were that attacked me"? He asked ZIA.
"I have no definitive answer, however it is possible that it was the International Association of extraterrestrial affairs, also known as IAEA. According to my research in this organization there is a department for Unauthorized Extraterrestrial Visitors also known as DUET. Your crash landing was against their rules which made you a fugitive on this planet".
As the Captain absorbed all that information he realized that survival on this planet was going to be much more difficult. If he had to return he needed to find his S-capsule, as there was a high chance it was confiscated the moment it was discovered. Calling for a backup would put his crewmates in danger, so he had only one choice left.
"ZIA, find me ways to blend in this human crowd". He ordered and smirked. He had come up with a new plan.