
"This is a recruitment form for the defence division of IAEA" That is what ZIA told him. What could be a better place to hide and do his job rather than IAEA, the one place where he was not supposed to be at all.

"I have to get in," he whispered.

"It is next to impossible sir" ZIA conceded.

"Why, tell me the challenges I can face"? He was annoyed by the negative attitude of the AI. But it was her programme, so he let it slide.

"You will need an officially issued id". She informed

"I can steal one"? He suggested.

"Your ID stores your picture and biometrics. They can find out the true owner of that identity card" she informed him.

"I have to find a way", he whispered. "Teach me the language of these people"? He ordered ZIA.

"Which one sir"? She asked him back.

"The one almost everyone used". He told her. How hard could it be? It's just a language. Toddlers may need a lot of time, but it would be easier for an adult like him right?

He couldn't find any appropriate place to stay, so he chose to stay in the streets for a while. He thought as soon as he learns the language he can find a place to stay. In ZMR-47, he was known as one of the smooth talkers. He could literally get away with anything.

It took him two days to master the english alphabet, and a sentence "My name is Kazaliur". He was already feeling hopeless and starting to realise maybe he was way too overconfident from the start.

To this day he has mastered over 40 alien languages, none of them proved to be this tough. After a week, he tried to buy some food ( using some dollar bills he stole). His english was not that bad for asking for a donut, but unfortunately the seller spoke a different language ( French according to ZIA).

He was lucky he had ZIA with him, she helped him translate one again. When the same old lady asked his name, he replied, "Je M'appelle Kazaliur"

His pronunciation was a bit off, and that mixed with the old lady's hearing problems, the name she heard became "Kaize" While the Captain didn't love that and was about to correct her, he suddenly realised having an alias wasn't so bad after all.

With English people the name became Kaze and after a while it grew on him. He started to go by this name 'Kaze' and decided to get a job as soon as possible. There was enough commotion for a thief in the town already, and Kaze being the newest there was an unofficial prime suspect (and the guilty).

While he was skilled at spaceships and automobiles but those skills were hardly required here. The job closest to that requiring his skills was of a mechanic, so he started to work there. While he didn't love it at first but he got used to it after a while. His boss once tried to fire him because of his poor social skills.

The day Captain 'Kaze' was told that he was fired they got a car that would not start. Even after thorough examination they failed to recognize the problem, until Kaze did on his way out.

Amazed, the owner hired him back, but made it mandatory for him to learn the language. He even asked one of his employees, Xander, to help him learn english.

Xander was supposed to be the smartest one here, who was in the town for applying to the IAEA as well. His father refused to let him pursue this career path, so he ran away from the house and took this job to support himself for the time being.

He was hardworking and over time Kaze and Xander got… quite close. I mean, they were not the closest, but that's the closest Kaze was with any other human.

Things were going smooth for him, and even Xander agreed to help him with the recruitment tests for IAEA. That is, until one day someone, whom the captain was quite wary of walked in.

"Are you the Wonder Mechanic"? A lady in a uniform asked him.

He looked up and froze as he recognized that woman. She was the same woman who led a search party when he landed here. Will she recognize him?

When she didn't get any reply she asked him sternly. "Why are you looking at me like that"?

"I am sorry ma'am". Kaze managed to speak in a very broken accent. He pointed at the emblem on her uniform in her shoulder to tell her that what he was staring at.

"You like IAEA"? She asked him with a curiosity and he nodded at her. He didn't like it per se, he was merely interested. "You should try out for the entrance then". She smiled at him.

"I will". He replied. She showed him her black hover car. "What's the problem"? He asked.

"Well, sometimes it stops spontaneously. It starts only after several tries. I bought this car from Germany, and they don't have any headquarters here. I was hoping you can take a look and fix it if possible".

"Sure". The engine was way too complicated, but Kaze enjoyed the challenge that was bestowed upon him. It took him a while but he finally figured out what was wrong (ZIA helped him a bit with a few information, but no one has to know about that).

He was almost done fixing the hover car when he saw one of the pliers required is missing. He went to get that when he saw Xander hiding behind a door while he looked at that woman.

"What are you doing"? Kaze asked him.

He gulped nervously before he replied, "That's Captain McKinley! She is literally a superstar!! Can you believe she is here!? In our garage?"

"I guess" Kaze simply shrugged at him.

"I guess"? Xander gave him a baffled expression. "Dude, you get to fix her car! You are the luckiest dude to ever work here, and you don't even realize that"??

"Okay, thanks". He replied awkwardly, not sure how to respond to him.

"Why don't you meet her"? Kaze offered.

"No, thank you. I don't want her to show my face like this". He deadpanned.

He couldn't understand his behavior. He was sure that he had more reasons than Xander to worry about that lady.

Nevertheless he went back and fixed her car. She was really happy and pleased with the service. Before leaving she decided to have a final chat.

"Hope we meet again, next time in IAEA". She smiled at him. He nodded at her hoping that he wouldn't be caught when they do.

"I am Megan McKinley" She raised her hand. According to ZIA he was supposed to do the same and shake her hand, and introduce himself.

"I am Kaze".