
Lucky for her no one wanted the single bed. The siblings were happy to be paired up with each other while Xander and Kaze shared another bunk bed since they were a bit familiar with each other. 

Both Kaze and W. Sanders (the brother) took the upper bunk of the respective shelves while Xander and S. Sanders (the sister ) claimed their lower bunks.

Their luggage arrived a minute later so they kept them near or on their bed and decided to go back to the lobby. There they saw many people wearing the same uniform as they were wearing with their respective teams. More or less all of them gave this team a dirty look. For a moment the siblings and Xander wondered if it was something related to being a team member of Team C until they noticed that they were giving dirty stares to everyone present in the room. 

That was the power of competition. Only five of the whole lot will be considered for a permanent position here and everyone here wants to grab one of it. After all this was not only one of the most reputed jobs at the moment, but also one of the highest paying ones. While it did make these three a bit anxious it hardly bothered Kaze or Violet haired woman, on whose tag it was written ||V. KANE|| 

It didn't bother Kaze much because he knew, thanks to ZIA that he would have to stay here for at least three months before they began the elimination rounds. That was the standard amount of time period given for the basic training. While one is graded in this period, the score is added up to an exam/ a task at the end of the period. If they qualify they will move on to minor missions based on which again they will be scored. The whole program was for six months. 

Qualifying for the team-C secured him a guaranteed stay here for three months. If he played his cards right, not only he could gather enough information that was needed for the journal, but he could also manage to find his S-capsule and  repair it or find another alternative that would aid him in his escape. That plan alone was enough to evade him from anxiety. 

Why was the violet haired girl so calm? It was hard to decipher by any of the teammates due to her coy expression that was displayed on her face. She emitted a scary antisocial aura that prevented anyone to approach her. In fact when a member from Team-E, a blonde haired man approached her to introduce himself all she replied to him was F**k y**. 

Two members from an entirely different team, wearing a different set of uniform which is  blue in color, appeared on the podium in front of them. "Hello everyone. We are members of the tech team. I'm Dr. Joan Mitchell, and for today I will be your tour guide. This building comes under my jurisprudence, and thus anytime you have any query feel free to ask me". She finished her announcement and right at that moment a woman raised her hand, "... after I am done with today's tour". She shot her down. "I get you guys are very enthusiastic, but try to have some patience here during your stay here" she smiled at them, got off the podium, and directed everyone to follow her.

They were taken on the tour floor by floor. The entire building was hexagonal in nature, which is why you always end up where you started from. The first floor was mostly concerned with storage and security systems with a few tech cubicles keeping things in check. This building was supposed to be the least guarded of the entire complex that made one think how tough the security was on other buildings. 

There were a total of four gates to the middle space between the entire building, which was an empty ground mostly used for simulation and recreational purposes. Directly below the building laid an underground parking lot, whose entrance was located outside the entire complex. In fact that's where Xander's Car was parked right now.

Once they were done, they moved to the second floor. There mostly official and legal departments related to the training programmes were situated. The third floor was turned entirely for medical purposes colloquially called the "Med-floor". The fourth floor was mostly empty, which according to Dr. Mitchell was dedicated to their training. Being exactly one floor below made most of the competitors feel at ease because, after all, the closer the destination the earlier one would reach there right? They were happy that they might not be late for their training.

 At the end of the tour Dr. Mitchell asked everyone to take some rest since many of them have had a long day. She also informed them that their luggages were already transferred to their respective rooms and that the food will be served exactly at 7o' clock till 7:30 pm in the cafeteria which was on the end of the corridor on the fifth floor. 

The tour officially ended at around 5, so they had around two hours to settle down. Most of them took time to unpack into the cabinets they were provided. The stuff they brought included mostly either clothes or some objects which held a great importance to them. Amongst all of them, Kaze had the least belongings. 

"Damn it"! The violet haired girl screamed while she threw her phone on her bed. She was the only one who did not bother unpacking at all. Her frustration was a little confusing for everyone until Xander took out his phone to check something only to realise that not only there was no signal there was no wifi here either. Basically for their whole stay here they were cut off from the entire world outside.

Usually the free time they had could have been used to make bonding, like the rest of the teams did. But the only one who was interested on team C was Xander. He felt a bit sad as his enthusiasm to connect was met with silence after he said, "Hey everyone, I am Xander Greene".

They had one clock in their room which was located just above the door which made a noise every time it finished an hour. That was what notified them it was time for dinner at 7. They went to the cafeteria where the whole team got segregated the way they were segregated in their rooms. The sibling duo and Xander found the food distasteful, while for Kaze it was still better than what he ate it ZMR-47. 

Most of them had a tiring day, since everyone came to IAEA from different places. They went to sleep as soon as their dinner was done. By midnight everyone except Kaze was asleep. The need to sleep the humans had always confused Kaze. While the soft texture of the bed was comforting, he did not need to pause his consciousness like other humans just to perform effectively throughout the day. 

He spent the night Calibrating ZIA to ensure his safety here. When Kaze found out that there was no source of internet here he panicked knowing that ZIA had no access to it either. His suspicion was confirmed by ZIA after being asked. Before coming here, anticipating the scrutiny one must face, he made sure he is able to ask her questions without actually saying out loud. So whenever he typed on his phone, ZIA was able to read it. For any questions meant for ZIA he added a prefix Z to the sentence so that she could read that and answer him. In case anyone even saw Z like that they would dismiss it as a typo.

After the whole night of Calibration he was able to find a loophole in the system. He may not be able to access any wifi but the internet was accessible through the computers ZIA had. All he had to do was to find a way to get access to that. He managed to create a application that would enable her to use it, but he needed to find a way to install it in any one of the computers.

Being nightime, he proceeded to the ground floor but people were still working there so he had to be quiet and discreet as he moved. No computer there was left unattended, so he needed a major distraction that would help him to get through his plan. He looked around properly until he spotted something familiar. Once when Kaze was out to buy some supplies he saw the same device and asked ZIA abouts its purpose. He used telekinetic abilities to manipulate the wiring of the device that cause it to ring out loud, "FIRE! FIRE!"

The entire building went into panic mode as they ran for their lives. Even the trainees who were sleeping woke up and rushed through the stairs instead of elevators. By the time they managed to evacuate, not only Kaze was done installing his application, but he also managed to hide it and blend into the evacuating crowd.

By the time fire marshals arrived and declared the actual situation to them it was already in the 4o' clock in the morning. Everyone started to feel agitated as they knew they won't have much time to sleep before their training session begins. Xander who was feeling drowsy the whole time noticed Kaze standing all by himself staring at particularly nothing. Seeing him reminded him that while they were evacuating he was nowhere to be seen, "Where were you"? Xander asked him after going to stand next to him.

"My stomach gave away, so I was in the washroom" he replied. While Kaze smirked internally as he used this excuse for the third time on earth to explain his disappearance, the other two times being from the time while he worked at the Garage. He needed to find out a different excuse soon since he was certain that he would be engaging in shady business in IAEA. But that was a trouble for the future so for now he simply went in bed and closed his eyes pretending to fall asleep.