
Violette stared at the empty ceiling, recalling how this all started, how she came to be the captain of this dysfunctional team and how they discovered everything that was going on.

"We have been here for two days, and I am already starting to be bored. The food here sucks and all I could think of is what is happening back home" Wayne commented.

"You can't expect a whole different planet to be a five star hotel. There is a reason why this place is a refugee planet" Stacy pouted.

"How about this, we'll go take a look around," Xander suggested.

"I'm not going anywhere" Kane mumbled and turned her face away from the rest and towards the wall.

"This is an alien planet, what if we get lost"? Stacy wondered out loud.

"I am good with directions". The fifth member of their runaway team suggested. Well, who was this guy? That's another story. He was originally a member of Team A who had received advanced level flying training and thus helped Kane fly their giant ship to this planet.

"Kane, you sure you don't wanna come"? Xander asked.

"Positive," is all Violette said.

Just as they were about to leave the room, Stacey, who was first in line for their time out, halted. "Wait, how will we communicate? These masks prevent us from talking."

They looked at each other, puzzled by the sudden dilemma. "Anyone know sign language"? Xander asked. Surprisingly, only one person raised their hand, and it wasn't Xander. It was the fifth member of their team.

"Tom, anyone else"? He asked around. "I don't think that's a good idea"

"We can use pen and paper, except I don't have any paper, or pen" Wayne shrugged.

"Just call that PA or whatever, Vinnah, and ask for some communication device you dumbos" Kane, who was still facing the wall shouted.

"And that is why she is our team leader" Xander remarked and pressed the button to call Vinah. Almost a minute later she materialised out of the thin air, right in front of their chamber. "Whoa"! Xander remarked.

"How may I help you"? She asked in her sweet intoxicating voice.

"How did you do that"? Xander asked, horrified and yet impressed.

"It is our ability" She tilted her head slightly. "We can dissolve ourselves only to rematerialise." She explained.

"Basically teleportation" Stacey remarked.

"Amongst other things, yes" Vinah mumbled. "We can manipulate our own matter at a molecular level, allowing us to do many things, including what you would call, teleportation"

"That is so cool" Xander smirked. "Anyways, I was hoping if there is any way you could tell us how to communicate outside this vault. We wanted to go out, but doing so will restrict our communication".

"I would suggest tactile projection, but I suppose that's not something humans can achieve" She sighed. "Give me a minute" and she disappeared.

She reappeared after a while holding a bunch of wristbands. Everyone stared at it, wondering it's purposes, "These are one of our communication devices, which simulate a projection." She tapped on the surface and a huge projection appeared. "You can use the keypad.." She showed them how to use it, "And type things out. I'll be a bit slow, but might just work out".

All of them took a final glance at each other and one by one they exited their airtight vault via the vacuum chamber. Vinah handed them the devices and they tried their way around it a little bit until it finally worked. They turned to Vinah and asked her to show around.

Vinah led them to the ground, where multiple species were interacting with each other. It resembled a park from earth, except this was much more like a doomsday. The rusty appearance of the soil gave it a much hotter climate in general, but due to a different atmosphere it wasn't safe to take off their jackets as they may be exposed to harmful radiations.

They wandered off to different locations in the ground, but not beyond their line of sight. There were species that were huge, there were species that were tiny. There were kids, and then there were adults. But what touched their hearts the most was the peace amongst them. Everyone here knew what war was capable of, therefore they showed each other the compassion they wished they had received. Xander, who was staring at a happy couple, bumped into someone unintentionally. Xander caught himself and stared at the huge bluish person whom he bumped into. Thanks to their blank face, Xander had no idea if the person was offended or not. Taking out his keypad, he typed sorry, but of course the alien didn't get 'English'.

Xander searched frantically for a translation switch, and when he finally found one, it showed two options, 'auto' or 'manual'. Choosing auto, Xander ended up startling the alien who was quickly scanned by the wristband. Soon the letters morphed into something he had no idea, but the alien seemed to get it. "It's not a problem" came a reply from him. Xander was surprised to understand the alien, until he realised that the alien was wearing a translator.

Hoping to continue the conversation, he asked. "Who are you? I am Xander"

"I am Chief Makaizul. '' Came a reply.

"Did they take your planet as well"? Xander asked reluctantly, hoping it wasn't inappropriate or anything.

"We're a team of intergalactic explorers. We are just taking a break here. We'll be on our way to our home soon" Chief Makaizul informed him.

"Where are you from"?

"A planet known as ZMR-47" is all the chief replied. "Now, if you must excuse me, I have some important business to attend to." and with that the alien disappeared. Xander had to admit, it was pretty cool to interact with another alien, despite how cold and unbothered the alien seemed. It's not like Xander could tell by the expressions, since he is not exactly familiar with their species.

However, for some reason Chief Makaizul's appearance seemed familiar, as if he had seen a lifeform that is similar but not exactly the same. No matter how much he tried he couldn't recall. He tried to communicate with some other aliens as well until a small alarm went off in his wristband. They had only few minutes till the oxygen ran out, and therefore gathering together, they decided to go back as soon as possible.