
"You really don't want to go back"? Xander asked Stacey.

"It is a huge risk," Stacey shook her head.

"We joined IAEA to take risks. The job of an ETN was never supposed to be an easy one. We were supposed to protect earth, we can't turn away if we have a chance"! Xander insisted.

"None of us actually became ETN, so that point is moot" Kane snapped. "Besides, acting like an idiot and running into a war you know you will lose isn't an act of bravery or valor. It's idiocy"

"You would be the expert," Xander rolled his eyes.

"Before I joined this programme of ETN, I used to be in the military. I was deported to Afghanistan once. Trust me, I know war" Kane snapped.

"Well, you're not in the military anymore" Xander argued.

"But we are in a war," Kane snapped. "Winning a war is more than just good faith. We need an army, which we have none. This will most definitely be a suicde mission"