
Captain Kazaliur was back on ship trying to figure out if any of his past interactions throughout his intergalactic crusade had any valuable piece of information that can be exploited for their mission. Until and unless Hm. Torya figured out an equation for the wormhole, their hands were tied on building the device for real.

"Captain" A familiar voice came from the edge of the control room. "I had an appeal to make" 

The Captain turned around in his chair and asked, "What would that be"?

"I was hoping you would grant me the request to go back to ZMR-47 on Syverzius, or any other alternative ship."

"If you wanted to go back, why didn't you step up at the meeting. I can't grant you the appeal in secret. Any appeals must be made in the crew meeting, that's the protocol" Captain Kazaliur declared.