As promised, Captain Kazaliur and Xander were done with their version of the transmogrifier within the next two days. With the things officially done, their next phase of plan was in operation. One more day, and they launch an attack.
Captain Kazaliur was finishing up with final touches on the Syverzius, for being Impermeable to oxygen and other things that would potentially hide it from the scanners of the earth's atmosphere. After he was done he was headed to his quarters when he ran into Chief Makaizul, "Captain, I wanted to inform you that I have sent the signal to ZMR-47. They agreed to send us some help."
"Very well then. We don't need it immediately, but by the time they get here, we might need them." Captain Kazaliur affirmed.
"Sir, I wanted to congratulate you on the wonderful job on the wormhole and the transmogrifier". Chief Makaizul said.