Next Approach 

Captain Kazaliur was busy while preparing for the two step Wormhole. However, his preparations were interrupted when Commander Nexer approached him. "There is a problem with real time wormhole jumping," he informed them.

"What kind"? Captain Kazaliur asked, halting in his steps.

"I was talking with the individuals from earth who arrived a while ago. According to them earth had become inhabitable almost a year and half ago". Commander Nexer mumbled.

"Inhabitable by humans" Captain prompted, "The Smeranas might still be there".

"I agree," Commander Nexer nodded. "But, I've been keeping tabs on the changes a planet has undergone upon being attacked by them. Somehow, the way they had described, it appears as if things are moving faster than usual for planet earth."

"So, that signifies?" Captain Kazaliur asked.