
It didn't take an expert to notice that as soon as they landed, Reiz's breathing had visibly increased. Perhaps it was the changes in atmosphere, or perhaps like Daniel, it was anxiety. Nevertheless, they had gone through the area, without spotting a single Almis on their way. "Where is everybody?" Xander couldn't help but ask.

"At the hospital." Reiz informed them.

"It is amazing how the hospital here exceeds the population." Captain Victor Kane noted. "On our earth, even after centuries, the healthcare facilities suffer at some places."

"Well, when everyone is dying at such an alarming rate, the space becomes enough." Reiz remarked, relating to the fact that their population vs hospital ratio was comparable due to the rapid decline of their population. Reiz led them to the nearest hospital, which appeared more like a home. There were Almis, or different colours (races?) most probably from the different segments running here and there.