Guinea Pig

"I wish I knew" JJ mumbled.

"I don't think this was it." Xander tried but JJ just shook his head with a poignant smiled.

"She is gone, how does it matter?" JJ asked.

"It matters, because she wouldn't want you to blame yourself. I knew her, I can vouch for this." Xander declared.

"But wait, it was my secret. You didn't know." JJ spoke after a whole minute, "Why did you wanna see me here"?

"Oh, yeah, I wanted to ask you something…" Xander . "What's your relationship with Reiz?"

"What"? JJ asked, with amusement. "What do you mean?"

"Well, he seems to hate you a lot… he is angry with you, mad at you.."

"They are the same thing." JJ reminded him.

"Right," Xander nodded. "What I meant is, he doesn't act the way an angry person would. I mean, I am not saying resorting to violence, but he is not even shouting at you. What more, he actually wants to help you despite your screw up." Xander suggested.