
As soon as the entire team, including Reiz, noticed JJ passing out they rushed to his rescue. They were shocked to see him lay lifeless like that and that caused Stacey to snarl at him, "What did you do to him"!?

"I just…" Ramir tried to explain but in return she received plenty of angry stares and irritated glares coming off from everyone that it scared her shitless. "I tried to enhance his human side in order to keep him grounded and away from the pocket dimension."

"Then why the hell did he pass out"? Kane was the one to snap this time.

"I don't know. Maybe my intervention caused a disbalance in him. Perhaps the balance was important to keep him stable." Ramir hypothesised.

"Did you kill him"? Xander was the one to scold her now. She flinched as she couldn't keep up with the screaming anymore.

"He is alive Xander." Stacey declared as soon as she checked his vitals, "he is simply unresponsive."