
The thing with Reiz was that no one was allowed in his chamber whenever he was asleep, not even to wake him up. They said, if it was an emergency Reiz would sense that while he slept and wake up himself.

No matter how much the humans insisted, and it was a lot, eventually none of them were not allowed. "We are already running out of time, can't believe we have to waste it further." Stacey groaned. Her brother might have had a follow up if he was here, but Wayne volunteered to keep an eye on JJ while the others deal with Reiz. 

"He did keep an eye on JJ all night, he does deserve some rest" Xander suggested, earning a glare from Kane.

"Who is responsible for JJ's condition"? Kane snapped.

"Us? If we hadn't messed with time intentionally, none of this would be happening". Xander declared. 

"If we were warned." Kane shook her head, again blaming the Almis' for not seeing this earlier.