Chapter 1: Locked System (1)

***This story has been rewritten. Please read 'Wait, My Juice Can Save The World?'****

More than a hundred years ago, portals opened up in the world.

It took the whole world by surprise. Raining down monsters that swallowed the cities of the world whole, turning it asunder.

The humans fought back. But their weaponry was only able to kill the weaker beasts. There were beasts with skin that seemed impenetrable, deflecting even their strongest bullets.

Every second was a battle to survive.

All seemed lost as half of the population have succumbed, their military tired and defeated, their weapons useless, their bullets… all but depleted.

But everything changed when the first super human was discovered a few years after their struggle.

A child that was born after the portals have appeared in their world.

A child that was born with abilities that one could only call god-like.

And soon, another one appeared. From then on, the humans have discovered that there were others. Humans that were born with supernatural powers.

And although their powers were different from each other, the super humans all called their powers with the same name…

The System.

The humans struggled to keep them safe until they were old enough to harness and control these powers. Millions of soldiers, as well as normal people, sacrificed themselves in order to protect their only hope.

And it paid off. A few years after, the balance of war has finally shifted. And although the world has not yet been saved, it was worth it.

Soon, one by one, they reclaimed their cities with the help of the System Holders.

But the portals, even with the defeat of the monsters… the portals remained.

It was not until the first System Holder entered a portal with his comrades that they discovered that they needed to defeat the monsters that were also left inside.

And so, this continued.

A portal opens up, and System Holders are sent to clear it. This continued for years, even with human civilization reclaimed, it continued.

The portals were now a part of their world… and so were the System Holders. Living with them side by side.

And so, more than a hundred years have passed like this.

The first system holders, in honor of the humans who have protected them, created schools.

Schools to train young System Holders until they were old enough to control their powers. They will nurture them, like how the humans of the Old World have nurtured them.

The Academy for Gifted Children and System Holders, or The System Academy, in short. Except for the extra-curricular activities and other classes, in hindsight, it still functioned as a normal school.

And in one of those schools, a student was enrolled- Lex Laurel.

The said student was currently standing on the edge of the roof of the school. Looking at the horizon with his eyes completely sedated. His nose, bleeding.

He was breathing in a very rhythmic manner as he looked at the floating words that were right in front of him.

[The Sausage System - Locked]

These were floating words that proved that one was a System Holder. When his parents knew that he had words floating in front of him that were only visible to him, they celebrated.

He lived in a very small village, just barely inside the Protected Zone of their city. So, the news traveled fast and all of his neighbours came to congratulate his parents.

And once he turned 4, his parents, without hesitation, quickly enrolled him in the System Academy of their city, The System Academy of Manila.

And at the age of 16… He still has not unlocked his system. Throughout the years, he had tried everything.

He ate different kinds of sausages, because maybe that was the way he would unlock his system. But alas, even after he had tried all the sausages he could get his hands on, his powers have not shown signs of awakening.

The only thing that awakened were the bullies who targeted him because of his weird habit of only eating sausages. Calling him all sorts of names and insults.

Gaylord, Sausage Lover, Lex, Holder Of Sausages… and with the names, came the beatings.

Every single day, a new bruise. Every single day for years and years.

A school to nurture the future generation? No, this place was hell. The weak are completely ignored, like they do not exist.

A place where people will not even glance at you even as you sufffer. Where people do not care about you, only your strength. A strength which, sadly, he did not yet have.

He just wanted it to stop. He wanted to go home, but he could not.

He called his parents that he was being bullied constantly, and that he wanted to drop out of school.

But his parents told him to persevere, that once he unlocked his system, everything would change. They pleaded with him with their voices full of desperation.

Their cries… drowning his own.

So, what else could he do?

And so, once again, he stared at the horizon.

"I… am sorry", he whispered as he slowly took a step forward. "I am sorry I was not strong enough"

And with that, he let his body fall to the ground.

Feeling the air that hit his body as a release from all of his pains. And finally…


He felt every bone in his body twist. He felt as they pierced out from his skin, tearing it open. He felt the blood pour down like a waterfall from every inch of his body.

But the only thing that was on Lex's face… was a smile.

Finally, his suffering was over.


But then, he woke up. He woke up to find himself looking at a ceiling he was very familiar with. The academy's clinic.

"W...what…", he could only whisper as he sat up.

"Lex, you're awake!"

He then felt a tight hug on his body as soon as he sat up.

"M...mother?", he whispered, "W...what happened?"

"Y-you're alright now", her mother cried as her embrace grew tighter.

"What happe-", Lex once again repeated, but before he could finish his words, he felt a slap on his face.

"Honey!", her mother quickly released her hug and grabbed the hand of the man who slapped Lex.

"Father… why?", Lex was at a loss. Why were they here… shouldn't he be... dead?

"You are a disgrace!", his father shouted, "The school said you got into an accident and slipped from the roof!"

"Honey, stop!", her mother shouted as she pushed his father outside the curtains, "Go outside!"

His father gave him one last look of disappointment before leaving the clinic.

He slipped? No…. He tried to take his own life. He jumped.

"Lex, it's alright now, dear", her mother held his face gently. "It was a good thing that they healed you in time"

Healed… He was healed!? Why!?

"It's okay now… alright?", her mother started to cry, "J-just stay away from the roof from now on… promise me, okay?"

"Mother… I..."

"You will unlock your System soon… so please… please stay in school"

I tried to kill myself, mother.

I am hurt, mother.

Everyday is hell, mother.

I want to go home, mother.

Please… save me, mother.

There were so many words that Lex wanted to say, but no words were coming out of his mouth as he stared at his crying mother. Her mother's expectations…

How could he betray them?

And so, he did the only thing he could, he hugged his mother.

"No… problem, mother", he whispered in her ears, trying his best to hide the tears that were leaving trails on his face,

"I won't slip again"


First of all, thank you for taking the time to read.

This is a serious novel, despite the title.

This is definitely not for people who want "mc pls kill revenge", it'll be a slow burn.

Although the MC himself is irrational and might develop into a borderline edgypath... or maybe he has always been? Or maybe not at all?

Honestly, only time will tell.

It's an exaggerated world where the weak doesn't have any say and influence is everything, so expect some very frustrating shit. No NTR though, that's some fucked up shit.

And although I said it is a serious novel, I honestly just wanted to write Smut. LOL