Chapter 19: What Happened in the Car (1) (18+ only)

"Ms. Janice, we're going to look at the commotion happening on the 4th floor, do you want to come with us?"

"… Ms. Janice?"

The faculty were currently in high alarm as they heard that a student stabbed himself in front of a whole class. Janice, however, was so busy looking at the car key that was sprawled on her desk.


She woke up from her stupor when she felt a hand suddenly grab her shoulder. It was a male professor, David. If memory serves her correct, David handles one of the combat classes for the advanced class.

"We're going to check on the student that stabbed himself, do you want to come?", David said in a friendly manner as his hand remained on Janice's shoulder.

"You guys can go ahead", Janice said in a cold tone as she shrugged, completely pushing David's hand away, "I still have papers to check"

"Y-you sure?", David awkwardly clicked his tongue and waved his fingers as he returned to the other faculty members.

The group immediately whispered to each other as they left the room.

"She's been here for months and she hasn't made any friends yet"

"She'll get used to it, I was also like her when I arrived here?"

"Eh, were you? Weren't you the one who went to work drunk?"

"S-shut it!"

The group's loud whispers soon faded as they left the faculty room. Janice didn't seem to mind being the topic of their conversation, as a matter of fact, it would seem she didn't even hear at all as she once again stared blankly at her car keys.

But after a while, her face reddened, smoke almost coming out of her ears as she slammed her head on her desk.

Her face winced, but not because of the pain of hitting her head on the desk, but because the memory of what happened in her car last night started to repeat in her mind again.

"...I...I can't take it anymore"

Those were the words her mouth breathed as she… as she slowly slid the honeypot in between her legs towards Lex's humongous sausage.

Her legs trembled as Lex's sausage slowly got inside her.

It was painful.

It was very painful.

Was it really like this? She thought as she almost fainted and fell on top of Lex. Even though her honeypot was already dripping wet, Lex's sausage seemed to still be having a hard time to fully go inside.

"I-is all of it in?", Janice stuttered as she started to tear up, "I-I smell blood". Her transformation heightened her sense of smell, her nerves started to rise as the smell of blood pierced her nose.

"I-it's painful", she started to cry.

But after a few seconds, she felt a warm feeling on her face. Lex was holding her face again. "I-if you're not ready, we don't have to do this", he said softly, "But if you are, then… I will move with you"

Janice saw Lex's eyes full of sincerity even through all the hair that covered his face.

And slowly, she put weight on her legs and slightly pushed herself down.

The pain was still there, it was worsening, in fact.

But there was also a sensation that was completely new to her. She let out a tiny moan as this new sensation crawled through her entire body.

She then once again pulled herself up, and with every movement, her body trembles and her honeypot drips even more so.

Slowly, with every movement, her body tries to swallow Lex whole.