Chapter 26: Seeping Through

'Shit… is that from me?'

Lex's mind was clouded from the countless thoughts that were currently racing inside his mind. Crap, that was right. His nose was bleeding earlier from the hit he took from Diana.

"Ms. Diana, what are you doing!?", Janice, who has been watching on the side could not help but scream in frustration. What exactly was Diana planning now? And why is she locking Lex's… Lex's waist!?

Janice was starting to get flustered, she felt more annoyed now than when Diana punched Lex to the air. But before she could do anything, Diana started to move.

"Oho, to land a sneak attack towards an unguarded enemy…", Diana smirked as she tightened the lock on Lex's waist, "You have guts, boy"

Seeing Diana's expression, could it be she wasn't affected by the [Walking Aphrodisiac] skill? It did say that it was more effective against virgins. Seeing Diana's headstrong personality… she should have tons of experience with men, right?

"S-sorry, it was an accident!", Lex apologized as he once again tried to get free from Diana's grasp.

"Ms. Diana! T-this is inappropriate!", Janice released a stuttered shout. She was, however, completely ignored by Diana.

"Since we're already in this position, try getting out", Diana said in a forceful tone, "If you can get out of this lock, I will give you 3 Green Crystals"


Lex immediately stopped struggling as soon as he heard the instructor's words. 3 Green Crystals?

Portal Creatures drop Crystals. And each creature drops a specific color of crystal, the stronger the creature is, the better the quality of the Crystal.

The better the quality, the more EXP one can get from it.

Clear, Green, Blue, Purple, and then Gold. The quality of each grows exponentially. Clear Crystals are always dropped by the weakest creatures of the Portals, and Purple ones have a low chance to be dropped by the strongest creature, or what the people commonly refer to as a Boss creature.

As for Gold Crystals, only 3 were reported over the course of history since the existence of the Portals came to be.

3 Green Crystals may not seem much, but for a student like Lex who was not allowed to go inside Portals yet? He might as well have been given half a million peso($10,000) on the spot.

Hearing Diana's proposal, Janice, who has been frantic ever since the two became entangled, started to calm down. If Lex were able to get 3 Green Crystals, then he would be able to grow stronger.

As her future husband, she would never hinder any chance for Lex to be stronger. And so, she nodded to herself as she once again cheered for Lex quietly.

'W-wait...f-f-future husband!?', Janice dropped her head as her face became hot as soon as she realized what she just thought.

But while she was busy being flustered by herself, Lex was already starting to move.

3 Green Crystals… 3 Green Crystals… 3 Green Crystals...

Lex's eyes became frenzied, enough to turn his eyes into crystals themselves.

He gritted his teeth as he tried his best to get away from Diana's lock. But each moment he thinks that he was able to get away, his hips were once again pushed down by Diana's legs.

Loud squeaking noises were echoing throughout the gym as Diana and Lex's skin slid on through the surface of the newly cleaned floor.

"T-this…", although Janice was still cheering for Lex to get the 3 Blue Crystals… wasn't this situation… truly inappropriate now? Janice could not help but twitch her eyes as she watched as Lex's hips continued to hit Diana's.

But seeing Lex's determined face, it would seem that he didn't really notice the erotic position they were in. Diana was the same, her face wasn't really showing any signs of blush.

Could it be, it was only her that was thinking of something sexual?

'H-have I… become perverted after doing it with Lex!?', she thought as she took a nervous gulp.

Lex was still struggling, it would seem that no matter what he does, Diana was just playing with him.

Was there… really no chance for him to get the crystals? After a few more seconds of trying to lift himself up or trying to pull Diana's legs away, Lex was ready to tap out. Any more and he would just embarrass himself in front of Janice.

And so, with a sigh, he stopped struggling and relaxed all of his muscles.

"I give u-"

But right as he was about to tap out...

[Foreign Fluid: The Honeypot, Female Human]

[Due to the Source of The Honeypot having a higher level than you, additional experience is granted!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]
