Chapter 10

Endless Love.

APPLE was busy preparing for the campaign with her secretary they are going on the island one of Mr. Pajardo's property.

She smiled as remember about yesterday he was becoming sweeter.

"Apple, why are you like that?"He asked while she was washing the dishes.

"Alexis, go to your room now and. Anyways how did you enter my room?"She asked but he took the plates she had holding and grabbed her.

"Apple, tell me.

were okay the other day and now you didn't mind me and you were silent You make me worried?"He asked his jaw tightens wait her to speak.

"Alexis, I'm fine okay nothing to worry about me, and last night maybe you forgat never mind, "She said turned around to finish washing.

"Ow, because I didn't tell you goodnight," He said. She was stops swallowed hard she doesn't have a right to act this but she couldn't help she will be mad at him because he didn't tell her goodnight how such an insane reason but it was a big deal for her.

"Okay, next time I won't forget to tell you that with a kiss you want that, "He said, her Blood flowed up through her face and for sure she was flushed face now.

"No it's not like that whatever goes away," She said pushing him into the door but he was Lough in amusement voice she was gulps.

"Alexis, are you going out or I will order Suzzy, to bite you" She threatened him but he was still laughed.

"You can't do that," He said holding his tummy.

"Your face was crimson now" He said approach held her face.

His amusement expression face lately was turned into a serious expression which makes her panting.

"Apple," He said. She blinked as she realized that their face was closer to each other she has smelled his fragrance breathe.

"Apple--"He did not continue what he was going to say as the knock on the door she immediately Walks open the door but her Kuya.

She was panicked.

"Ku-Kuya, what are you doing here?"She asks but her Kuya, messed her hair looking at Alexis.

"I just miss my princess ow

Alexis, you are here" Her Kuya said immediately approach Him and they are shaking hands.

"Apollo long time no see"He said she was surprised.

"Are you know him Kuya?"She asked him in a confused voice.

"Yes, we are meet when I was studying, "He said she nods.

"Anyways Alexis, What are you doing here let's talk"Her Kuya, said and they walked into the balcony and she doesn't know what's happening their after a couple of minutes they are going out while he was calmed Walk towards her.

"Apple, I have to go see you around," He said getting out of her room.

"Apple pie tells me everything", "Her Kuya said.

"What's everything Kuya?"She asked sitting on the couch.

"Between you and Alexis, "He said.

"What nothing Kuya," She said.

"Okay anyways you want to go with me I'll go to our farm now, "He said.

"I'm sorry Kuya but can't be I had to prepare for the campaign," She said.

"Okay, anyways I have to go" He said walking into the door.

"Take care Kuya," She said kissing his cheeks.

"I will you too, "Her Kuya said she closed the door and sat on the couch reading her book's

"Hoy mom Apple"She was back the present blinked at her secretary.

"Yes I'm sorry," She said.

"It's okay mom I already find the bus driver, "Her secretary said.

"Okay thanks," She said took the telephone to contact ready the coastguard on the island.

After talking she took the papers keeping in the drawer.

"Nancy, where's the list of the all students joined in the campaign?"She asked.

"Here mom"Her secretary said handed her the all records of the students.

"Okay you may go I can handle this left works since you've done your duty today," She said.

"Are you sure ma'am?" Her secretary said?

"Yeah and see you tomorrow there," She said.

"Okay, ma'am bye, "She said and stepping out of her office she finished what needed to be done then took her bag walk into the parking lot.

But she stopped when she saw Alexis, leaning on his car Crossing his arms looking at her she smiled approached him.

"What are you doing here?"She asked him.

"To fetch you," He said lifted his shoulder.

"Why?"She asked him.

"Why is it bad to fetch, you," He said close his handsome face to her then winks.

"Okay, thanks but I have a car, "She said point her car who was parked.

"Don't worry"He said open for her she Enter his car and sat in the passenger seat.

"Let's eat first," He said.

"No I don't want might be repeating what happened the other day" She refused and looked out the outside.

"I'm sure it won't happen again don't worry, "He said.

"How are you sure"?She asked.

"I'll take care of you," He said with a wink she couldn't help but she blushed she slowly bit his lower lip and stopped talking.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked her.

"Ahm," She said and thought carefully.

"Ow I know we'll go to the seaside," She said and he agreed with him.

"Okay If that's what you want," He said and focused on driving until they reached the seaside it was a very nice beautiful place she immediately went down and walked to the beach since she was not hungry she wanted to watch the sunset first she sat on the sans while undressing took off her heels and lowered her foot into the water making her close.

"It feels so good" She felt Alexis was beside her and she just didn't look at him.

"It's really beautiful," He said, as he sat down and leaned over Apple, who seemed to enjoy the view He couldn't help but stare at her who was closed hee eyes and looked up.

"She looks even more beautiful"

He commented in his mind he also looked up at the setting sun.

Until it was swallowed up the night before he stood up while she was still sitting.

"Apple, let's go aren't you hungry?" He said and offered his hands She accepted it with a smile and stood up to change what she was wearing.

"Ah yeah I'm so hungry let's go," She said and he has folded their hands she stopped and looked at their holding hands.

"Ah, eh let's go," She said and held hands as they walked towards the restaurant.

When they arrived they immediately ordered their food while Apple watched the fish in the large aquarium.

When the order arrived He approached her with a smile looking at the big fish.

"Apple, shall we eat," He said and helped her to sit in her chair.

" I'm really hungry," She said and ate immediately and she has ignored him suddenly he lost his hunger and leaned on the table while watching her.

"He looks like a very hungry child" He mumbled.

"Hey why don't you eat"? Apple asked him.

"I was suddenly full as I watched you enjoy the food," He said and she waa shame.

"Whatever as long as I Eat," She said and she returned her attention to food.

Until she was satisfied finished her food.

"You're very hungry did you not eat lunch earlier?" He asked her.

"Not much Because I was busy in the office for the campaign," She said and took a tissue.

"So where do you want to go"? He asked.

"I'm home, "She said and took the bag.

"Here pay for what I ate, "She said and gave it to him he accepted it but also returned it to her bag.

"It's up to you," She said.

"No, keep that I will pay, "He said and paid immediately.

"Thank you," She said and stood up.

"Since I was so full let's walk first," She said and they went into the beach.

And talked about what they passed since the time she was drowned on the bridge.

The guilty through him when because of him she moved to school just to avoid him she was suffering because of him.

He realized that big sin he had committed against her before But she was able to forgive him despite everything.

"Is that so I'm sorry?" He said and his conscience ate him.

"No passed is passed and the important thing is that you changed now into a kind guy and gentleman," She said while smiling at him.

"Apple, you are so kind you do not deserve to be hurt like that but what happened has already happened I hurt you patiently, "He Said in serious words.

"It's okay I'm okay now," She said with a smile.

"So it's getting darker we need to go but anyways what did you talk about with my Kuya, lately in the balcony, "She asked.

"As attorney matter," He said and she was nodded Apollo just told him not to hurt her again.

He understood that.

When they arrived at the parking lot they immediately entered.

"APPLE, How's your stomach"? He asked.

"It's going better" She replied.

"Apple, from now on I'll pick you up at university," He said she was silent.

"Alexis, why did you do this?"She asked.

"Apple, you know It very soon," He said.

She was curious about what He was saying about she couldn't help but swallow secretly and look outside.

She must be thankful that what happened the other day did not happen again now and it was worth it. She was happy watching the sunset and the fish.

Til they arrived at the Condo and their walk together into the elevator.

She sunk herself in the edges of the elevator while Crossing her arms Alexis, slowly standing beside her put his coat on around her Shoulder.

"Wear that I know you feel cold at your clothes," He said she nodded held his coat.

"Thanks," She said.

The elevator was open and their Walk into their unit.

"Good night Manzanas see you around," He said she smiled at him.

"Good night"She suddenly looked up and kiss his cheeks.

He smiled looking at her.

"That's Thank you kiss"

And thank you. You make me enjoy tonight" She said and pulled open her Condo.

Immediately embrace her dog.

"Suzzy I was happy today," She said kiss her dog.

"Wahhhhh Suzzy I shuddered earlier wahhh," She said climb on her bed while Suzzy played with her hair.

She was looking at the ceiling.

"Aw my gosh Suzzy until now I cannot believe it's all like a dream but this is true Suzzy this is a reality two days We are like this I hope he will not change and he will be like this to me forever," She said while closing her eyes.

Alexis, went straight in the bathroom tomorrow he was starting court her.

He stripping off his clothes while soaking herself in the bathroom.

While Apple, hug his coat.

"Aw Suzzy, he smelled so good," She said While Suzzy watches her she decided to get up to take a bath then lied back to her bed.

THE next day she was waking up in the early morning preparing for the campaign she was the middle of cooking for her breakfast when someone knocked as she expected she smiled quickly open the door it was Alexis, holding flowers.

He's handsome at his output he wears a simple t-shirt and faded jeans.

"Good morning Manzanas flowers for you hope you like it, "He said her heart was pounding of the joy oh my gosh she wanna rolled on the floor because of the extreme shuddered engulfed her body but she had to control herself to stay a calmed she took a deep breath when she it seemed going to Faint.

"Ah eh thanks," She said to accept the Flowers.

"Anyway can I go with you in the campaign"He said her eyebrows raised?

"But your not a student, "She said.

"Please," He said, his voice was tender that it seems to stroke her body. Exaggerated though but that is the Truth.

"Okay get inside," She said and she immediately put the flowers on the table when something burned.

"Aww, my sandwich"She snorted as she stared at her burnt sandwich then Looking at him who was shrugs his shoulder.

"what am I going to eat now," She said sat down on the chair.

Alexis does not know if he should laugh oh pity her because of the sandwich burned she was very sad he approached her.

"Apple, you want to eat outside since it's still early we have a little time," He said.

"No thanks I just eat cereal how about you"?She said.

"Coffee," He said and she immediately made a coffee.

"Here," She said to give him a coffee while she was digging the cereal on her plates.

"Apple, you sure you make full that?"He asked.

"Yeah," She said.

"Okay," He said watching her.

"Wait a minute I just took a bath, "She said immediately enter her room he sat on the table while waiting for her 30 minutes passed she stepping out from her room while carrying her belongings she was wearing a short while her Jacket tied around her waist she was very sexy at her outfit.

"Let me carry that," He said carrying her small maleta.

"Suzzy, let's go, "She said carrying her dogs she stays their house while she in the campaign.

"Mommy will take care of you," She said while they are walking into the elevator Alexis, it seems ready.

"He was planned about this huh"She muttered looking at him.

"What"?He asked her she just lifted her Shoulder.

"Nothing by the way the campaign was in the whole week how about your work left there?"She asked.

"Nothing to worry, "He said and Walk ahead in the car.

He starts the car and heading into her home.

"Apple I was nervous," He said while Maneuvering the car.

"What why?"She asked him.

"Your dad might kill me," He said which makes her Lough hard.

"I highly doubt that, "She said. her voice flattering.

"Tsk, and you want me to die?"He asked.

"Don't worry my dad is not a murder" She said. He was breath relief.

Until they are has arrived at her house and she was the only getting out of the car because he doesn't Ready.

"Mom dad I have to go," She said kiss them in the cheeks before getting in the car.

"So let's go," She said.

Alexis was played the music.

And she was listening while leaning her head on the window.

Now playing.

I think I love you.

Song by The Partridge Family

I was sleeping and right in the middle of a good dream

Like all, at once I wake up from something that keeps knocking at my brain

Before I go insane I hold my pillow to my head

And spring up in my bed Screaming out the words I dread

I think I love you (I think I love you)

This morning I woke up with this feeling

I didn't know how to deal with and so I just decided to myself

I'd hide it to myself and never talk about it

And did not go and shout it when you walked into the room

I think I love you (I think I love you)

I think I love you so what am I so afraid of

I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for

I think I love you isn't that what life is made of

Though it worries me to say that I never felt this way

I don't know what I'm up against


She was smiling listening to the songs until they were reached in University she stepping out of his car and walk onto the bus.

"Good morning ma'am" Her secretary gritted her.

"Good morning is everything is here inside the bus?"She asked.

"Yes mom," Her secretary said.

"Okay I'll see you on the island," She said and her secretary nodded.

"Let's go," She said Walk ahead into the car and then follow the bus.

It took so long before they arrived at Basilio Island.

She saw how the students enjoying the shore.

She helps her secretary and separates the all students in the room.

After separating tell the rule they are rest.

And since He's not a student he doesn't have his room and he with her now but their separate when it comes to the bed she's in the top while he's on the floor using the mattress bed.

"Alexis, I'll go somewhere took a fresh air," She said.

"Will Okay let's go together," He said she stopped then walk ahead but he held her hands.

"Alexis, let go of my hands there's had a student they might see it," She said but I was too late when one of her students approached them.

"Oy miss Apple, "Her students said in a teasing voice she was blush as hell.

"Miss Apple, is he your boyfriend?"One of her students asked her.

"No!he's just a companion," She said.

"But it seems not like that miss Apple, is

There had a companion holding hands?"One of her students asked her she was swallowed.

"Students please were just friends enjoy the campaign and anyways later we have an activity you'll better rest, "She said to avoid the topics.

"Ow see Miss Apple, just avoiding the topics let's go girls she might not readily accepting the fact, "Her students said.

"Bye miss Apple, enjoy sir Handsome" They're shouted quickly run.

"See your students right," He said.

"Alexis, can you tell me why did you do this?"She asked to face him.

"Ahm because I love you that's why I did this, "He said holding her hands she was surprised by his confession now her heart was pounding echoed to her body even her lips were parted.

"You-you love me?"She asked him.

"Yes Apple, and I was sure about that please let me prove my feelings forum, u"He said she doesn't know but her tears dripping wet her cheeks.

"You know I do not know what should react if I'm happy because you finally learned to love me or I-I don't know I was confused right now please go away leave me alone," She said holding her head.

She Didn't know but instead of she was feeling happy now because Atlas he loves her.

but even she could not understand herself maybe she was shocked.

She sat on the sand.

Alexis, just watched Apple, sitting on the sand he understands her maybe she was surprised by what he admits to her.

He took a deep breath to watch her until one professor approached her which feel his jealousy She hug him.

He clenched his fist.

"Damn" He muttered quickly walk into their room.

"I have nothing to do here fuck"He said punched the wall.

To be 🔰