Chapter 29

Endless Love.

"Apple,!" Alexis, shouted standing on the road looking at the car.

"Please Hijo let her go," Her dad said tapped his shoulder.

"But uncle I love your daughter please give me a chance," He said

"Alexis she has amnesia now and please respect is her memories back Let's see," He said leaving him.

He was crouching down of the sadness engulfing him.

After a while, he stood up Walk into his car.

Texting his all friends he needs them Right now for crazy comfort.

"Please join me I was feeling sick right now,"

--at the Barbeque house,-

Minutes later they are replying.

After reading their chat he moved his car heading into the City.


"Alexis, what's happening to you are you have trouble," Kalvin asked him when he has arrived at the Barbeque house.

He just sits the couch immediately took the beer his all friend was here except Kobe.

"Alexis, tell us," Jake said.

"I saw Apple again and she has amnesia, I came from her house in Pangasinan and Apollo beat me," He said in an emotional voice.

"Ow that's sad so she was not able to remember you," Nato said to him.

"Of course she didn't, and I was feeling guilty right now," He said.

"Hays so How is your friend's relationship with Handsome, for sure he was really confused right now, where he should side with the two of you," Kalvin said.

"Nothing has a problem with him, he said that he has placed in the middle if were have a war between me and Apollo," He said.

"Oh really that's great," Nato said.

"So Anyway let's get a tose for the broken-hearted men," Jake said.

"Cheers we can handle this," Nato said.

"Hehehe we are both unluckily when it comes to a woman how so unfair, unlike this two moron and that Velazquez sanford and Merritt, they are very lucky as hell, like," He said.

"Oh anyway how's the life of having a wife," Nato said.

"Happy of course," Kalvin said.

"Hehehe," He said then drink.

"Don't worry Alexis if you were for each other dişten will find the way," Jake said.

He just drinks while murmuring something because of the pain he'd carry right now.

Until he was cannot able to walk because he was drunk.

He did not know what is he doing he just felt a fist hit his shoulder causing him to fall asleep.

KALVIN blew a breathe looking at Alexis who was because of his punched sleep.

He was breaking down get wild in the Barbeque house.

You know he was drunk he didn't even know what is he did.

"Kalvin, just take care of him, "Jake, said tapped his shoulder.

And he was taking home him.

Apple was sitting down on the Balcony watching the shimmered sky.

"Hopefully I was just like you sky who was the happiest Right now, unlike me I feel so unluckiest sadness right now," She said.

Folded her toes then leaning her chin on the top.

"Hija the night was becoming deep aren't you sleep," Her mom said stroking her hair.

"I just can't feel asleep mom maybe later," She said.

"Hija listen let's go tomorrow to the city is that what you want right," Her mom said.

"Really mom," She said.

"Yes, you told me right that if you'll go there.

There has a possibility that's your memories will be back," Her mom said.

"Yes, mom and besides I wanna understand everything's happens now.

There has a lot of questions in my mind and it will only be answered when all my worries return." She said.

"You are right Hija but please be strong okay if you know Everything has passed.," Her mom said.

"I will mom but how are dad and Kuya for sure they will not agree with our plan," She said.

"Don't worry my sweetie will be with you right there," She turned to look at her brother smiled at him.

She was immediately getting up embracing him.

"Thanks, Kuya," She said.

"Don't mention it but you need to do is prepare yourself for tomorrow," He said.

"Yes Kuya," She said in a happy voice.

"I hope tomorrow my memories bring back," She said.

"Hopefully My dear anyway you had to rest now," Her Kuya said.

"Good night mom dad Kuya," She said and walk into her room.

~~~~Time sleep~~~~~~~~~~

(The next day)

Alexis was holding his time because of the sting pain in his head and even also his body.

He was like burning.

"Hijo your awake drink this Your friend took you home last night because you were so drunk," His mom said.

"Thanks, mom," He said took the medicine.

"Anyway I made your favorite mushroom soup," His mom said.

"Thanks a lot, mom," He said and his mom looking at him.

"Son isn't you stop, you will be hurt by what you've done please It was also suffocating for us," She said.

He was stopped eating landed the bowls.

"Mom I try but I cannot let go of this feeling this is--

"Endless love and because of that your life was sorrowful," His mom said cut his words.

"Mom I can endure this, I can until for the rest of my life," He said In a serious voice.

"Even your life was the replacement for reaching up until you impossible dreams Hijo wake up if Apple knows everything that have you done to her before you think she will forgive.

That's was a vague son," She said to him.

"I'm sorry mom But I will do everything," He said in a brave voice.

"You have at the right age to made a decision yourself and as your mother, we are always here always ready for you," She said to him.

"Thanks, mom," He said.

"Okay just continue eating get well soon," She said then getting out of his room.

He was Left thinking to feel so sad about what his mom said.

But he had to be strong enough to fights this.

The condo Apple's with his family.


"Apple, this your condo you staying here since you were graduated in an educational course.

And have you seen that room," Her brother said.

"Yes Kuya," She said.

"That's Alexis room this placed you've met again," Her Kuya said and she was confused.

"Meet again you mean Kuya we've knows each other for a long time," She asked him.

"Just try to remember everything," Her Kuya said and she was close her eyes trying to remember everything.

She was walking inside her room.

Looking at every place but nothing she can't remember.

She was holding her head when suddenly hurt like breaks her head.

She has kneeled while holding her head.

"Hija my God are you okay," Her mom asked her in a worried voice.

"Mom it was very hurt unlike the usual I feel," She said biting her lips.

She was feeling so dizzy and she was passed out...

In the hospital.


"I love you, Baby," Alexis said and kisses her lips she was responding to his kiss,"...

"Hmm, Flowers for you baby,"

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't come last night,".

--->memories returned <--

Apple was crying when she was remember everything and now she was understand everything.

She doesn't want to get up wakes up to face the reality.

She was feeling so hurt remembering what happened to her why she has amnesia because of the fragile how such a coward she is.

She was planning to cut her life because of him.

She loved him so much and because that shit loved she was also hurt her family's feelings making them worried about what she'd done months ago.

And now she had to be stronger.

"Hija you okay Hon she's awake," Her mom said.

Immediately her tears fell.

"Hija stops crying what happened is there has something in pain did you feel,?" Her mom asked her in a worried voice.

She did not answer and she was cried even more.

And they were panicked.

"Mom I-" She and sobbing.

"What Hija,?" She asked her.

"I remember everything mom I'm sorry for I've been done," She said.

"Ow thank god but it's okay hija just get well soon Okay," Her mom said hugging her.

After a while, she was calm down still hugging her mom.

"Mom now I understand everything," She said looking at her mom.

"Great Hija but be brave okay don't let that's love ruined you again," She said.

"Yes mom I will," She said.

"Good afternoon Mr & Mrs. Crudesol I've been checking her already and she was okay now her lost been memory was back and I am happy of that be strong hija," the doctor said and she smiled sparingly.

"Good day," The doctor said and leave.

"You okay now Hija so are you ready now," Her mom asked her.

"Yes mom I'm ready," She said and smiled.

"That's my girl, anyway just hold on are hungry,?" Her mom asked her.

"Mom Don't worry I am not yet hungry I wanna go home please and Isabella," She said.

"Alright Hija," Her mom said and the She remembered her obligation in the university.

"Mom I've been neglecting my job at the school," She said.

"Nothing to worry about that sweetie Mr. Lim has handled everything and according to my investigator the school was fine and the legacies by Mr. Fajardo were continuing," Her brother said.

"Thanks, Kuya," She said to him.

"So if you are ready we had to go," Her dad said.

"Yeah dad I am," She said.

Alexis was decided to go back To the Pangasinan.

"Son where are you going you are not Okay yet," His mom said in a worried voice.

"I am the fine mom I'll be back there at dinner I think," He said kissing his mom's cheeks.

"Good luck son," His dad said patted his shoulder.

He was immediately driving his car into the Pangasinan.

Hours later he has arrived immediately getting out of his car.

Stepping towards home.

He was peeking the gate they were nothing here.

He saw the old guy take a walk while grabbing his dog.

"Excuse me where is the owner of this house," He asked the old guy.

"Oh Mr& Mrs. Crudesol they are not here I think going somewhere," He said to him.

He was smiled at him.

"Thank you," He said and back his way.

"Maybe they are Going now in the Isabella," He said boarded his car moving out of the village and His phone suddenly rang.

"Dad," He answered.

"Alexis something happened with your mom here," His dad said.

"Fuck I on my way dad," He said to end the call backing his car.

When he has arrived he immediately got out of his car walk into his mom's room.

"Mom are you okay," He asked his mom while laying down on the bed still sleeping.

"Son she was still asleep I wanna bring her to the hospital but she won't," His dad said.

"Dad, what happened,?" He asked him.

"I think because of the sadness son she was worried about you, you know your mom has depression I hope she never returns to the past," His dad said in a sad voice.

"Past what do you mean dad I didn't know about that," He said in a curious voice.

"I stopped serving before because of your mom.

She doesn't even want me to get involved in a war the first time I didn't listen to her and continue because I loved my profession.

But one day I've received some news about your mom she has locked herself in the room didn't wanna talk to someone and even her mom and dad.

And because I've been worried about her I was resigning went in the Philippines to visit her and unfortunately, even she doesn't want to talk, until 2 years before she has recovered, that's why I've been scared right now," His dad said and he was silent looking at his mom.

"Tell me dad this is my fault right," He said.

"No son your just in love that's why, don't blame yourself everything is gonna be alright," He said tapped his shoulder.

He was nodded rubbing his mom's cheeks.

To be continued.