Chapter 31

Endless Love.

Alexis was sitting in his office at the usuals time busy with his work.

The months have passed he was always like this.

Makes busy himself to take away Apple's from his mind.

He didn't even go anywhere he just staying in his office day and night going back home even it's a weekend.

And anyway his grandma and grandpa went back they'll country.

Sometimes his all friend also visit him to invite him to hang out in the Barbeque house and he was refused it.

Good thing that they understood him.

His reason for them is his mom needs him.

So since they already saw his mom's condition they'd understand and sometimes they are visiting home.

Despite rything's happens around him.

He  knows that this happens to him and his family was karma for him.

And the most painful is the karma was hit his mom and that was very suffocating for him.

His mom was innocent for the fuck sake.

She was Suffer now for his all mistakes has done.

This is the biggest karma he'd experience ever that his mom wasn't able to remember who is him and also his dad.

She has a traumatic disorder.

But fuck according to the doctor we are waiting until she has healed.

And don't even know when.

Sometimes when he was talking to his mom he wants to cry watching her suffering laying down in the bed she did not even say anything.

This is a very difficult situation he'd mom experience.

If he can do something to replacing her situation he did it right now without hesitating.

But can't too it's all this fucking illusions.

Fucking illusions he'd ever thought.

"Sir excuse me have you even finish your thinking bout it, you had to sign this," His contemplating interrupt by the secretary's voice showing the documents to him.

He has cleared his throat first before accepting the documents then read first.

"Thank you, sir, would you even offend me but I had to say of this you've been neglecting your self you know sir the company was better no one has a problem why don't you take a break to unwind yourself, Relax," She said him.

"Thanks but I don't want to yes I guess you were right you may go," He said in a slow voice.

"Okay sir," She said and getting out of his office.

"Did I fucking looks terrible," He said looking himself in the laptop screen.

"I am fucking still handsome so I don't need That's fucking break," He said stood up then took water.

"Günaydın," Mirvish greeted broadly then sit on the couch.

He was wondering if this woman here.

"What's wrong with this woman yesterday she tells me that she left this fucking country and now she was here she's insane," He said took a two glass of beer.

"I am not insane and shut up will you I am not in the mood especially," She said throwing the pillow in his face.

For the months they'll meet they were becoming close to each other.

And even let her curse him.

"Anyway have a problem," He said sitting beside him.

"If I told you this fucking problem do you have some fucking Idea to solve this fucking problem I've carrying for almost 5 months," She said.

"Yeah tell me let's see," He said looking at her.

"I love you," She said in a serious voice.

He has stopped looking at her with confusion.

"Bwahahaha, hahaha," She was just Lough while holding her tummy.

"What,?" He asks her.

"Wait;-bwahaha, I can't help," She said while still laughing.

"Insane," He said leave her.

"Alexis, I'm just kidding your serious hmp," She said.

"Get out of my fucking office I asked you a serious question and you were just answering me with the fucking nonsense words," He said.

"Nonsense but you were speechless from now on I will avoid you.

You love me secretly," She said.

"She's crazy," He said and just chuckled returned to his work.

"Anyway I have to hehe," She said and getting out of his room.

He did not mind her.


. Less than 10 minutes Apple has arrived at the school she'd work.

as the months have passed she was also beginning to change right after meeting those women in the hospital they're becoming closed because of his brother.

And she teaches how to be a brave confident woman when it comes to the guy.

How defeated the weakness feeling.


She was turned when  Her phone suddenly rang.

"Hello," She answered.

"Wahhh miss beautiful remember me," The other line said and she was confused.

"Who are you," She asks.

"Aww you have forgotten I am the guy who took your calling card lately there in the hospital," He said and the slight accident that happened was flashed in her mind.

"Ow you are," She said.

"Yeah got it you remember me wahhhhh nice thank you Lord my dream girl are here,"! He was screaming so loud that causing she accidentally dropped her phone on the floor.

"Hello Dear, I'm sorry for what he did again," The woman said.

"Hehehe it's okay he's really cute as a child," She said.

"Yeah," She said.

"Okay did my brother  bothering you,?" She asked her.

"Not really," She said.

"If okay for you can we meet hayst my brother, want to saw you," She said.

"Ah eh sure location," She said.

"Got it I will text you," She said.

"Wahhh miss beautiful thank you can't wait to see you tomorrow," He said from the other line.

"Okay, then bye," She said.





In the restaurant.

"Wahhhhh miss beautiful," She smiles at looking at them sitting on the chair.

"Nice to meet you again anyway I am Moana Santiago and this my twin brother Joan Santiago," Moana, introduce.

"I am Apple Crudesol," She said having sparingly smiled on her lips.

"Thank you for coming," Moana said.

"Miss beautiful, are you a teacher can you teach me hehe," Joan said having a brightly smile on her lips.

And she doesn't know how to answer his childish questions.

Even he was childish but he was handsome like a model.

If he didn't talk behaved in the side place he was so damn a serious handsome guy.

"Hey brother shut up will you please," Moana said.

"Sorry my sister I'm just happy," He said looking at her.

"So anyway Apple, you look so pale are you Okay are you scared of him," Moana said.

"Ah no," She said.

"Anyway friend," Moana said offer her hands.

"Friends," She Said.

And the days have passed they were becoming close to each other.

Sometimes they will call her to invite a dinner.

And also they were meet hang out in the mall.

They were so kind of her especially Moana,

And Juan was so very noisy always telling her.

That she was beautiful like a rainbow.

Makes him happy every day.

And because of the closeness friendship they had.

She was already telling them about her past story and that's why Moana, teach her how to survive her forgot her past.

*End of flashback*

She was just sitting at the table while waiting for her all students.

"Good afternoon miss Apple,"  all students greeted her then sitting their chairs.

"Okay class pass your assignment in there two one," She said and the all students stand up submitted their homework.

"Okay Tomorrow you will know, the results of that and our lesson for today is about General mathematics so can you tell me about the consist of the following topic," She said while walking holding the chalk.

"Yes Raton," She said the one student.

"The seven  Mathematics consists of the following is a

Investing, and Borrowing,


Statistical Investigation.

Applications of Trigonometry.

Linear and Exponential Functions and their Graphs," She said.

"Okay very good Raton you may take your seat now," She said and write on the marker board.

"Okay, the general mathematics technical definition of a function is a relation from a set of inputs to a set of possible outputs where each input is related to exactly one output. ... We can write the statement that f is a function from X to Y using the function notation f:" She said writing the board.



: After the discussion her all students getting out of the room to proceed with their next subject while she left checking the Assignment while waiting for her next students.

Right after reading the all documents signing he was getting out of the CEO's office walks into the CLO office his position.

His dad was planning to hire the CLO of their company to replacing his position as A CLO because his dad worried about him you know as A CEO this is a heavy responsibility. And also the CLO so since they were still hiring for CLO.

He has to handle both.

Yeah, it was hard but he can handle this for his family.

Sergio. mansion.

Zandro was wiping his wife still laying down on the bed just looking at him it was suffocating for him watching his wife in the hard situation yes she was an experience like this before but this is much.

She was not able to say and moved her body was dead temporarily according to the doctor.

He wanna returned to his works but he's soon volunteering to handles everything.

"Hon I hope you will recovering very soon," He said brushing her hair.

"Cause I felt pity for our son. I know that he wanna fights his love For Apple but because of our situation right now he was decided giving up his feeling and he makes priorities his family over his loved one," He said kissing her forehead.

"Tünaydın,(Good afternoon,)" Mirvish come kissing her auntie.

"Tünaydın why are you here honey," He said.

He was considering her as his own daughter because his dad and he were friends they will both navy before and because of their family, they were both resigning from their profession.

"Hays tito I am here to saying you Goodbye damn dad bought a ticket for me I don't wanna going back there but I have no other choice," She said with a shrugged.

"That's good hija just follow your dad because he was doing this for your welfare," He said.

"Welfare that he has another guy again to fixing marriage me again since he was failed match Alexis and me," She said having a bitter smile.

"Hays doesn't worry Hija I'll talk to him," He said.

"Hays thanks to your uncle," She said.

"Don't mention it," He said.

"Anyway Uncle How's auntie according to the doctor,?" She asked him.

"Same as last day," She said.

"Don't worry Uncle I will pray for her also," She said holding his wife's hands.

"Anyway uncle had to go see you soon when I see you," She said tapped his shoulder before leaving.

Right after the class Apple  immediately went into the parking lot.

While driving her car the sp university flashed her mind so she was decided to go first into the City.

The traffic was not much heavy so she has arrived fastest than usuals rushed time.

She walked into the Dean's office.

"Miss Apple," Her secretary before was hugging her she was smiled hug her back.

"Ma'am I was worried about you and even the all students here when the bad news come that you were in a critical condition we feel so sad that time," She said.

"Thanks for your concern," She said.

"Love," She was turned hearing that voice it was Mr. Lim.

Her secretary pulled away and walks overside.

"Apple, your here I miss you," He said and hugged her.

She saw how the secretary changes her gesture mood lately bowed her head and didn't looking at them.

Mr. Lim Pulled away then walk towards the secretary then clap's their hands together.

She was smiled looking at the secretary's face were blushing.

"Aw how so cute," She said looking at them.

"Anyway Apple we are a couple right now since the last month meets my girlfriend your ex-secretary and if you are going there to get what's your own I won't stop you," He said to her.

"No I am here just visiting this university and of course you and her I am so happy for both of you congrats," She said and they are smiled.

"Thank you Apple," He said while hugging his girlfriend.

"Ow well it was getting late for me so may excuse Best wishes for your relationship and don't you forget inviting me for your wedding hemp," She said and they are nodded.

"See you soon," They said.

"See you," She said getting out of the office.

Alexis was driving into his condo took his left things there.

When he has arrived he stepping inside his unit took his thing then getting out.

He stopped when he saw the woman.

To be continued...