
Chapter 871: Predicament!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Chief, here is the list of all the refugees who has entered the base!" A second lieutenant from the logistics department gave a folder to Lin Zhong-qing.

Lin Zhong-qing took it and looked it over. He then frowned, "Did they pass the identity check of the mainframe?"

"These are the ones who have passed. Those that didn't pass has already been injected with restricting agents by the punishment squad," replied the second lieutenant.

Lin Zhong-qing couldn't help but be happy that Base 013's mainframe luckily had all of the information regarding all of the Hailiyan mecha operator on Planet Haijiao. This made sure that Hailiya's spies couldn't blend in with the refugees, making sure that Base 013 was safe from the watchful eyes of Hailiya.

Little Four was very pleased with himself, as this information was gathered from when he was still connected to the Federation's bases while he was scouting around the bases of Hailiya. It should be said that even the Federation's mainframe didn't have information as detailed he had stolen… acquired.

However, what Lin Zhong-qing was more worried about was not the spies. Instead, he was more worried about…

Lin Zhong-qing picked up the folders beside him once again. Inside it was the data that showed the amount of supplies and resources available in the base being in the red. The data estimated that these supplies and resources were only enough for two days. The energy, weapons and equipment could still be salvaged for a longer time, so they were fine on that end, but the food and water situation was dire.

Lin Zhong-qing picked up the folders and walked briskly towards the command center. When he entered, he saw that it was full of people speed walking around as if they were in a racewalking competition.

The command center was originally filled with staff from each department of the base. However now, only the regiment commanders of all the clans and the other higher-ups of the base were allowed to be there.

It should be explained that in the past two weeks, Base 012, 014 and 015 around Base 013 could no longer defend against Hailiya's military force that was 10 times more in numbers. They had no choice but to abandon the bases and retreat to the center location between all of them, Base 013. In other words, Base 013 had actually become a lone city in the middle of nowhere.

At that moment, many lieutenant colonels and senior colonels were standing around the virtual screens to coordinate their future. They were the people that were supposed to be on a break today. However, how could they rest easy in their quarters? So, they all went to the command center and helped in predicting Hailiya's movements, attacks and how to deal with those attacks.

The person in command today was Han Jijyun. In the past few days, he and Li Lanfeng switched with each other for the task of coordinating practice battles and discussing with the regiment commanders of all the clans. Although he and Li Lanfeng switched everyday, his face was still showing signs of fatigue. After the forces from the other three bases retreated to Base 013, the pressure on him and Li Lanfeng reached to the point where he almost could not bear with it anymore. This made Han Jijyun, who was a newbie strategist that had only come into contact with war for a short amount of time, have the illusion of not being able to breathe from the immense pressure. He felt he had already reached his limit. However, when he saw that Li Lanfeng still had fight in him, his own heart began to burn with determination…

This feeling of being unable to compare to someone else made Han Jijyun feel frustrated. It made him want to work even harder and better. However, the more he did this, the more he felt he couldn't compare to Li Lanfeng. With this mindset, even if they changed shifts, he still wouldn't be able to rest well…

Han Jijyun turned to look at Lin Zhong-qing. Lin Zhong-qing just pointed towards Ling Lan's office and asked Han Jijyun, "Is Boss inside?"

During this time, Boss was always running between the mecha hold and command center to give orders. Inside the base, all mecha operators who were elite ace or above and didn't have shifts would stand guard in the mecha hold, prepared for battle at any second. It was also these brave individuals who fended off Hailiya's probing attacks one after the other, not allowing Base 013 to fall into enemy hands.

Han Jijyun nodded towards Lin Zhong-qing, gesturing that Ling Lan was in her office. He then surreptitiously put up three fingers. Lin Zhong-qing knew that with the signal that there were three outsiders in Boss's office.

Lin Zhong-qing walked into Ling Lan's office and saw four people sitting in the living room area of the office. Other than Boss, the other three were the commanding officers of the Base 012, 014 and 015. The three of them were all smoking with very depressing expressions on their faces. They looked as though they weren't confident that they would be able to endure this final week.

Lin Zhong-qing saluted them and then walked in front of Ling Lan. He handed the folder to Ling Lan and said, "Regiment commander, please take a look at this."

Ling Lan opened it and scanned through it. She saw the numbers of the food and water supply and immediately understood the situation they were in.

She handed the folder back to Lin Zhong-qing and coldly said, "It seems that our prediction is right. Hailiya indeed wants to use those refugees to come to us to deplete our food and water supply."

"To be honest, in the second week when they crazily attacked our logistics supply convoy that was retreating, blocking off us from bringing supplies into Base 013, I had already though it would become like this." The commanding officer of Base 012 smiled bitterly.

"Plus, it is even clearer what they are planning when they would stop their chase when those refugees enter Base 013's territory," the commanding officer from Base 015 took a huge whiff of his cigarette and said. However, even though they knew about the enemy's plans, they couldn't just not accept the refugee soldiers. They were still not cold-blooded enough to abandon their own comrades.

"This Major Lin has probably sent over the data regarding the supplies in the logistics department. The situation is really bad, right? How many days can we hold out for?" The commanding officer of Base 014 looked towards Lin Zhong-qing. Lin Zhong-qing often reported to Ling Lan regarding the internal workings in the logistics department. Thus, these commanding officers had already remembered him by name.

"Optimistically, two days," Ling Lan said plainly.

"I had also predicted that there was only a few days left. Three days ago, when the food that was handed out began to decrease, I knew that the base couldn't hold out for much longer," said the commanding officer of Base 014. "In the past few days, the soldiers of the Federation who retreated into Base 013 have begun to increase in numbers. Thus, the pressure on the logistics department is becoming heavier and heavier… We have reached the predicament where we must go out to find food, and as luck would have it, the enemy is all around us… Now, if a group was to go out, they would probably get jumped on by multiple groups. The enemy plans on letting us rot in Base 013. No wonder in the past few days, there were only small assaults. Their intentions were to test us, not to attack us." If the enemy had used the same amount of military force that was used against Base 014, Base 013 may not be able to hold on for more than two or three days.

Ling Lan said calmly, "Not only that, Hailiya still wants to use Base 013 to catch more fish…"

The three commanding officers looked towards Ling Lan with confused expressions. They couldn't understand what Ling Lan was saying.

"If these soldiers from the Federation were to do guerrilla warfare around their area continuously, they would constantly be harassed and disturbed. Thus, it would be better for them to let them go and retreat into Base 013 for two reasons. One, it would deplete our resources and supplies much quicker. Two, they would be able to destroy all of us at once!" Ling Lan knew very well that if these refugee soldiers from the Federation were to actually hide in the corners around Planet Haijiao, it would be impossible for Hailiya to completely annihilate them without a few years of battle.

Chapter 872: One Last Attack!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Ling Lan had another bolder thought. 'What if Hailiya is even more ambitious? Maybe they are trying to use Base 013 as a bait to lure the reinforcements of the Federation. Do they want to destroy the reinforcements too?'

No matter what, their decision allowed Base 013 to have some time to breathe. As for the problem of food and water… a cold light flashed passed Ling Lan's eyes. She must solve this problem. If not, her base would just internal collapse, turning them into helpless lambs for the wolves stalking them outside of the base to gobble up.

"Killing two birds with one stone." The commanding officer of Base 012 gave a bitter smile. The other party knew all their actions and schemed against them. However, there was nothing they could do. They could only accept it.

"If we want to continue resisting, we need to have ample food and water. These are two big problems that we must solve." Ling Lan's expression turned serious.

"But the enemy is all around us. Where are we supposed to find more food and water?" The commanding officer of Base 014 sighed.

The commanding officer of Base 015 suddenly thought of something. He narrowed his eyes as he asked, "Regiment Commander Ling, are you planning to snatch resources from our enemy's bases?" This was an impossible task as their enemy's bases were constantly heavily guarded. They wouldn't be able to sneak in.

"Why not?" Ling Lan replied calmly. Where else would they able to get food and water? Ling Lan knew that this plan was absurd but she must do this, even if she had to suffer heavy consequences, she must do it.

She was not someone who would wait for death. In order to gain the slimmest chance to survive, she would attempt the impossible even if she had to risk her life!

"If I had to choose between waiting for death and attempting one last stand, I'll always choose to fight one last time!" Ling Lan spoke her thoughts out firmly.

The three other commanding officers just stared at the ceiling while they smoked silently. Smoke filled up the room. Ling Lan's cold face appeared hazy among all the smoke. However, the determination in her eyes was like a gleaming light in the haze.

"Just like what Regiment Commander Ling has said, if we don't do it, we can only wait for death. I'll take the risk." The commanding officer of Base 014 extinguished his cigarette on the ashtray as though he was extinguishing his hesitation.

"I also agree!"

"Me too!"

The commanding officers of the other two bases finally made their decisions too. They knew that this decision might cause the death of thousands of soldiers but this was the only way more soldiers were able to survive and last till the reinforcements came. They must do this.

Ling Lan smiled slightly when she heard the other commanding officers agreeing with her. With the strength of her own base, she was unable to snatch enough supplies to feed 500,000 soldiers, so she had to collaborate with the other three bases. Since this was supplies for all the four bases, Ling Lan hoped that the people in the four bases would all participate and not let her base take all the risk. In this aspect, she was selfish.

After an intense discussion, every base decided to bring two mecha clans to participate in this mission. 250 Ace Mecha Clan sent three teams, team 02, team 03, and team 08 to participate in this attack.

The person-in-charge of this mission was the team leader of team 02, Liu Furong. The team leader of team 08, Han Jijyun, would be the adviser of this mission while the team leader of team 03, Qi Long, was in charge of guarding and being alert of their surroundings. At first, Ling Lan wanted to ask Li Lanfeng and his team to go for this mission. However, Han Jijyun volunteered instead and his attitude to go was resolute so Ling Lan decided to let him go.

These people break into different teams and quietly left the base through different paths. Base 013 had been sending numerous mecha operators out to patrol the surroundings so such actions didn't catch the attention of Hailiya.

After one day, all the mecha operators that participated in this mission left their bases.

At the command center, Zhao Jun looked at the cold-looking Li Lanfeng and said with regret, "Unfortunately, we can't go."

Li Lanfeng glanced at him and replied indifferently, "If you want to go, why didn't you volunteer like Han Jijyun? Why are you regretting now? You deserve it."

Zhao Jun pouted. 'Look, you are feeling angry because Han Jijyun snatched your mission, right? Why are you being so blunt? You look calm but in your heart, you must be fuming.'

" I want to but I don't dare to speak when I saw Boss's cold face." Zhao Jun felt wronged. Their situation was getting worse. The force of presence from their Boss grew stronger. He wanted to ask but after speaking with her for a while, he swallowed his words back. He really didn't dare to do it. Zhao Jun respected Han Jijyun. At least, he had the courage to voice out his opinion.

Li Lanfeng scoffed, "Look at you. You are muscular and bulky but deep inside, you are a coward. Useless."

"I'm useless. What about you? Why didn't you talk to Boss?" Zhao Jun was angry. Since Li Lanfeng's mission got taken away, why didn't he reject Han Jijyun when he had the chance to?

Li Lanfeng pursed his lips. Would he admit that he got stunned by Han Jijyun's intimidating gaze? If he knew that this was going to happen, he wouldn't have pressured Han Jijyun when they were discussing at that time. Isn't he just creating trouble for himself? After being suppressed by him for a long time, Han Jijyun finally exploded in anger and snatched his mission. It didn't matter that Han Jijyun snatched his mission but he missed a chance to fight alongside Ling Lan because of this!

That's right, their regiment commander, Ling Lan, sneaked out of the base too. No one knew that Ling Lan had left the base to participate in this mission.

Base Ailan of Hailiya was not the closest base to Base 013. It used to be on the second line of defense on Hailiya's side. Of course, now, it was no longer a second line of defense base. Most of the mecha clans had moved to the bases in front of them. Hence, this base became a half-defense and half-logistician base.

It was understandable that this base became like this. There were only a few bases resisting against them now, and these few bases were still able to survive because Hailiya let them. Many frontline soldiers didn't understand why their superiors made this decision but they still followed the order.

After looking at the map of the bases of Hailiya, she chose to attack this base.

Ling Lan knew that the bases around Base 013 would be heavily armed to ensure that they would be able to attack them anytime. To support these bases, they must get supplies from the bases behind them. That was why she laid her eyes on the bases on the second line of defense. She also asked Little Four about the conditions of the bases before the satellites were destroyed. Little Four told her that there was a natural ice cave below Base Ailan. This was a perfect location to keep all the food and water supplies.

This prediction was risky. If she was wrong, they would return empty-handed. Then, Hailiya would be on their guard after this so they wouldn't give her another chance to snatch food supplies. The survival of their bases depended on this mission.

Chapter 873: Let's Be Crazy Once!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Regiment commander, there is movement."

"Hide!" The instant the order was given, the bunch of mechas flying quickly in the air instantly disappeared from the air. They seemed to have practice this many times.

A group of patrolling mechas from the Hailiyan army could be seen flying towards their direction from afar, but since the mechas from the Federation hid well, nothing suspicious was discovered by the patrolling mechas. The patrolling mechas just did a routine search around the area and left.

When the patrolling mechas disappeared, a relieved voice sounded on the team channel. "Mecha operators in 250 Ace Mecha Clan have amazing battle skills and their equipment is impressive too. Their radar's range is wider than any special radar system made by the Federation. Furthermore, due to the signal interference on the radar, we were able to discover our enemy but they couldn't detect us."

Song Yiqing felt complicated. He didn't know how he should feel towards 250 Ace Mecha Clan and their regiment commander. He should hate them but…

Song Yiqing remembered what had happened yesterday night.

Just like any normal day on Planet Haijiao for the past few weeks, he was calculating the number of casualties in his clan for the day. As the battle got harder, even young masters like him were also sent to the battlefield by Ling Lan to help distract their opponents.

Song Yiqing finally understood what his grandfather meant when he said that he would truly grow up after experiencing the battlefield. He thought that during the past year of him being on the battlefield, he had already experienced everything he could on the battlefield. Now, he knew that what he experienced in the past didn't amount to anything at all. It was all because Du Mingyi was not as bold as Ling Lan. Ling Lan was willing to send Song Yiqing to the most dangerous place while Du Mingyi only let them out to clean the stage after they won a battle. They were essentially there to be the janitors of the battlefield, there to just kill some half-dead bugs to claim some merits.

After days and days of the war, Song Yiqing's thoughts of fighting for power diminished slowly. He finally comprehended the responsibility of being a regiment commander. It was not to win nor to gain honor. It was to ensure that his team members had the highest chance of staying alive.

Song Yiqing looked at the number of casualties today, his heart felt bitter. Although the people in his mecha clan were all people with special backgrounds who were timid, like to hide, and always ran away after firing one shot, he had been living with them for many years. He didn't feel too good when he saw the people he was familiar with leaving him one by one.

Suddenly, he felt the air turning cold in the office. He looked up immediately and saw a person with a cold aura sitting on the sofa in his office. The person was crossing his arms and was looking at Song Yiqing coldly.

"Regiment Commander Ling!" Song Yiqing gritted his teeth. 'He is a domain realm master so he always likes to appear so suddenly to scare him. This is infuriating.'

"Regiment Commander Song, are you done with your work for the day?"Ling Lan put her feet down and stood up calmly.

Song Yiqing threw the pen in his hand on the table and leaned back in his chair. He said angrily, "Regiment Commander Ling, why did you come to visit my 224 Mecha Clan?" He had a grudge against Ling Lan, so they usually wouldn't interact with each other unless they had something to discuss. Hence, Ling Lan must have something important to tell him when she visited him in the middle of the night.

"There is no food and water left in the base." Ling Lan went straight to the point.

"I know. Everyone's water supply is reduced recently and the amount of food distributed is also halved. Something must have happened." Song Yiqing was not stupid. When the amount of food and water supply changed, he knew that the situation in the base was getting worse.

"So, we must snatch food and water from our enemy's base," Ling Lan told him her decision.

"Are you crazy!" Song Yiqing was dumbstruck. He sprung up. 'Damn it, does this person thinks that the enemy's bases belong to him? Does he think that he can just walk in and take whatever he wants?'

"If I don't become crazy, we will all die." Ling Lan replied indifferently, "And I don't want to die. Thus, I decided to be crazy."

Song Yiqing's expression changed. He couldn't help but ask, "Have the commanding officers from the other three bases agreed?"

���They don't want to die too." Ling Lan's gaze turned sharp, seemingly able to slice through the air in front of her.

Song Yiqing got enlightened. If the other three commanding officers didn't agree, Ling Lan would have used some vicious method to force them to agree.

He dabbed his face uncontrollably with a small napkin and helplessly said, "Since you want to become crazy, do it then. Why bother telling me…" Song Yiqing suddenly realized something. His face turned pale. He pointed at Ling Lan then pointed at himself while he stammered, "You… you… want me…"

"That's right! I want you to go crazy with me!" Ling Lan calmly announced Song Yiqing's 'death sentence'.

"I'm not going. That's the same as seeking for death!" Song Yiqing shouted angrily.

"Not going?" Ling Lan glanced at Song Yiqing. 'This fellow always like to avert from risk.'

The growing malicious intent in Ling Lan's eyes made Song Yiqing's heart drop. ���Will this God of Death kill him if he didn't agree?'

"Ling Lan, the Second Marshal is my grandfather," Song Yiqing shouted, trying to remind Ling Lan that his grandfather would not let him off if he killed him.

"Stop shouting. No one can hear you. Have you forgotten that you are in my domain?" Ling Lan was speechless as she looked at Song Yiqing. 'She isn't planning to do anything to him. Does he have to look like a lady that was being bullied by a hooligan? Why is he so frightened?'

'If I want you to die, I won't leave any traces behind! You'll die quietly!' That was what Song Yiqing thought Ling Lan meant by her words. Song Yiqing suddenly felt a chill down his spine, ever since he met this bastard, Ling Lan, his image of this world had collapsed around him.

"What do you want me to do?" Song Yiqing finally knew that he had no choice but to do Ling Lan orders him to do. He slapped his face and forced himself to regain his composure.

"Help transport food and water." These people were bad at fighting but they were very good at running away and hiding. If that wasn't the case, Ling Lan wouldn't have chosen them.

Ling Lan didn't like to use a single criterion to determine whether a soldier was good or not. She always felt that as long as a person performed to his advantage well, he would be an outstanding soldier even if he didn't have many merits. She used this mindset when assigning work to her logisticians. Now, she was doing the same to 224 Mecha Clan.

224 Mecha Clan were not good at fighting. But, snatching supplies required good hiding skills and the instinct to know when one should run away. This mecha clan was the most suitable mecha clan for this mission.

"You are taking us away from the battlefield?" Song Yiqing stood up straight.

Ling Lan just scoffed at his outburst. Song Yiqing's face turned red. 'Fine, my mecha clan was not good at fighting. They would be a burden to other people.'

"After we attacked the base, you'll be in charge of moving the supplies. After that, don't care about anything behind you and rush back to the base. The other mecha clans will stop the enemies for you." Since she planned to let Song Yiqing bring his mecha clan out, she must tell him about her plans to clear him of his worries.

Chapter 874: Create A Murder!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Just stopping the enemies?" Song Yiqing noticed what Ling Lan said.

"Do you still want us to protect you all the way back to the base?" Ling Lan raised one of her eyebrows. "Merits are not so easy to get. However, this is your only chance to use your own effort to gain some merits."

After she finished speaking, Ling Lan moved instantly to Song Yiqing's side. She patted his shoulder and said softly, "Opportunities don't come often. You don't want to go back with shame, right?"

Before Song Yiqing could reply, Ling Lan started to disappear slowly in front of him. Then, she was gone. It was as though her arrival was just Song Yiqing's illusion.

Song Yiqing almost fainted from anger. 'This bastard just threw me a sentence that perked up my interest and then left without waiting for my response. I had never seen such an irresponsible commanding officer before.'

However, he was right. He didn't want to go home in shame. He wanted to stand proudly in front of his grandfather, his father, and those siblings who looked down on him.

Song Yiqing clicked his tongue. Just like this, he was lured into this crazy mission. Fortunately, that bastard still had some conscience. Ling Lan gave each of his team members a radar system so that they were able to hide from all of Hailiya's patrols. The journey was frightening but they managed to reach the first line of defense safely.

"Regiment commander, what should we do now?" They had arrived at their destination, but the person in front didn't know what he should do now.

"What should we do now? Settle down here and have a rest. We'll wait for Commander Ling's orders," Song Yiqing replied to the person angrily. They finally managed to sneak into their enemy's territory. Now, they had to wait for the news from Ling Lan's side. 'Are they able to take down one of their enemy's bases?'

As one of the regiment commanders participating in this mission, Song Yiqing didn't know which base Ling Lan was planning to attack. Actually, it should be said that all the regiment commanders didn't know which base they were attacking, only Ling Lan knew.

At this moment, Ling Lan, team 03 and team 08 of 250 Ace Mecha Clan were hiding on a leveled plain on a mountain not far away from Base Ailan. They had been here for almost two hours.

"Ailan is heavily guarded. The protective shield is also very stable. These are the observations we have noticed during these two hours. Patrol teams appear every half an hour. Each patrol team patrolled for one hour each. There are 24 mechas in one patrol team. The numbers never change and they were never late too." Han Jijyun had recorded all their observations during these two hours in the hopes of finding a chance to attack them.

"If any patrol team is late, the base might reprimand and punish them. We are unable to make use of the patrol team to sneak in." Han Jijyun frowned. He knew that the bases of Hailiya were heavily guarded but he didn't expect the security to be so tight. There was no loophole for them to make use of.

"We can forget about sneaking in." Ling Lan replied calmly.

"Regiment commander?" Everyone looked at Ling Lan in shock.

"I'll be in charge of sneaking in." Ling Lan pointed at a patrol team that just flew out of the base. "What you all have to consider is whether you all could finish these mechas off within three minutes after they moved out of the radar range of the base." They had around the same amount of people as the patrol team. It wouldn't be easy killing all of them within such a short time.

Qi Long narrowed his eyes as he started calculating the possibility of completing this mission.

Liu Furong brought his team 02 to meet the other eight mecha clans at the designated gathering spot. Only Qi Long and Han Jijyun's team moved with Ling Lan.

"Leave them to me." Qi Long clenched his fist firmly. This was a hard task but he couldn't disappoint his Boss. He must complete this mission.

"That's good. One hour later, your 24 mechas will disguise themselves, and I'll let this base's mainframe accept your entry request. Remember, there is only one chance." Ling Lan looked intently at Qi Long and Han Jijyun's team.

Ailan had become a logistician base but there were still many patrols here. There should be at least 20 mecha clans guarding this base. Once these mecha clans noticed any signs of an invasion, they wouldn't be able to get out of the base with the supplies. No matter how strong they were, they couldn't kill their way out of the base. Thus, Qi Long must succeed.

"After entering the base, kill all the enemies that see you. Do not let anyone have the chance to reveal your identity," Ling Lan said coldly. To ensure everyone's safety, they must learn to be cruel.

"I understand!" The team members of the two teams felt their hearts tightening. Their regiment commander's vicious words let them understand that they would face a brutal battle once they entered the base.

Ling Lan scanned them intently. She noticed that all of them were serious, including Qi Long and Han Jijyun. Compared to their team members, Ling Lan was more worried about Qi Long and Han Jijyun. She was afraid that they wouldn't be able to get used to this malicious style. However, they proved her wrong. She underestimated them.

Ling Lan finally felt at ease. She waved her hands and asked the two teams to carry out their mission. As they were leaving, her body disappeared slowly.

Qi Long looked at his Boss who was going to sneak into their enemy's base alone. He took a deep breath and ordered, "Let's get started!"

More than 20 shadows flew towards the back of the mountain. After some time, a group of mechas secretly moved out of the mountain and followed the patrol team from afar.

Half an hour later, the entrance of the base opened, allowing the mechas to get ejected out.

"There seemed to be mist today." One of the mecha operators felt that his windshield seems blurry today, so he complained about it.

"Isn't this normal? It's near the evening now. The light is not strong, so it's normal to have some mist. Don't forget what we have below our base." Another mecha operator wasn't concern about the mist. There was a natural ice cave under their base, so it was common for them to see mist around their base in the morning and evening.

"It has been really hot recently. I haven't seen mist in a long time though," the mecha operator said.

"Stop talking. Hurry up and complete our patrol mission so that we can go back and rest." Their team leader stopped his team members from jabbering any longer. They could get some rest between their patrolling mission but the high intensity of the mission made them tired mentally. The team leader just wanted to complete his mission perfectly. He didn't care about the useless weather conditions.

"Yes, team leader!" The team members didn't dare to talk anymore. They ended their conversation and focused on operating their mechas.

"Domains can turn invisible but traces can still be found. I'm still unable to turn completely invisible in my gaseous state." Ling Lan had realized that her gaseous state was not perfected yet. Or rather, she only managed to master her liquid state.

"Luckily, Hailiya didn't expect a domain realm masters to invade them. If they had installed energy level detectors, I'll be unable to sneak into the base so easily." Ling Lan felt relieved.

"Weird!" One of the logisticians in the mecha hold touched his head curiously.

"What happened?" Another logistician asked in puzzlement.

"Nothing. I might have seen wrong." The logistician couldn't explain his feelings too. He shook his head. He just felt that the air in the mecha hold seemed fresher today. However, when he noticed that his comrade didn't sense anything, he thought that it was his illusion.

Ling Lan moved around the mecha hold and came to the JMC office. Her body appeared slowly.

The female soldiers in the JMC office were all conversing happily. They didn't know that something bad was going to happen soon.

One of the female soldiers sensed something and turned around instantly. She saw a soldier who was not wearing the Hailiya military uniform looking at them. When the female soldier looked over, the person smiled at her.

The smile was enchanting. She thought that she saw an angel from heaven.

"Sleep." A soft and gentle voice sounded beside her and she happily fell into a deep sleep.

Ling Lan retracted her smile and the warmth emitting from body disappeared, leaving only frigid coldness. "Little Four, control the base."

"Yes, Boss!" Little Four immediately took the order and controlled the entire JMC system. Then, he controlled the mainframe of the base too.

Ling Lan looked at all the female soldiers in the room. They had smiles on their faces but in actual fact, they were killed as blood flowed out of their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. In the past, the Federation experienced the JMC bloodbath. Now, she was recreating another JMC bloodbath. She had no choice. For the sake of the soldiers of the Federation, she had to do this.

"Let me send you all down. You come with nothing and will leave with nothing. Leave this dirty world purely." Ling Lan lifted her right hand and said softly, "Ice Blockade."

All the female soldiers turned into ice statues. Then, Ling Lan snapped her fingers. The ice statues suddenly exploded, turning into countless crystal shards that dissipated slowly as they fall to the ground.

Ling Lan looked at the clean JMC office. She turned her head firmly and left. She needed to kill more enemies within this one hour.

The massacre of Ailan was secretly in progress but the mecha clans positioned there didn't know it.

The commanding officer of the base was having a gathering with the various regiment commanders of the mecha clans. They were chatting and eating happily. To them, success was already in their hands, so it was reasonable for them to have a celebration.

"On the east side, only a few bases are still resisting fiercely against us. Unfortunately, the central command center doesn't want us to finish them off yet. If not, Planet Haijiao will already be ours." The commanding officer grabbed his wine glass and started conversing with the regiment commanders beside him.

"The commander-in-chief must have some plans that we don't know about," one of the regiment commanders said. He took a sip of his red wine and sighed. "I won't truly feel safe until Planet Haijiao became part of our country."

"Yes, we all know how tough the soldiers of the Huaxia Federation are. If we let them off like this, what if…" Another regiment commander remembered how they battled with the Huaxia Federation for so many years and felt worried.

"Stop talking nonsense." The commanding officer glared at them. They were going to achieve victory soon. If someone heard what he said, they would be in trouble.

"I'm sorry. I'm too drunk for my own good. Let's cheers for Hailiya's victory! Cheers!" The regiment commander knew his mistake so he quickly raised his cup and offered a toast to their country.

"For victory! Cheers!" Everyone raised their cups and toasted one another. The atmosphere turned lively again.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded behind them. "For my victory."

Everyone turned around in astonishment. A young soldier wearing the Federation's military uniform stood behind them. He had a smile on his face and a glass of red wine in his hand. He was raising his cup as though he wanted to offer them a toast.

"Who are you?" The commanding officer shouted in surprise. He regained his senses and shouted, "Guards, guards…"

The guards, who realized that something was amiss, rushed over. The moment they tried to reach for their beam guns, Ling Lan flicked her fingers. Then, the guards exploded and turned into a pile of blood and meat. The gruesome scene caused all the officers to turn pale in the face.

Ling Lan scoffed at the commanding officer. She said indifferently, "Stop shouting. It's useless. They can't save you."

By now, the commanding officer had realized that there were multiple thin strings around the room. There were even thin strings twirled around their bodies. He finally understood what had happened. The guards must have been turned into meat paste because of these thin strings.

The commanding officer was an experienced soldier, so he knew what all this entails. His face turned green as he said, "Domain realm master!"

'Why did a domain realm master appear on such a minor battlefield?' The existence of domain realm masters was like imperial operators. They were not allowed to enter a battlefield. However, this rule was just not written down in black and white, unlike the imperial operators and god-class operators who were forbidden to enter a battlefield based on the Human United Agreement. It was just a verbal agreement between the various countries. Of course, to prevent the invasion of domain realm masters, some more important bases had energy detectors installed. However, Base Ailan was a second-grade defense base. It was a normal base with logisticians and with supplies kept in it. Therefore, it didn't have such detectors installed. Hence, Ling Lan was able to sneak in secretly.

Actually, Ling Lan chose this base because by-passing its security was not too hard. She had to thank Little Four for this. Before the satellites were destroyed, Little Four had been looking through all the bases so Ling Lan knew the security level of each base accurately.

"Who are you? Why are you at our base?" As expected of a commanding officer. He was able to calm down quickly.

"Stop acting. Don't you know who I am?" Ling Lan sneered. She waved her left hand. The loose thin string became tighter. The officers got restricted by the strings so they couldn't move anymore. They wanted to contact their mecha clans but now, they couldn't because they couldn't even touch their communicators.

"You are really careful." The commanding officer smiled bitterly when he saw the dejected looks of the regiment commanders. He thought that the other party was young and unreliable so he attempted to keep him distracted with his words. That way, his subordinates would have the time to call for reinforcements. However, this young soldier saw through his plan.

Chapter 875: Cover Their Retreat!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

A cold flash of light shone passed Ling Lan's face. She raised her hand again and the strings around the officers became tighter. The expressions on their faces showed they were visibly in panic. They could already feel the string slicing through skin and feel drops of blood dripping down their bounded body to the floor.

"We can talk! Let's be civil for a bit and talk, alright? Don't be rash. What do you want? I'm willing to cooperate!" The commanding officer could feel death looming over his head, so he became very agitated as he spurted out words to calm Ling Lan down.

"Yes, yes. We are willing to cooperate." Under the threat of death, the regiment commanders were all willing to take a step back.

"Little Four, have you gathered all the information?" Ling Lan asked Little Four in her mindscape.

"Yes, Boss. I've settled everything," Little Four replied in a proud tone.

Ling Lan smiled and the cold aura around her disappeared. However, the commanding officer was surprisingly not shocked by her smile at all. Thinking that Ling Lan was distracted by something, he released all his force of presence to break free from the thin strings. But, as someone at the peak of Qi-Jin, he was unable to resist against a domain realm master.

Bang! Blood appeared everywhere as splattered all over. The officers that were still celebrating a moment ago had turned into piles of blood and meat.

"Quite surprising for a commanding officer of a base like this. He is not weak. What a good disguise. Luckily, I'm always careful." Ling Lan looked at the gory scene and mocked the commanding officer. When these officers were pleading her to think about her actions, they collaborated with one another, trying to send the news that they were invaded out of the base. If Little Four hadn't taken control of the mainframe, this piece of news would have been sent out of the base.

"Little Four, make a fake order by the commanding officer stating that the entire base is allowed to celebrate Haliya's victory." Ling Lan talked so much with these people because she wanted to get samples of the images and sounds of the commanding officer. She needed those images and sounds to stop the mecha clans in the base to move around, as this would decrease the chance of finding out their supplies were being transported out.

"Yes, Boss." Little Four imitated the voice and attitude of the commanding officer and sent an order down to the base. He told everyone that Hailiya had successfully gained control of Planet Haijiao. Hence, the commanding officer specially allowed the various departments to celebrate together, even the logisticians should celebrate too.

This news was sudden but Hailiya had already taken over most of Planet Haijiao. Thus, the news was kinda expected. All the soldiers in the base cheered excitedly. None of them suspected that the order was fake. The destruction of the satellites disrupted the contact of the Federation's bases, but they also caused Hailiya's bases to lose contact with each other. They were only able to send and receive news within their own base like a bubble. This stopped Ling Lan's lie from being exposed.

When the logisticians heard this piece of good news, they followed their commanding officer's order and went back to their camps to celebrate. Their commanding officer specially allowed them to drink for this occasion, and the soldiers had not had any alcohol for a long time, so they took the alcohol sent by the logisticians and started drinking without any worry. The entire base turned into heaven.

"They are so lucky. Why do we have to be on duty! Ah!" One of the logisticians on duty stared at the empty mecha hold and complained in frustration.

"Bear with it. Once the last two patrols come back, we can leave," the other logistician consoled him. If they didn't service those mecha operators, the mecha operators would definitely kick up a fuss. This was why they still remained here.

"Hey, they seemed to be back." Someone heard the sound of mechas entering the ports and immediately reminded his co-worker to start working.

"Hurry up!" They quickly returned to their positions and prepared to welcome their mecha operators back.

The mechas entered one by one. The logisticians wanted to send the mechas back into their designated positions but one of the logisticians suddenly said, "Strange. This mecha looks weird." The color was the same as their mechas but the design was different.

The logistician pondered for a while. Suddenly, he realized that these mechas, besides their color, looked more like the mechas from the Federation.

"No. That is…" The logistician finally understood what was happening. He shouted in fright. However, he suddenly realized that he wasn't able to make any sounds, as a strong hand holding his throat firmly.

"Boss is right. The crucial moment is after we enter the base." Qi Long brutally snapped the logistician's neck and fresh blood stained his hand. It became red. He frowned slightly. Then, he slowly put the person down. The next second, he appeared in another position and killed all the logisticians on duty.

Soon, all the team members in team 03 and team 08 entered the mecha hold and they saw Qi Long giving them a v-signal. Then, they knew that the people in the mecha hold had all been killed.

"Did you destroy their bodies?" Han Jijyun asked.

"I don't have an ability like our Boss's. So, I just threw the corpses into a small room." Qi Long was frustrated. He admired his Boss's domain, as it had an amazing technique that could destroy bodies and remove all traces of the murder.

"We need to find a safe transport route." Han Jijyun reminded everyone of their next task. "I wonder where Boss is. Is he in danger?" Han Jijyun knew that his Boss could handle everything but he still couldn't help but worry.

"Since we are able to enter successfully, it means that Boss has controlled the mainframe of the base." Qi Long had ultimate confidence in his Boss.

"But, Boss is alone…" Han Jijyun muttered.

"The people in the base are all celebrating now. As long as you don't make a huge commotion, you won't alert them." At this moment, Ling Lan's cold voice appeared on their team channel.

"Boss!" Qi Long and Han Jijyun shouted in surprise.

"You all broke the military rule. After this mission, go and get your punishment from Zhong-qing," Ling Lan reminded them that they broke the military rule again indifferently.

"Yes." Qi Long and Han Jijyun willingly accepted their punishment. This was nothing to them. As long as their Boss was here, they felt at ease.

"This is the transport route. You all are in charge of guarding the area. Once you notice someone is nearby, kill him." Ling Lan passed them a map with the transport route marked on it. At the same time, she gave them an order to kill.

"Yes." Qi Long and Han Jijyun led their team and positioned themselves on this route. They guarded the route carefully. Once someone got near them, they would kill him secretly.

Liu Furong received an order to enter the base. He led the eight mecha clans that had already gathered together and surreptitiously entered Base Ailan.

Thus, under Hailiya's nose, the soldiers from the Federation sneaked the supplies out of Base Ailan. Their mechas that were supposed to be fighting in wars became transport mechas. They placed heavy bags of supplies on their shoulders and between the arms of two mechas. Then, these mechas quickly left the base.

Liu Furong and Han Jijyun's team left with these mecha clans too. They were supposed to escort the eight mecha clans to ensure their safety. As for Ling Lan, she was still in the base as she had other plans for Base Ailan. Han Jijyun was weaker compared to the other people in the base so letting him stay behind would just be putting him in unnecessary danger. Hence, she only allowed Qi Long's team to stay back.

Ling Lan didn't want to return Base Ailan unscathed to Hailiya. Hailiya destroyed numerous of their bases so it was time to collect some interest.

Ling Lan sat in the command center. The massive screen in front of her showed her eight mecha clans leaving Base Ailan. If she didn't take control of the mainframe of the base and gave that fake order, the mechas from the Federation wouldn't be able to sneak into the base so easily and steal the supplies without anyone noticing.

Hailiya didn't choose to attack Base 013 because they knew that they didn't have many supplies left, right? Unfortunately for them, they would never expect her to have a bugged character like Little Four. Without Little Four, she wouldn't be able to do this.

"Boss, I've put TNT in all the locations you gave me." One hour later, Qi Long and his team finally completed the mission Ling Lan gave them.

"Wait." Ling Lan didn't move, She must wait till the transport team was at the first line of defense of Hailiya before letting the bombs explode, as this would attract the attention of the bases at the first line of defense, thus giving more time for the transport team to retreat.

Of course, she and Qi Long's team would be surrounded if that happened. They might not even be able to go back.

Time passed slowly. Ling Lan sat in the quiet command center like a rock statue. She seemed to be asleep and resting. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and stood up.

"Qi Long, go back to the mecha hold. Prepare to leave." It was time to act.

Qi Long was already feeling a little frustrated from waiting. He instantly turned attentive and quickly ordered his team to leave their positions.

"Regiment commander!" Everyone shouted excitedly when they saw Ling Lan.

"Let's go. This time, we need to fight our way back. Leave your final words here." Ling Lan threw a recorder into Qi Long's hand.

Qi Long was stunned. He immediately understood what Ling Lan meant. He held on the recorder and laughed. "Father, I'm glad to be able to be your son. I'm glad to be able to come to Planet Haijiao with my Boss and work together with him to let our comrades retreat safely. I'll remember the teachings of the Qi family and not embarrass you all. Goodbye!"

After he finished speaking, he passed the recorder to his deputy. The mecha operators from 250 Ace Mecha Clan were all experienced mecha operators who had been through many battles, so they all understood what this meant. They left their final words and then passed the recorder back to Ling Lan.

Ling Lan on the recorder and looked into the camera. She remained silent for a few seconds before saying, "I'm happy to be able to come to this world and become your child. Father, mother, I love you!"

After she finished speaking, she kept the recorder safely. She turned serious and said, "Enter your mechas."

Everyone entered their mechas. Ling Lan stomped her left leg and flew into the auxiliary seat of Qi Long's mecha, as her mecha was still in the mountains. Thus, she must use Qi Long's mecha to leave the base.

Ling Lan ordered Little Four to explode the bombs after 10 minutes of them leaving.

Little Four asked Little Blossom to give him one of his replicas and he stuck it into the mainframe of base Ailan.

Little Four gave a burst of evil laughter. "I hope they don't try to recover the data in the mainframe. If they do… they are dead!" Little Four immediately started the countdown for the bombs. Then, he returned back to Ling Lan's mindscape. There were no satellites so Little Four could only rely on radio waves to move. Hence, he couldn't stay too far away from Ling Lan. If not, he wouldn't be able to come back.

Ten minutes later, a huge explosion occurred in Base Ailan, destroying the entire base. Most of the drunk soldiers in the base died in the explosion with only a few lucky ones managed to survive.

At the central command center of Hailiya, the commander-in-chief was looking at the details of the reinforcements by the Federation. Their current position was written in the documents too. He was thinking about the best time to conquer Planet Haijiao.

Ling Lan was right. Hailiya had a huge appetite. They wanted to gobble up Planet Haijiao as well as reinforcements sent by the Federation. This was why they surrounded Base 013 but didn't seize it. The moment the reinforcements entered Planet Haijiao's atmosphere, they would destroy the bases left and make Planet Haijiao theirs. That way, the reinforcements would become invaders of Hailiya. Then, they would be able to send their two god-class operators as well as their imperial operators to instantly destroy the hundred fleets sent by the Federation. This would prove that Hailiya was not a small country that could be easily messed with.

"Beep beep beep!" His mainframe suddenly sounded. It was the signal for an emergency. The commander-in-chief quickly answered the call. "What happened?"

"Commander-in-chief, we just received news that a base at our second line of defense, Base Ailan, suddenly exploded." An agitated voice sounded in the mainframe.

"Huh?" The commander-in-chief sprung up. "Have you sent someone over?"

"The bases around it had sent a patrol team over. They mentioned that the entire base was destroyed, and it was not an ordinary explosion."

"I know. Immediately report if there are new updates." The commander-in-chief hung up and walked out of his office.



The staff officer department was in a frenzy.

"Lieutenant general, you know what happened to Ailan, right?" A major general saw the commander-in-chief walking over and immediately spoke to him.

"Yes. Let's take a look at the map." The commander-in-chief asked the person to come with him. They walked over to the 3D map in the center of the room. They looked at the burning base and frowned.

"Did you notice anything?" The commander-in-chief looked at Base 013 which was more than ten miles away. He was clear about what had happened.

"There are two possibilities. One, the surviving soldiers from the fallen bases gathered together and attacked the base. Second, Base 013 attacked Ailan with a motive." The major general spoke his mind. "I'm more inclined to believe the second possibility."

"Major General Luo Qi, you are indeed the leader of the God-Killers. You saw the truth at a glance." The commander-in-chief nodded. He touched his chin and asked the adviser beside him. "How long has Base 013 been surrounded?"

"16 days," the adviser replied instantly.

"How many soldiers do they have left?" The commander-in-chief asked again.

Chapter 876: Can't Fool Him!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"There are around a million soldiers." The adviser had always been keeping watch of the data in Base 013 so he was able to answer the question immediately.

"A base usually only has a month's worth of supplies for 300 thousand soldiers. Now, there are three times more soldiers. After 16 days, they must have reached their limit." The commander-in-chief sneered. "Ailan is a base where we store our supplies, right?"

"Yes. From the information we received, Ailan had become a logistics base," the adviser replied as he looked at his commander-in-chief with respect.

"The supplies should be still on the way back to their base!" The commander-in-chief was certain. "We must stop them."

They must not let Base 013 get the supplies. What he wanted was a harmless base that could be easily broken when it needed to be. He didn't want a base filled with well-rested and energetic soldiers who were able to fight with them fiercely.

"When was the last time Base Ailan contacted the other bases?" The commander-in-chief looked intently at the huge 3D map.

"Ten minutes ago," the adviser hurriedly replied.

"They should be here now!" The commander-in-chief pointed at the area between Base Ailan and their first line of defense. His eyes turned cold as he gave his new order. "Order all the bases on the first line of defense to send an army to move towards Base Ailan. We must destroy this bunch of bastards." How dare these people to provoke them. They must pay the price for it.

"Yes, commander-in-chief." The adviser took the order and left.

The commander-in-chief looked at Major General Luo Qi and his cold aura suddenly disappeared. He smiled and said, "Major General Luo Qi, I forgot to ask you if you have anything else to add on."

"I'm wondering if it's possible that they have already reached this area." Luo Qi pointed at the area between Base 013 and the first line of defense.

"That's impossible. The mainframe of Base Ailan lost contact with us 10 minutes ago. Even if we give them the full ten minutes to retreat without dodging our patrols, they won't be able to reach here." The commander-in-chief smiled as he shook his head. The God-Killers were used to fighting small battles so they didn't understand how the mainframe worked. Unless the commanding officer of Base Ailan betrayed Hailiya, they wouldn't let their enemy transport the supplies out without informing the central command center.

Anyone that was able to become the commanding officer of a base was loyal soldiers. They would never betray Hailiya.

"I see! It seems like I'm thinking too much." Major General Luo Qi only expressed his thoughts. Since the commander-in-chief said that it was impossible, he didn't probe further.

The two people continued discussing the situation for a while. After that, they made some arrangements. Major General Luo Qi left the central command center and returned to the camp of the God-Killers. He brought some people and flew towards the area around Base Ailan. They were here to cooperate with the other bases there and search for the thieves who stole their supplies. The commander-in-chief felt that their opponent must have at least sent out 15 to 20 mecha teams. If not, they wouldn't succeed. It wasn't hard to find such a huge number of people.

Soon, Luo Qi sent the various teams in God-Killers to different bases. He also led another team to Base Jiemi which was closest to Base 013. He waited there for the other teams to report their results from the search.

When a few teams reported that they didn't find any signs of any transport mechas, Luo Qi felt that something was amiss. The mainframe of the base contacted the other bases 10 minutes before the explosion. However, who could prove that during that time, the base still belonged to Hailiya at that time? Why couldn't it be already controlled by the Federation? They could have used fake news to fool them. The commanding officers of the bases went through many tests before they took on this position but after so many years on the battlefield, no one could be certain that he still remained loyal to Hailiya.

If the commanding officer betrayed Hailiya and opened the doors of his base to their opponents, the mainframe couldn't do anything too. It was not human. It didn't have the ability to think so it wouldn't know who was their enemy without the commanding officer's orders.

"There is a loophole!" If their opponent purposely delayed the time for an hour, the transport mechas would have reached the area between their bases and Base 013. Their action of patrolling the area near Base Ailan gave their opponents the chance to sneak away.

If this was true, the person who thought of this scheme was very smart. Unfortunately… malicious intent flashed passed Luo Qi's eyes. They couldn't fool him.

Luo Qi didn't inform anyone else with his revelation. He just led his team out of Base Jiemi and flew towards Base 013. Luo Qi felt that the transport mechas were in this area but he couldn't be 100% certain. Hence, he wanted to search this area first and confirm his suspicions. Of course, he was confident that if his team found the transport mechas, they would be able to slow them down, as his team was full of imperial operators. They just had to block their opponents and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

There was also another reason why Luo Qi acted secretly. Since the commander-in-chief said that their opponent was in the area between Base Ailan and their first line of defense, if he insisted on searching in another area, he would be humiliating the commander-in-chief. It was alright if his prediction was correct but if it was wrong, he would embarrass himself. Luo Qi was an arrogant person so he couldn't accept this.

"Hide!" The newest model of radar system Chang Xinyuan created allowed the transport team to evade another Hailiya's patrol.

"Leader Liu, after we cross this line of defense, we'll enter Base 013's territory." Han Jijyun looked at the small battle map on the screen as he whispered to Liu Furong.

"Yes. Once we enter Base 013's territory, we'll be safer. But, we are able to have such a smooth journey because our regiment commander attracted the attention of our enemies. They should be in danger now." Liu Furong frowned as he looked back at the direction where Base Ailan was at.

The patrols they met during this period of time were all heading towards Base Ailan. They just searched through this area haphazardly. Liu Furong had many battle experiences so he knew that Ling Lan must have done something to Base Ailan to cover them up.

Han Jijyun's expression darkened when they heard this. He said indifferently, "Our mission is to escort the supplies to the base safely. As for our Boss… I believe that he will be able to solve their crisis."

'Why aren't I stronger? If I were stronger, I would have been able to stay at the base along with Qi Long.' For the first time, Han Jijyun hated himself for being too weak. If he could, he wanted to become a mecha expert like Qi Long and stand beside their Boss in a battle.

Chapter 877: The Path Home!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"You're frustrated and annoyed," Liu Furong suddenly said. This was exactly what he felt many years ago. He hated himself for being too weak. He couldn't do anything but watch as his comrades indirectly or directly killed themselves for him. He was unable to forget that sense of helplessness until today.

Han Jijyun didn't reply to him. He just looked started at the patrolling mecha flying past him quietly.

"This was how I felt many years ago. However, I woke up from that nightmare too late. You still have a lot of time compared to me." Liu Furong sighed. "Since you know that you are weak, just work hard to catch up with them. Don't get abandoned by them again and wallow in sadness alone."

"Thank you, Leader Liu," Han Jijyun sincerely thanked him.

"Let's go. Just like what you said, our mission is to escort the supplies to our base safely. There are a million soldiers still waiting for us." Liu Furong looked at Base 013. The people inside were waiting for these supplies so that they could stay alive and continue fighting for their lives. Because of this, their regiment commander exposed himself even though he knew that he would be surrounded. He attracted their enemy's attention just to increase the chance of them running away with the supplies.

This was all for one goal: To ensure the survival of more soldiers from the Federation. This was the only way they could maintain their last hope.

"We mustn't disappoint our regiment commander," Liu Furong said seriously. If they weren't able to complete this mission, they wouldn't be able to face their regiment commander who cleared the path for them by risking his life.

"Yes, I will complete this mission." Han Jijyun clenched his fist firmly and gritted his teeth. He saw that there were no mechas around them so he immediately gave an order to move.

"Regiment commander, you brought Leader Han out because you wanted him to recognize his flaws, right?" Han Jijyun was not so decisive in the past. Even if he knew that his judgment the correct one, he would still discuss it with the other leaders first before making the final decision. Now, Han Jijyun was much more resolute.

'Han Jijyun is extremely lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful regiment commander.' Liu Furong looked at Han Jijyun's mecha with envy, while also feeling pity and dejected. If his previous regiment commander was like Ling Lan, his life might have been very different.

Han Jijyun and Liu Furong didn't know that someone had seen through Ling Lan's scheme and were moving towards them quickly.

"Regiment commander, we didn't find any transport mechas." Luo Qi's team searched their surroundings as they moved. But, they didn't find anyone. Luo Qi started to suspect himself. 'Am I wrong?'

"Regiment commander, we will be entering Base 013's territory if we continue moving forward," the team member reminded him.

"Continue." Luo Qi didn't give up.

The instant they entered the territory of Base 013, the long-range cannons in Base 013 were fired in their direction. Luo Qi operated his mecha and dodged the attack easily. He scoffed, "Why is this base still so fierce? The commander-in-chief might have a hard time trying to defeat them if he was planning to surround them and make them lose without a fight."

"Regiment commander, He'er Li reported that there is an imperial level operator in Base 013 who is stronger than him. He is dead set about taking revenge so he even used the high-efficiency restorative agents. He didn't have to use it, but to ensure that he can participate in the last battle, he used it fearlessly." One of the team members appeared schadenfreude. The high-efficiency restorative agent was good but there were some side effects. Thus, they would only use it if they were in dire circumstances. The God-Killers were banned from using this agent. However, He'er Li got impacted heavily by the loss so he ignored all consequences and used this agent in the hopes of getting revenge.

"So they have a pillar of support." Luo Qi smiled with disdain. This person would only give them support for this period of time. When the time comes, he would personally kill their hope and destroy their faith.

Victory will always belong to Hailiya! Luo Qi was filled with confidence, as the Flying Dragon Special Forces was nothing to him. They would be defeated by the God-Killers easily. In the human world, the Flying Dragon Special Forces was ranked second in the list of elite mecha forces of every country while the God-Killers were ranked fifth. Luo Qi didn't really accept this ranking, as he felt that they were no weaker than the Flying Dragon Special Forces. He believed that they were given such low ranking in comparison to the Flying Dragon Special Forces because the Federation was stronger than their country, Hailiya. This time, after they took over Planet Haijiao and defeated the Federation, the God-Killers would overtake the Flying Dragon Special Forces and become the ultimate second rank.

As for the first place, he didn't think about it at all. The Devilbeast from Caesar was able to remain in the first position because they had produced many God-class operators. This was why they were above the Flying Dragon Special Forces, as the Flying Dragon Special Forces never produced any god-class operators. This had caused many controversies about the Flying Dragon Special Forces' ranking. It was what made the other elite mecha forces unwilling to accept their position too.

"Regiment commander, we still didn't find anything. We'll be entering Base Yaqi's territory soon." After flying for some time, one of the team members reminded him again. "Shall we go back to Base Jiemi?"

"Fine, let's go back," Luo Qi said dejectedly. Suddenly, he thought of something and said hurriedly, "Wait!"

"Zuo Luo, open the map," Luo Qi ordered his mainframe.

"Zuo Luo understands." Soon, a miniature map of the battlefield appeared on his mecha screen. Luo Qi looked at it and realized something.

"Ai'er, inform Base Yaqi that we'll be entering their territory to carry out a search mission." Luo Qi ordered excitedly, "Finally, I'll be able to catch you all. I didn't expect you all to make a roundabout. Unfortunately, you all are still going to be caught by me."

As expected, after entering the territory of Base Yaqi, they found some traces of the transport team. Luo Qi and his team quickly controlled their mechas and flew over. After flying for some time, they saw a huge army in front of them moving silently across the territory of Base Yaqi. They were about to enter the territory of Base 013.

"Regiment commander, we really found the transport team. We really found them." The team members shouted happily. This would be a great merit.

"This is bad. Our enemy has found us." Liu Furong saw their opponent's mechas flying towards them and knew that they were in a lot of danger.

Han Jijyun quickly moved closer to Liu Furong's position and saw the familiar mechas. Blood seemed to be drained out from his face when he said, "It's those imperial operators." 'Damn it, why did we meet these fellows? Without their Boss, they couldn't resist them.'

Liu Furong's gaze turned cold. Since they couldn't evade them, they had to take them on forcefully. Their regiment commander exposed himself so that they would be able to leave safely. Now, the transport team was about to enter the territory of Base 013. How could they let these bastards stop them from going home?