Cannot Die

On the other side of the operation theatre door, Richen was lying under the effect of the anesthetic. Bunch of instruments were lying in the metal tray beside his head. At the same time, the focused doctors and nurse were working on the punctured lung right now.

"Doctor! The patient is loosing too much blood." One of the nurses spoke to the head surgeon.

Blood was gushing out from the cut made between his broken ribs. Suddenly the already tense atmosphere became more suffocating.

"Get more blood ready, while Dr Jim, please help me out in patching this puncture as fast as we can." The surgeon working on left lung on Richen spoke.

Richen face looked paler right now under the surgical light. Even though he was under the effect of anesthesia, he was starting to have a breathing problem.

"Doctor. There is a possibility of a patient having seizures."

Listening to the nurse, the Doctor took a deep breath and started working more faster. He was dripping with cold sweat right now.

Soon, the surgeon, patched the hole created by the broken rib in Richen's right lung.

"I'm done with the crucial surgeries. Rest surgeries won't put the patient's life at risk if done properly. THE PATIENT CANNOT DIE. Get thin in your brain and start performing the surgeries. I'm going out to give heads up to the patient's guardian. Also, start blood transfusion now again, as lung surgery has completed."

The head surgeon spoke before moving to the basin for removing the surgical mask and gloves. are not much

'If this surgery started an hour ago, these many complications wouldn't have been there. And in no case let this patient die. Why on earth am I the Doctor on round on Christmas eve.' The thought while looking at other doctors and nurses performing surgeries on Richen.

As soon the OT door opened, and Doctor stepped out, five teenagers and a lady rushed to him. He took a deep breath. 'Now I have to give them a clear picture of all the injuries. All the surgeries performed yet and about the surgeries still to be performed. I can't even look at them after how the hospital staff treated this patient. If not, because the director forced me, the patient would be in the ward by now, and his condition wouldn't have worsened.' He was in his thoughts; this happens always. The patient's family asks a bunch of questions, no bombard them with questions. But in the end, its same 'How's the patient'.

He absent-mindedly heard them question, seeing there questions were coming to an end. He spoke, " The patient has gone through three surgeries which were most life-threatening, his body was hit by the car from right side, which caused a puncture in his right lung by a broken rib, serious damage to liver and kidney. I cannot tell much in detail, but the lung and liver surgery ended with success, the kidney also suffered damage and were torn, but how successful it was can only be said with surety as time passes. Right now, the patient is going through the operation as he had many fractured bones in his right side and a few in left. He didn't have any major injury on the head, and luckily damage in his neck and spine weren't beyond repair, neither life-threatening. The patient will have a few health issues for the coming years and has to take extra care of his body. It will take some time to discharge."

"How long till the rest of the surgeries end?" Alex spoke.

"Most surgeries left are related to fracture and torn tissues, so it may take longer as these also require precision, not to forget the patient has many fractures."

"Please take care of him." Alex nodded after hearing the Doctor's reply.

"We are given clear instruction from management to take care of the patient. So you don't have to worry. After completion of the operation, the patient will be shifted to VIP ward on the 18th floor." The Doctor spoke before leaving hastily. He was feeling guilty facing these people.

"I know you all are not happy that Richen cannot get the culprit behind bars, but as he guardian for me, his life is more important than justice." Miss Mary spoke after seeing their grim faces as they were reminded why Richen was given VIP treatment.

"I understand Miss. Please take rest four with you back to the orphanage. You are warden too as its Christmas eve today. Kids must be waiting for you to start the celebration." Alex spoke with his head down.

"You don't get to decide for us Alex, not in this case," Yuan shouted.

"How can we have the heart to celebrate today anyways. So we will stay here with you." Yujin spoke after patting his brother's back to calm him down; this wasn't a place to shout and yell.

"Miss Mary, please let five of us be here. And Alex is right; you should go, you are not just his guardian after all."

Miss Mary nodded and then spoke, "I can let the maximum three of you stay, rest two will return will me to orphanage. Decide among yourselves who will stay. I will be waiting by the taxi at the hospital's pick up point. Be there in 5 mins."

Cris had a feeling that Miss Mary won't allow all of them as it was not in her power. Thus after Miss Mary spoke, he nodded in understanding and called out Yuan after she had left.

"Yuan, you and I can return to the orphanage, Alex won't leave anyway as he feels Richen's accident wouldn't have happened if he was able to stop Richen from leaving today. Your brother can stay here to take care of them, and Ray can help run errands if needed."

"Why can brother stay and not me? Richen means the same to me too." Yuan rebuked without wasting a second.

"He is more reasonable than you, and right now he calm enough to take care of Alex and others if needed, unlike you who doesn't even think before speaking loudly. Have you forgotten we are in a hospital before arguing with me? Also, Richen is going to stay in the hospital for months; probably, every one of us has to take care of his health. So shut your trap and come with me back to the orphanage." Cris dragged Yuan with him to the elevator who was glaring at him.