
Evelyn was laying down in her room; the room had a weird vibe in there, solemn one would call it. She had her eyes open and was staring at the ceiling. The room was all dark in comparison to the sky outside, which was colourful and filled with fireworks.

It was midnight, people in the city must be enjoying Christmas eve dinner with family, while here she was, continuously thinking about the stranger in her room alone.

'This is my first visit to this country, Country Nogrua. I heard a lot about this city 'The capital Kealdleigh' of this country from that geezer. And now I'm fucking stuck here because of his some stupid plan of inheritance and shit. This country is shit; I mean how good one's luck has to be to encounter an accident in the first hour of entering a country. I'm not even damn resident of the country yet and got myself into this mess. And that guy, what was his name again? Yes, Richen Helen Morley, Why the hell you are still in my brain." Evelyn was going through a storm of emotions. She looked frustrated some times, some times gloomy. The girl kept on mumbling words now and then, mostly curses while kicking her legs in air.

Suddenly a growl was heard in the darkroom. If the room was illuminated, Evelyn could be seen with her pink blush on her face.

"Great! Just this was left." She flopped on her stomach, her face inside a pillow.

The growl sounded louder in now silent room. Evelyn sat on her bed with her legs crossed. She picked her phone from the bedside table while lightning the lamp. She went through food delivery apps on her phone and soon groaned again.


"What apps are used for food delivery here? None of the applications in my phone works. Weren't these food delivery apps publicized themselves telling they had branches in the whole world, then why the fuck it doesn't work here." Evelyn called Ben, as soon as the call got connected, she started complaining without waiting for him to speak.

Ben was her Butler, who came with her from the U.S.

"Young Miss, I guess you forgot, this Country is Independent and doesn't work the same way as other countries in Europe. As Nogrua is surrounded by other countries, for safety reasons, very few outside companies are allowed to have business here. If they do, their working is different from what we had in U.S." Butler explained calmly, the way he reacted on this sudden call showed how used to he was of Evelyn's this type of behaviour.

"This damn country and its fucking rules or whatever," Evelyn swore after listening to Ben

"Why don't I order food for you now, and download the applications tomorrow on your phone, by the time Mr Watson would also be done with your citizenship work," Ben asked calmly.

"Whatever. Just hurry." Evelyn grumbled and hanged the call.

Around half an hour later, Evelyn was sitting on the dining table eating the noodles Ben bought to her a few mins ago.

Ben was standing beside Evelyn, looking at the young girl, slurping the noodles. She was eating pretty fast, but still somehow managed to look elegant instead of messy.

Evelyn carried herself more like a punk than a lady, which was supposed to be. Unlike the other girls in this high society, who were obedient and lived according to rules set by parents and this society, she rebelled.

She dressed the way she wanted, without taking care of the image, wearing ripped jeans, leather jackets, getting her hair coloured blue to purple, driving bikes or her way of speaking. She would dress like an elegant socialite, a punk, a sweet teenager or a badass, it all depended on what she felt like doing that day. But whatever she dressed like the elegance she had could be seen in her unconscious behaviour.

"I'm going to sleep, don't wale me up until lunchtime tomorrow." Evelyn stood up and spoke to Ben.

Ben nodded and collected the cutlery taking it to the kitchen.

She flopped on her bed and closed the lights after getting into the comforter. While at the VIP room in First Hospital, two teenagers were looking at Alex as he sat beside the bed, looking at the face drained of blood. None of them felt like sleeping.

Richen was shifted to the VIP ward just now. It was past 2 a.m by now. Richen was under the effect of anaesthesia and was unconscious right now. But his visitors were wide awake and could see, all the bandages and casts on his body. The oxygen mask, the beeping of machines were reminding them of all that happened, and how Richen had to go through so much pain, while they could do nothing.

Richen was in OT for about 11 hrs, going through many surgeries. There were many screws and plates inserted into his body to mend the broken bones. They were scared to face Richen. Richen was the most independent person among six of them; he doesn't like depending on others for smallest of the things, and nowhere is a possibility that Richen's body may have few life long problems. Even he was able to accept this fact, the part about someone else paying for his medical bills in exchange of him keeping his mouth shut would be like asking him to give up on his freedom.

To others in the orphanage, Richen looked like a gentle person, as he always kept a small smile on his face. His smile misguided others in the orphanage, as Cris had a poker face, everyone thought Cris was the colder one. But the people in his room knew very clearly Richen kept that smile just for show on the outside for people, inside he was ruthless and cold. They were same as others in the orphanage, believing his facade until a few years ago due to an incident, by that time Richen had lived with them for above seven years. During that incident, Richen dropped his facade, seeing that the Richen they knew for years was not his real self and the real one was terrifying.

They were aghast after looking at the real emotionless, cold and ruthless Richen.