Chapter 58

Tears drop down his face as he stares, horrified at the stream of red blood dripping down the head of the woman he loves. It is his fault for slamming on the breaks in anger when he heard her mention that evil woman.

"I am sorry. I'm so sorry Tina." He whispers over and over again as he uses the first aid kit in his car to clean her wound. Her forehead hit the window quite hard. He wants to take her to the hospital but he knows that the media will involve her in a scandal if he does. Reporters are always following him nowadays. Ever since he met Ciarra Lake, his life has not been peaceful.

Fortunately, the wound isn't deep so he gently places a plaster over it. Staring at her unconscious face, he softly kisses her forehead. She is right in front of him, yet she seems so far away. When will he be able to be with her like this again? There is less than a week until his wedding but his heart has not changed.

Panda reaches out and touches her face. If only he hadn't met Ciarra Lake. If only he hadn't been forced into this corporate marriage by his mother and the Lakes. Would he have had a chance with Tina? Or would Tina choose that bull who tried to kill him?

"Why can't I stop loving you?" He whispers as he holds her cold hand. "When will it all stop hurting?" He rubs her hands with his, trying to warm them up. 



The moment I wake up, I feel the feathery touch of his lips on my forehead. It distracts me from the pain in my head. I hold my breath as he touches my face, his hands are a welcoming warmth.

Is it always this difficult pretending to be asleep? The actors always make it seem so easy but my eyelids keep threatening to open at any second. As his hands rub mine, my heart beats erratically. Can he hear it? I hope he can't or he will know I am awake.

"Why can't I stop loving you? When will it all stop hurting?" His whispering voice is solemn and full of sadness. I force myself not to hug him. I can't weaken to him again. He hates me doesn't he? So what is he saying now? What about all the other things he did and said to me before?

"Do you know how much it takes for me to stop myself from finding you?" He chokes up and I can't keep my eyes closed any longer.

"Ow." I say dramatically as I "wake up". Panda's eyes are red and he looks like he has been crying for a while.

"You're awake Tina. How are you feeling?" He asks in a hoarse voice, leaning closer.

"My head hurts." I stare down at our hands. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing!" He seems flustered as he takes his hands away from me.

I turn my face away from him and secretly grin. He looks like a blushing teen. 

"When will you take me home?" I ask. It's already dark. Hans will worry for sure and if he finds out I was with Panda King, he will definitely come to finish the job he didn't get to last time.

"Can you stay with me tonight Tina?" He says in a sudden soft tone. He seems pitiful. Is he having a hard time? 

"Why? Why me and not Ciarra?" I ask quietly. I need him to clarify exactly what he is feeling.

His ocean blue eyes look deeper in the darkness as he stares into me. Caught up in the moment, I find my head tilting towards him as he leans in. Before he can kiss me, I return to my senses and place a finger against his lips. I can't do this.

"Stop Panda." I say quietly. "You're getting married in a few days. Take me home."

"Tina, would you run away with me to Berta Island?" There is a sadness in his question as he asks.

Staring out of the window, I shake my head, "Take me home." I repeat.

Without another word, he drives me home, following my directions. I tell him to stop a few houses away from Hans' house in case he catches us together. I don't want blood on my hands.

"Thank you. I wish you happiness." I force out of my mouth. I don't wait for his response as I turn around and walk away, silent tears falling out of my eyes. It still hurts.

"Tina, where did you go? I was so worried..." Hans' voice trails off as he sees my face properly. "Tina, what's wrong? Who did this to you?"

"I-it's nothing Hans." I lie, wiping my eyes, "I Just bumped my head and my hormones are just playing up again." I quickly walk into my room.

"I told you to be careful silly girl." He sighs, "You didn't tell me where you went after the cafe." I hear his voice through the door.

"I... met a friend and lost track of time." I answer.

"Tomorrow is your check up so don't stress yourself too much and have an early night." Hans advises from the other side of the door. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yes I've eaten. I'll go to sleep." I lie. I don't have any appetite right now.

What is this anxious and uncertain feeling in my heart? I keep remembering Panda's voice. 

"Why can't I stop loving you? When will it all stop hurting?"

What did he mean? Who does he love? Is it me or Ciarra? 

I stroke my stomach, "I wish your father loved me. Maybe we could have been a happy family."