CHAPTER 4: Start of Classes



After a few days of waiting, this day has finally come! Today is the first day of classes so I woke up early and prepare early.

I'm now on my University Uniform, and I'm going to do a light tan make up, so that no one can recognize me even Poseidon.

I get the things of make up I buy and arrange it, I hope no one knows about this. I need to stay hidden, not because I want but because someone needs to be protected by me.

After a few minutes, I finish my make up and even me I don't know myself, I'm totally looks different.

I went down at the lobby and I feel everyone looks at me, I think its because of my dark skin.

I just ignore the stares they keep on giving and get outside the building, when you got outside you'll see the University.

I walk and cross the pedestrian lane to avoid any crime.


When I reach the gate, the guard approach me.
"Hi Ma'am, can I ask where is your I. D?" He said while giving me a confuse stare. I smile half.

" I'm a transferee. " I said and he looks shock as he let me in.
"Sorry Ma'am." He said and I just smile to him.

Many of students here are spoiled brats, I'm not expecting for some nice treatment here.

I continue walking as I reach the deans office, I don't know why I'm not feeling nervous at all.


I reach the deans office and someone greet me, I think she's the secretary?
"How may I help you?" She said in a boastful tone, I look at her.

"I'm a transferee, so obviously. I need my schedule." I said without any filter and I saw her forehead stitch together like an wave of the ocean.

"The dean is inside." She said and I just smile then turn my back at her, I don't have time for playing with her.

I knock three times after that someone in the room said I can go in now.
"You're Ms. Kim? Here's your schedule, thank you for choosing our University. " He said and give me a piece of paper, it has a schedule written on it.

After so many years, I finally see you. How come you didn't recognize me? Ohh well, I'm in disguise.

"Thank you, sir." I said and immediately leave, he looks good on his shirt, none of his appearance change. I hope we can meet if the self mission is already clear.


Ichi POV

I'm walking to the stairs when someone suddenly appear and we bump to each other.

"Hey! Look where you were going!" I said with an irritated voice, I can't help it. I look at her. she has a dark skin, big eyes, pointed nose, small lips, thick eye brows and slim body.

But that's not the problem.
"How come you're a nerd but you're not looking on your way?" I said and look at her disgusting face, most of the women here are pretty, but I don't know how she enter here.

"I'm not a nerd! You little peanut!" She said and she rush to go upstairs, I can't believe on what I heard. I'm a little peanut? What was that?!

I just slightly tilt my head and raise my left eye brow because of that, that's my first time hearing a word like that.


I reach my room without in myself, I'm feeling sick, earlier I'm ok but I don't know what's the matter.

"As expected Mr. Hwang." My professor said, I just give him a shy smile and bow. I'm not late, everyone is just early because they are excited to do some things.

"Sorry sir." I said and rush to my seat, I heard many people chuckle so I look at them and immediately they stop it.

Our prof is discussing something but I'm not listening, why? Because its boring. Later on he will start telling something about his past life that everyone is not interested, so the time is going to be faster and faster.

I'm looking at the tree beside my seat, I'm in the side where the windows are, this seat is refreshing.

"After we met, I casually held her hands and tell to her 'You're beautiful, my Love. ' I said that with confidence and now we're married with 2 children. " He's telling about their life as a couple, I already knew that because this is not the first time he tells that.

I thought that Professor is already done about his life but I'm wrong, he continue to tell his story.

When boredom strike me, I listen carefully to him, even though the whole class is sleeping there are students that are interested in his life.

"After our marriage, I knew that my wife is a ex-reaper of a Mafia Empress back then. When I knew that my heart suddenly stop beating. I know some of you didn't believe it, who believes in mafias? But I'm telling the truth, I can't remember the Empress she's serving back then. I only knew that she's just 27 back then and my wife is 20." Prof Ji said, Mafias? I do believe in it, because someone from Mafia killed my dad, I know its their Empress but I can't fight with her because She's stronger than me.

"My wife retired of being a reaper to focus on us. But eventually, the dad of the Empress came to our house he said 'My daughter is pregnant, and I want your soon to be daughter to be the reaper of my Granddaughter. ' he said exactly like that. Even though I don't like it, my wife agreed so I don't have a choice. " He continue on telling his story, he's about to continue again when the bell suddenly rang.

The lunch is on 12:00, why does the bell rang so early?

But all of us freeze in our sits when the speaker suddenly play an creepy song, I remember it. That's a suicidal song.

"What's going on?!"

"What's that song? Its creepy, I already have a goosebumps. "

" Please can you stop that?! "

Some of the students saying while playing the suicidal song, why are they playing that?! It can trigger the suicidal students.

All of us freeze again because the speaker start to speak.
"Good morning everyone, I am Hinamura Mikoto, the owner of this university. I want to give you all a mission. I just heard from my secret agent that the Empress is hiding here in our University, I want to all of you look for her and bring her to me on Music Festival which is on November 26 20**, sorry for playing such a horrible song. I hope it  won't trigger those persons. babye! " After that the speaker went off.

I guess they plan it well, they're making us fools. I wouldn't believe them, they made my life miserable.

"The lunch of the students are now here, they are free from the owner of this university. " The speaker said again and it turn off, they are going to play us like a robot now.


Someone POV

After I heard the announcement, I immediately call the current emperor.
"Why?" He said in a bored tone of his voice, I'm sure he's playing with a girl again, because that's what he wants. To play with the girls heart.

"The Empress is here at the M University, her grandpa already confirm it." I said with a honorary tone, its disgusting to act like this so I'm finding many ways of how to get rid of him.
I heard he stop from laughing with the girls.

"Do you mean Mr. Mikoto confirmed it?" He said and I just say yes, this makes me crazy because of him.

He wants me to find out who is Empress and why is she hiding her face, I'm a teacher not an agent.
This brat!

Before he say something I hung up the phone, if I could only access the computer of our dean---- Wait I can hack his computer instead of having his permission.

I get up on my sit and bring my laptop to me, I'll go to rooftop because it's nearly afternoon, most of the students are in the field to play a soccer or any kind of game they want.

I'm keeping an eye on Ichi, and his team, he maybe looks innocent but he's a lion too.

I remember when my master wants him to be on his grave, I ordered 30 of my men to take him to grave, but it looks like they are now on grave. I think no one can take him down except for Empress, and that's what I am going to do, I'm going to make an alliance with Empress to make him down.

And I have an special picture to present to Empress if we meet.


Many minutes had passed and I'm now at the rooftop with my laptop, I'm in the part of this roof where no one goes by, this is why I like here.

I immediately type my password, if Empress can do everything I'm sure she would change her profile, She has a very high standard profile, and no one dare to upload any pictures of her.



That guy! He's a little peanut on the floor, psh! If I carried my gun with me. Surely, I'm going to engrave my bullet on his forehead.

I'm walking to my room, it's hard to find it because there are so many buildings and so many people that are playing around, also the Tertiary and Secondary are both color blue building with blue skirt and grey socks that are below the knee, its not my type because I know I'm the one who designed it back then when I'm still dreaming of being dressed like this. But you know? I hate it because they used my idea.

"Are you looking for something Ms?" Someone from behind me say, I turn around and I saw an angel, he looks like an angel send by God to me, why is he so handsome?!

"U-Uhm, I'm l-looking for room 101." I said while controlling my voice not to break, I wish he's my classmate so that I have motivation on studies.

"You're in the right room, BTW. We're classmate, good luck on your first day." He said and come in first, I know that the teachers are mostly inside the rooms so I get inside also.

"You're here, Ms. Kim." The mid-man said as he walks towards me, he looks like and pervert, and I hate the kind of look he's giving to me. Is he going to examine my whole body or something with his eyes?

"Y-Yes." I said while stammering, I'm not used to this kind of treatment because I'm from Japan remember? And many students are talking to me with honorary tone, even the profs and principals even though I said its not needed because I'm still their student.

"You're beautiful but I'm more beautiful than you." He said and flip his imaginary hair? They are weird, mostly the students and profs here are weird, is that the reason why Poseidon keeps on provoking me to study here? I know I'm weird but I'm not on the same level like them.

I just look at him as he walk and stop in the middle of the room.
"Hey Students! Welcome your new classmate." He said and everyone look at me, I saw some of them is not interested and some are having an amazing eyes on me. While my prof is signing that I should introduce my self.

"Hello everyone! I'm Zapphira Kim, 17 years of age and currently working on the nearest cafe there outside the university." I said and the part where I said that I'm working, they are all look at me with disgusted face. It looks like my days here are not that fun. Am I going to like this or I'm going to diss my father for forcing me to do this?

The class start is smoothly going but when the speaker keeps on talking our professor open the door widely to be heard what is the speaker saying, in the middle of the class they are announcing? How rude they are, they didn't know that the class has finally begun.

I avoid to hear the announcement, I'm trying my best to avoid it but I froze when the announcer said that the empress is here to hide so they have a mission to look for me and take me with them on music festival. How coward is my grandpa? He make such a great plan, I hope it goes well with them.

Now I should plan something also, something very nice for them to keep them away from me, and to not accuse me. Well, in my case? Are they blind? The empress is absolutely not me, on their mind. But someone with logic and scientific experience, I think they will be suspecting me.

I want to live a peaceful life but I guess my grandfather did not want it for me. But I guess I can make a return to that.

After the announcement, someone approach me. She looks like a nerd, has a thick glasses with thick lens. I'm sure she has a high grade.
"Uhm... I'm shy to do this because I saw your facial expression, but Hello! I'm Japanese and my name is Katagigura Tinaka. " She said with a big smile.

I smile in return, I don't want someone to suspect me.
" I'm Zapphira Kim, nice to meet you." I said and offer my hands to do a shake hands.

She smile like a dog, and has a nice eyes with white skin, maybe she's a full Japanese. I think I shouldn't trust this girl because of being friendly.

"Want to go out and go to cafeteria?" I offered and apparently she accept it with a nod, so I sign a happy face to avoid her suspecting side.

"You know, when I'm in Japan. My family always ask me to marry someone but I don't want." She said and make a sad face, I guess she scape japan also to avoid the things like that, I mean, Who wants to marry someone who she doesn't want? If I am her I'll be like that.

We just continue walking when someone grab my hand and so I turn my head to that someone, and I just saw Jaisen kissing me.


Out of shock I kick his balls and twist him, I'm so shock to the point that everyone is also shock because of what I did.
"I-I'm Sorry!" I said while faking my stammering voice but to be honest he deserves it.

" Did you see that?! That's my girlfriend, if you do what I did, I'm sure she will do the same. Right babe?" He said and he put his hand around my shoulder. I get confuse, Am I his girlfriend? When? And how?
Even though I can't relate on this situation, I nod and smiled. I can't do anything about it.

"Y-Yeah! R-Right! B-Babe." I said while stammering, I'm really shock about this situation. And this playboy shock me also.

He held my hands and pull me close to him, this guy have a strong guts to do that.
"So, if you excuse us." He said in a calm voice, everyone seems so shock, and the girls who talk to me at the condo back then.

I hope my day becomes better after this, I'm sure many 'MEAN' girls will come at me and slap me, but if they do that. I'll break their bones to death.

"WOH! Ms, thank you for helping me." He said while smiling, he's handsome but after he did that thing, I think he's playboy.

"I'm not helping you, I'm just making an excuse because of the girl I met is so noisy and irritating. " I said with a cold and low tone voice.
He look so shock about my tone, and I know why. I left him and walk straight to the corridor.

Many girls are walking and talking to their so called 'Friends' , I don't know how they casually do things like they are sisters/brothers but they make fuss behind each other's back.


Jaisen POV

I felt shock about on what I heard, she has something else. And also her voice is familiar to me.
But the thing is my mission is accomplished, I push away that girl.

I don't really like her, I just want to play games with her, its just that my mom wants me to be her boyfriend. I know it sounds weird that I'm following my mom's order but yeah, that's one of our culture as Koreans.

"Bro! We're looking for you at your room but your classmates says that you're with a girl? Who is she? Is she your new girl?" Keran said with his smirk expression on his face, can he stop smiling? I mean his face seems weird if he's going to smile all day long right?

I wish I can erase his lips with eraser and give him a nice look with nice face. But I can't.

To be continued...