Chapter 3
(Entering Newcastle high)
When Bryan found a pretty decent place to park we came down and started heading towards the reception, the receptionist was giving us weird stares, (something saying, ''Are you meant to be here?'', ''What planet did you come from?'' stare).
Receptionist: How can I help you?
Bryan: mmh! My sister has been giving admission to attend this school, so….
The receptionist looked at us with wide eyes before covering her amusement with a fake smile.
Receptionist: umm, sorry please what's your parents' name?
Bryan: Mr and Mrs David Rodriguez.
Receptionist: Ohh!!! No wonder.
Bryan: Hmm!??
Receptionist: Nothing please, just sign here.
She handed us a form and I began filling in the required details, she instructed me on where to find my dorm room and gave me the key and room number, and also gave me my class schedule. After we finished with her, Bryan and I started heading towards the car to get my luggage's, as a gentle guy like Bryan is, he carried my luggage out of the car and started following me to my dorm room, apparently since I'm the only black kid in Newcastle high and I got in through my dad's influence and money, no other person wanted to dorm with me (so basically I'm alone YAY!!!) isn't it amazingly awesome. Bryan unlocked the door with the key the receptionist gave us and then he literally dumped my luggage on the front door (see, so gentlemanly of him).
Bryan: Here you go (hits his hand together).
Emily: Wow bry so much for being my brother.
Bryan: I'm not your help.
Emily: ugh!!! Fine.
Bryan: yeah! (Smirks).